League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Nov


Originally posted by HiVLTAGE

I had a question regarding champ diversity.

Champions that have been purposefully dissuaded from jungling such as Camille, Sylas and Twitch could see a return with the clear changes. Is the balance team still planning on barring certain champions from jungling by other balance levers if they’re a problem or is the goal to give as many champions jungling ability?

We're leaning towards being inclusive by default and then assessing champs case by case.

Things that might cause us to reduce a champ's strength in JG specifically might be because it's:

  • Unhealthy (excessive frustation, exceedingly low counterplay, etc.)
  • Damaging their main role (eg. if the off-role JG is too high WR which causes us to nerf the main role)
  • Too strong in Pro. Multi role flexes are really valuable for regular players, because players love to play their champions in multiple roles, but we know this makes champs inherently stronger in draft for Pro

Originally posted by GoldRobot

Finally, thanks, please more QoL changes

What would you like to see? Things related to champ select are primarily where my team operates in the client.


Originally posted by TheTruexy

To clarify the R, it is still infinite (you can only refresh the buff up to 5s but you can do it repeatedly just like Live)

The change is that the infinite MS stacks only last 1.5s. So essentially whenever you are out of combat, it'll drop back to the baseline 10% MS.



Originally posted by Kordben

Do you have some failsafe plan "IF" this won't go well because Zeri has a
past and looking at your message i realised R is kinda teh same just with a little more weakness to it - which will make her still problematic but its porbably just me on copium because I'm not sure this will help.

We do have more things we can push if needed. But essentials boils down to "what fantasies can we keep on Zeri while solving some key problems".

Shortening her range and limiting the window of her R let's us keep that "infinite MS fantasy" for now by introducing new forms of counterplay. I'd say if this "fails", then we once again need to evaluate if "infinite MS" is a supportable mechanic on a ranged carry for the standard player


Originally posted by Flame_Zealot

What an oxymoron you can’t increase skill floor and make something easier to get into

I’ve seen skill floor used both ways

I’ve seen it be “here’s what you can accomplish when you know nothing” and I’ve seen it be “here’s how much you need to know to be useful.” For what it’s worth I like the former more than the latter.


Originally posted by oVnPage

My time has come.

Changes look great! I love the idea of dropping ult Movespeed quickly if you drop combat while still letting ult go forever.

I'm concerned about the range though. Doesn't this technically put her below 550, since skillshot range is calculated center to center while AA range is calculated edge to edge?

Yup it places her at around the 550 effective range area. Between Kai'Sa and Jhin


Originally posted by nocstra

If I understand correctly, that means that she essentially gets bursts of MS rather than just constant increasing MS?

Essentially pans out to "ramping MS while hitting people that falls off"


Another round of Zeri changes to bring her back into viability with a (hopefully) healthier pattern.

Main changes that should contribute to improving her healthiness:

  • Improved early base stats to improve interact-ability in lane
  • Worse scaling dps to decrease “1v9” scenarios
  • Lower range to improve counterplay for opponents
  • Move from hybrid damage to mostly physical to reduce strength at 2-3 items.
  • DPS steroid on E to incentivize and enable early trade patterns.
  • Overall flatter power curve, similar to Kai’sa

To clarify the R, it is still infinite (you can only refresh the buff up to 5s but you can do it repeatedly just like Live)

The change is that the infinite MS stacks only last 1.5s. So essentially whenever you are out of combat, it'll drop back to the baseline 10% MS.


Originally posted by Jaibamon

Hopefully we can get new updates to the client this season. I have been waiting for years so the client will remember the Champion sort order. With more than 150 Champs. Having to scroll down to find the one I want to pick or ban; or having to select the sort order to "Favorites" every single time, is just so inefficient.

Hi there this is coming in 12.23!


Originally posted by DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO

I think these changes have good potential. I don’t have a problem with making jungle easier, getting more people into the role will probably be good for the game.

Our goal is to make jungle easier to get into and increase the skill floor, but not change the overall skill required to master the role (not that anyone has really mastered the role anyway).

We wanted to move mastery out of unintuitive mechanics that were only satisfying for a small subset of players to mastery that is more clear and satisfying (eg. choosing and optimizing your companion, more champs can jungle, etc.) and we're still keeping some of these optimizations (like camp dragging).

