Another thought on her value for being in the roster is that we mostly have trained our monster lover players to play jungle (you have next to no options beside the jungle). If you love monsters, you either learn to jungle or do not play.
We knew her pickrate won't be exceptionally high. I'm hesitant to make her a jungler (though that would def increase her pickrate) to really give players an option mid.
We also were never targeting higher MMR players. Thus, we are okay with her not having much play time from those players.
I do think there is an open topic of if we should buff her/ make that assassin experience sharper in the normal to lower MMR.
I don't think it is necessarily bad that her overall pickrate isn't high. I want the players that want to learn mid assassins and/or want to play monster champ mid to player her.
They should eventually graduate to other mid assassins or other monster champs.
I also do think there is a future that we would wan...