League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Nov


Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

will this effect shaco "support" taking smite and just playing as a second jungler?

Likely we will do something like: If you don’t have jungle item, you get no cookies.

If that nerfs that strat then yes, I’m unfamiliar with the shaco double jungle.


Originally posted by Minimum-Bass-170

I don't mean funnel testing. I mean it looks pretty buggy to me, that you get cookie jungle gold stacks without jungle item?

Yeah to be fair with the cookies, they went through a LOT of code changes (to fix bugs) which introduced functionality pretty late in testing that we weren’t aware of. Intuitively I (like you) would expect 0 cookies without smite so I never tested it personally or asked someone about it, but at any time that could have been inadvertently added and nobody checked. That’s how these bugs (and therefore exploitative gameplay patterns) hit live.

But, just like how we talk about it now, it’s very easily fixable.


Originally posted by Minimum-Bass-170

So we are unpaid beta testers?

That is one way of interpreting. The other way is that we run a live service game that balances around player trends and metas, and spending time trying to anticipate the player behavior of millions of unique users will never result in the same quality of game for players as reacting to the feedback they are giving. If we did only internal testing and ignored what players ACTUALLY did on live, the narrative would be “Riot doesn’t listen to their players” or “Doesn’t Riot play their own game and see that X is OP?”.

It’s a balancing act. We do plenty of internal testing but testing funnel (played by .001% of players) vs testing a common pick (played in 5% of games) is an easy decision.


This is known and we have mitigating tactics in mind.

To refer to your point about testing, no we didn’t test funnel extensively. We spend a majority of the preseason dev time on tuning the game for the 99.9%, and when a niche abuse case pops up (like funnel) we ensure we have the levers to fix it when it does. Rather than spend time inefficiently anticipating, testing, and mitigating these strategies pre-ship, we instead observe preseason and make adjustments at 5% the cost.

25 Nov


Originally posted by withinallreason

Yeah, Lost isn't ever going to be playing for the main roster but he's certainly better than most academy ADC's and if their goal is to have a competent scrim roster to play against internally, the academy roster makes full sense. I'm also more hopeful for Fakegod in this environment, though I doubt he'll excel too much further considering how long he has been around.

Maybe I'm just at maximum copium at this point but I'm a big fan of Lost and him being in the C9 hyperbolic time chamber gives me hope for his future.

I think his ceiling is really high, but sadly he's never really proved it at the LCS level and maybe never will.

I'll always cheer for Lawrence though. He's the OG Aussie import for the LCS.

24 Nov


Originally posted by Picklepee-pumparum

Wow! Can't believe Phreak would say that!

Trinity force deals no damage and should be removed 😢

23 Nov


Originally posted by monierslaughter

I'm playing on the steam deck while using bottles as a program to run an executable code I wrote and it's worked perfectly until this preseason patch of s13.

Just wondering if you are wanting some of my .rpd files? Also the drop happens at 30 minutes in almost exactly every game. So a lot of files to share

While we don't officially support playing League on Steam Deck, I am interested in seeing an RPD or two from you :)

22 Nov


Originally posted by InspiringMilk

He probably meant memorabilia?

"Swag" is what we call it, "merch" was the wrong word


Originally posted by spawndog

So true. We talk about many things like this. eg. "Jungling agreements" is where some individual will temporarily work on a different team to help them with a problem

The amount of times I’ve said sh*t like “don’t worry, I’ll tank the speaking portion of the meeting”…I think my brain is broke.


Originally posted by Guesswhat7

Being a Rioter, I would be careful calling out your peers for their 200 years experience and still hardstuck on junior knowledge.

I began one of my internal reports with “our team has over 200 years collective marketing experience”…I received mixed reactions to that report.


Originally posted by Riot_Jetsetradi0

Yeah man, happens to me too.

So true. We talk about many things like this. eg. "Jungling agreements" is where some individual will temporarily work on a different team to help them with a problem


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Except Auberaun said they are looking into increasing or completely removing it in PT.

Above points are valid, it's not great if folks are sitting in practice tool forever because it does take resources, but AFK detection doesn't need to be tuned the same as SR that's trying to prevent competitive integrity from being violated because there's none of that for practice tool.

21 Nov


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Okay but serious question, is naming your allies after jungle camps actually happening or not?

The tweet seems borderline like a shitpost but the idea makes me laugh so much that I actually want it

Yes it is actually happening :D


This is a backpack that was given out to all new Rioters until a couple of years ago as part of their onboarding. I still have mine from 2016 :)

EDIT: I realize this is like trying to control the weather, but these - like most company merchandise - aren't really meant to be sold. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to sell it on.