If Team A‘s Morde ults Team B‘ adc and Team B‘s Sylas (who had it stolen already) ults Team A‘s adc, do they enter the same shadow realm or is there different levels?
All 4 will be in the same death realm
If Team A‘s Morde ults Team B‘ adc and Team B‘s Sylas (who had it stolen already) ults Team A‘s adc, do they enter the same shadow realm or is there different levels?
All 4 will be in the same death realm
I got 3 shards of skins I already own :/
Worst case you can reroll the 3 for a guaranteed unowned skin.
Snowdown - Nexus Blitz Lunar Revel - ARURF+
Usually League.
What happens if Mordekaiser ults someone that has Yuumi attached to this someone?
Yuumi detaches
What happens if Camille ult someone and then Morde ult that same person?
Morde takes them to the death realm but they're still bound by her ult. }:)
Watch there be a bug that permanently puts the enemy in the shadow realm forever
There was a time during development where we were using my prototype version instead of Real Tech™ and if you killed someone in the death realm, they'd crash to desktop.
I said that is how it should work, but no one else agreed with me.
I'm guessing you can see it in spectator mode as ghostly outlines or something of the sort. Maybe even something similar to the shimmer that you see when you hit an invisible champion.
Yeah, basically. We explored whether we could get it as a toggleable view to show either SR or the death realm in spectator. But the engineering timeline has been pretty tight, so we've just focused on making the gameplay work as intended.
One time I ended up in ranked solos playing mid vs my best friend
At my last job three of my co-workers queued up at the same time. Two were duo and one was the odd one out. She got placed against the duo and absolutely stomped and BMed the whole game. It was so good.
How do you successfully manage a wave against him. If you are a melee top you basically can’t walk up to the wave unless you are a select few champs and he just starts roaming if he is smart and getting leads elsewhere on the map once he is done f**king you in the ass.
It’s always easy to say just don’t fight him blah blah. But I’m really curious how I would approach making it so he gains no leads in lane or others lanes before we get to the phase where he is just useless.
Announce when he’s 6. Anytime he leaves lane aggressively ping missing. Sometimes I will even ping missing in addition to typing “watch out kench ulti”.
As far as laning goes, it’s pretty easy to bait kench into an all in when your jungler is around. Clear vision before jungler comes by. Let kench hit you and he will surely try to stack / stun / all in.
Also pre 6 you can potentially give up CS and either roam with your jungler into the enemy jungle or pressure mid. (Even a failed tank mid where you chunk the mid laner will help five them pressure and oftentimes the kench will shove, allowing you to potentially freeze at tower.)
Paging u/Riot_Mort
If this is an easily reproducable and really-easy-to-run-into bug in the tutorial, it should probably be tackled before any more new players get confused by it in their first experience with the game.
Other than that though, I still love the character-switching tech they made for this, very cool for when you want to show a friend, who's new to the game, the different kinds of champions! Wish it'd be used more often, but I don't see any 'singleplayer content' coming out anytime soon so that's somewhat unfortunate for it.
Noted. Don't know how quick we can get to it, but thanks for the heads up.
One of the best ways to improve and learn is to narrow your focus:
Several have suggested muting all other players. While this may not seem like a way for you to improve your play, it’s clear that the comments of others are affecting you and your confidence. Mute others until you feel like you’re more consistently doing well. Even at Platinum, most coordination is done via pings, so you likely won’t be missing out on that much.
Pick only 2-3 champs that are have low mechanical complexity. Some champions require many games played in order to reach their potential. (Vayne, Lee Sin, Yasuo) Try and pick and stick to some champs that are simple. (Warwick, Maokai, Garen). Less skill shots means you can narrow your focus to last hitting or jungle paths, rather than trying to learn how to actually land your abilities.
Pick one thing you want to improve on over your next 10 games. Maybe it’s higher average CS @ 10. Maybe it’s better ...
He's really unfun to play against and has one of the best lane phases (especially vs melee). But the downside is he has some of the worst scaling in the entire game as a top laner with dog shit team fighting.
Just straight up don't give him the opportunity to fight you in lane and take it slow
As someone who has played quite a bit of Kench top this is absolutely the right methodology to play around him successfully.
Super creative, lots of bonus points for naturally matching themes of the champions to new outputs for Hearthstone. I'd play this set!
Whew. Long time ago.
And the very first login screen music track I worked on for League.
It was limited but it'll be available for Blue Essence when the BE shop comes back around, along with all the other green skins/emotes
Idk how much though, i'm guessing around anywhere from 3K-15K BE
10k BE for League Partner Program chromas in the BE Emporium :) https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/community/community-spotlight/upcoming-changes-league-partner-chromas
Let's create a gofundme page for this guy.
Haha, please don't
You're awesome! I was following your quest to finish all of this on twitter. I'm glad you got through it all :)
Those are awesome. I love #1.