League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Feb


Originally posted by Jozoz

Thanks for the correction.

And it was definitely removed with 2016 Dynamic Queue. I remember that announcement very clearly.

It was probably just added back when solo queue was reinstated.

possible yes! that was before my time


Originally posted by ArachnidGood1990

A duo in a match has more of an advantage over the solo players in their match than they should right now, so we're making a change which should result in them being put in games with higher skilled players on both sides.

This f**ks over the soloq players though. Because if your team has 1 duo pair, and the enemy team has no duo pairs, you're basically guaranteed to lose the game since the enemy team will out-gap you.

Why are we punishing soloq players? This just makes it feel like an even bigger Losers Queue whatever soloq player gets matched on the team with the duo.

Right now in the scenario you're describing the duo has a small advantage, we're bringing it closer to 50/50 for both sides.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Crazy that duo queue had no MMR penalty.

That was removed in dynamic queue and only readded in this patch.

They've always had a penalty, we just determined it was a little lower than it should be.


Originally posted by Gold-Appearance-4463

So support Annie is essentially unchanged. You can’t leave the best shield on such a short CD while she also has point and click or AOE hard cc.

The strengths you note about Annie support are meant to be her strengths. We are aiming to keep her shield potency similar to other enchanter's main shields (Lulu, Janna, Karma, etc), and reduce the "free" power she gets from the reflect when maxed.

As others had noted, the nerfs here plus the mana regen loss from support item should result in a decent nerf that brings her from clearly OP (54%+) to normal enchanter strength (51%-52%) if I'm not trolling yet again


Originally posted by DontFeedTheSmurf

The LP change is my favorite part of the patch notes. It just takes forever to rank up right now on the current system. Not to mention every season you drop an entire elo from gold to silver or whatever so you have to grind back up. And since they have mid season ranked resets now I think they are changing LP to get ahead of the problem



Originally posted by Zelenayasmert

Feel the speed!

It's Fast. It's Fun.


I am terrified of that Tibbers.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is now beyond the first. So one level difference gives you 0 comeback XP when previously it would give you 16%


Originally posted by guiguipvn

can someone please elaborate what this jungle changes will acomplish?

The jungle changes are meant to reduce the effectiveness of avoiding farm and instead chasing kills as a means of keeping up in experience.

On live (13.3), a jungler who participates in kills while behind in XP by only one level will gain enough experience to out-level the enemy jungler who opts to farm instead. This made ganking (especially early) more effective a strategy than farming, even on the most farm-heavy junglers. The goal here is to reduce the total XP junglers get when they opt to influence lanes disproportionately more than their opposition.


Originally posted by MassiveInt

TIL Sylas = Tai Lung from Kung fu Panda

Tai Lung is pretty cool

21 Feb


“Hope will not make them pay for what we’ve lost. I will.”


Originally posted by qopprodigy

Hey! Any chance we get an update on this/some official news this week? Thanks in advance!

Yup, the Clash dates coming in March will be included in the patch notes tomorrow with the full split 1 clash schedule coming out in March


Originally posted by Nicuriq

Out of curiosity, you guys said you're looking to release it in the summer. Is that referring to the final polished release, or will the experimental version be the one released in the summer?

Summer will be the experimental one


Originally posted by TheFeelingWhen

Honestly the problem with mages is that they are the only group of champions that didn't really get anything new with the item rework. People talk about reaching 1k AP but honestly in season 10 I'm pretty sure that was as hard to do as it is now. IIRC most people just skipped Deathcap because Void was always more damage and Liandrys was giga broken as a second item on basically any champ.

So mages kinda went from building Ludens into Liandrys/Void/Zhonyas, to building Ludens/Liandrys into Void/Zhonyas/Shadowflame. With archangels becoming popular on a lot of them during season 10, and I'm pretty sure any champ that could stack a tear item was building them in general.

I can get that people find mages unsatisfying but with how broad the class is I don't really feel like there is something that is safe to change. Changing anything could lead to half the champs either being unplayable or broken as f**k.

I believe I saw a twitter comment that said, paraphrased:

"Mage items have problems, they are just generic stat sticks. They don't do anything special

Mages should always be able to reach 1000 AP."

This basically summarizes the mage item problem. Mage items are literally not weak currently, and if they are it's by 10-20 AP maximum. We are still a far cry from the "1000 AP dream" that players quote, but in the case that 1000 AP was attainable, you would have to sacrifice luden/liandries effects, void staff pen, seraphs shield, and zhonya stasis to get there without just power creeping the system. While I think some players would gladly make that trade, 1000 AP doesn't come alongside a bunch of interesting effects.

Finding the balance here is correct. How do you balance a class to have fun and interesting items 1-3 and can also balloon into 1000 AP insta-kill casters at 6 items? As evidence of mages sitting at high win-rates and pick-rates fairly perma...

Read more

20 Feb


Originally posted by Yami_No_Kokoro

Or they have a completely inaccurate read on either the actual issues involved or what is or isn't optimal or typical of the class involved. The fact he unironically said "and right now they're all funneled into mana burst mythic into zhonyas + rabadons" gives me zero faith any changes or adjustments will be handled well. Practically no "stereotypical" mages go Zhonya's second, and practically no one who is trying to win goes Deathcap third because it's horrible (most expensive item in the game with no notably spiky components and either breaks even or outright loses to Void or Shadowflame third, which are also blatantly cheaper).

This is where twitter brevity is bad.

That build SUCKS as you'll have no haste and be stuck on bad backs for most of the game.

The main point is that Mages need to build damage to be relevant. But will eventually need both Pen and some defensive (usually zhonya's) to be relevant lategame. This funnels your build extremely quickly into the same items every game. That's not bad if the items are exciting and different from champ to champ. Currently, that's not the case as most mages items say "AP statstick and generic damage up" without much deviation.


Originally posted by non-edgy_crustacean

Ender is really trying to get trucks sent to his house with this

i like to live on the edge