true, only thing is you cant see the seating map so no clue what kind of seat we got
true, only thing is you cant see the seating map so no clue what kind of seat we got
Hey there! Seatmap is auto enabled / disabled depending on traffic to ensure system stability.
Here you can find a general seatmap without floor (stage is in the middle):
Floor guidance:
Left side (where D Sections are): ArenaTribune, Diamond A & B
Top Side (where A Sections are): Arenatribune A
Bottom Side (where C Sections are): Arenatribune B
Right side: Diamond C-F
Hope that helps!
Did you fix the bug where Sylas can cancel is own W with his E?
Yea, that's the W bug they were talking about.
What about the Bug where Sylas Q2 does reduced damage to monsters?
Also fixed.
...probably a safe bet that anyone who can see the future of currency values doesn't need to launch a MOBA to make their fortune.
and why is RP in Russia cheaper then in EU?
This is not a PR-approved answer (actually none of them are but the other ones probably could be), but the reality is that Russia is so dominated by DOTA and World of Tanks that the small Riot team there operates more independently as it tries to break through and achieve success in that market.
Hypothetically, if the Euro/Pound was to drop even further, you wouldn’t consider dropping the 10£/€ below 1350rp would you?
I feel like this is what’s worrying most people as majority of skins are 1350rp now and it almost becomes a 15£/€ minimum spend if you have no RP.
I feel like the ‘adjustment’ would make us have to spend way over the amount intended as we’d have to purchase another £5 worth which doesn’t come close to what’s been adjusted in taxes
We do everything possible to avoid breaking those thresholds, although we have had to do so at times when currencies move too far below them. So a safe assumption would be that as long as the value of the euro stays above one dollar, we won't even consider it even though we'll be absorbing more and more of the VAT cost, but once it crosses a dollar we'll have to start looking for solutions.
it was already adjusted at least once if not twice since 2014 nothing has majorly changed since brexit vote which is when it was last changed. If anything the pound has improved as it was at 1.20 ish briefly
Yes it was adjusted in 2015 (more RP), 2017 (less RP) and 2019 (less RP) to reflect the movement of the pound. As with the euro, we did not make the full adjustment in 2017 because it would have been so large an impact to players, so we decided to absorb some of it ourselves and hope the currencies would recover.
And the UK was changed why?
The UK pound was stronger than the dollar and euro earlier in the decade and so we raised the value of RP that players receive for purchasing in pounds in 2015. But then the Brexit vote happened and the pound dropped substantially, and similarly to the explanation above, we lowered the RP value in two stages to where it is now balanced with the value of the pound relative to the dollar and euro (and also incorporating VAT).