Features like rec jgl paths, displaying leash ranges, etc. aren't intended to allow a Gold player to become Canyon.


Originally posted by WeePetal

didn't really create cool vision plays you could make.

Wait do the walls created block vision?

Yes they do


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

Question! Do the ARAM terrains appear in Morde's R? I would hate to R someone and then have them just walk through the terrain that was just there a second ago

I will ask our resident QA member to check into it tomorrow.


Originally posted by Lillerbun

If you ask me obfuscating key information from players is never fair or good game design. I recently got tricked into picking alistar as the sole frontline damage sponge/initiator for my team only to find out in game he takes 10% increased damage. How was I supposed to know that this sub 50% winrate tank support is not supposed to be played as tank?

He's still supposed to build tank for sure; that's the point. He takes 10% increased damage because his kit is built to be a powerful initiator in 5v5 fights and that is far more accessible in an ARAM situation. I took a peek at his win rate in ARAM, and its been oscillating a half a percent under 50% for several patches now on the tank build. You are supposed to play him as a tank. If you read that he takes an additional 10% damage, and that tells you to NOT play him as a tank, then you're going to have a far worse time in that game then if you just built tank items on him.


Originally posted by dpldogs

Any chance we can get Mastery 6 & 7 tokens added to ARAM? Feels like a missed low hanging fruit and would add to the push for progression-related activities

Mastery tokens are a system handled by a different team, so I can't speak with too much authority. However, best as I can tell, there are two reasons we wouldn't want them in ARAM:

  1. The mastery system encourages you to play a single champion over and over. A lot of the fun of ARAM comes from getting random champions and just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what works. Trying to get mastery by just playing a given champ every time its up is antithetical to the intent of the mode
  2. Mastery tokens are intended to be for players who want to master the skills of a specific champion and show it off. That is their primary audience and therefore its the one we want to make sure is best served by it. As with all merit-based awards, we have to be careful how freely we give them out otherwise it can end up cheapening the experience. I don't exactly think that getting a mastery token in ARAM is hugely problematic, but I want to respect the players who grinded to get m...
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Originally posted by Anyammis

Would you be willing to consider adjusting/buffing Umbral Glaive in aram and/or consider making an AP and tank Umbral for them to use also (that could possibly be converted into something for those supports in summoner's rift eventually maybe since it's also asked for a lot there...)

Right now, I have won many games against Shaco, Teemo, Jhin, etc in aram by building Umbral Glaive and oneshotting their traps. It's very powerful to the point I've even taken the hit to my build and built it on enchanters, mages, tanks, etc.

The problems with this, however, are that for some champions, losing an item to a glorified trap cleaner item that gives you no stats feels bad. The second problem is, this item is never recommended in any build ever on aram because it's reveal passive only works if you actually trigger a trap, and most people do not realize it's a good counter to trap champions. Even if you try to communicate by typing or pinging umbral glaive and teemo back to ba...

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Adding it to rec items seems interesting. I hadn't thought of the glaive angle. I will say that people rarely build utility items in ARAM regardless of how good they are, so I'm dubious that it would make enough movement for people to feel better about traps (ie, umbral exists now but people still don't use it versus teemo/shaco). Item counterplay like this leads to fairly one dimensional outcomes; either you buy it and the trap champs can't do much or you don't and you get overwhelmed by traps (sweeper and grevious wounds are other examples of this). It works but the skill test is very low for very weak outcomes in our opinion.

Either way I'll talk to the team about it. Based on the feedback from this thread it seems like trap champ counterplay is up there in terms of current issues with ARAM. Happy to investigate at the very least.


Originally posted by herptydurr

I think the issue is that there already was an extremely strong choking effect for teams pushing past the first tower/sieging the second, so making that narrow passage an even stronger choke feels redundant. IMO, if the towers are gonna fall over to create terrain, the big holes in the bridge on the right side immediately next to the first tower should get filled in – maybe that's happening? it's hard to tell from the video.

We filled those in. Sorry it wasn't in the article. We did that super early on in the exploration when almost a whole different team was working on this.