League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Sep


Originally posted by Cashmiir

My best work yet.


Originally posted by C9HaiImGosu

I hope Nudyr is an ultimate skin where you can slowly uncover his junk

Full frontal nudity, ganking. Full frontal nudity, ganking. And this goes on for 90 or so minutes until the game just sort of ends


Originally posted by firewall245

Put this in the game you cowards


Originally posted by TypicalDelay


Why is the pixellation so long in the front view???



How am I supposed to balance Udyr when he has such an OP skin????


Originally posted by uFFxDa

What’s your landline number? So I know not to call it

have mercy pls


Nice work dude!

14 Sep


Originally posted by Stefan474

They should get their Valorant guy's clone, they are KILLING it

VAL's had a CD for a while and that's worked really well for them - one of the reasons we've decided to add one to LoL as well!


Originally posted by Kayle_Bot

Yeah ofc not but that doesn't mean someone in the industry might not just be lurking r/lol


People in the industry on other games or entertainment stuff also play a lot of games themselves and spend time in subreddits. I lurk in a bunch of other game subreddits for example depending on what else I'm playing (PoE right now for example)


Originally posted by sp33dzer0

I mean, I know "reddit balance" is a meme, but I would love to talk to you about a balance position since its what I got my degree to do ;)

Send me a Reddit DM!


Originally posted by SlowbroJJ

As someone whose super interested in this field and would absolutely love to apply to something like this but doesn’t have the experience…Will you guys be opening entry level jobs or maybe jobs that require a bit less experience in the future? Literally a dream job so figured I have to ask you know?

If you're looking to get into the field we do post roles at more junior levels too, though they tend to get a lot of applicants so don't stay up long/don't get visibility raised like this one. In our jobs page you'll want to keep an eye on things in the creative, narrative, writing/editing and occasionally design sections. Page gets updated constantly with roles getting added and removed


Originally posted by claptrap23

Yeah actually that's what surprised me the most. There has to be VERY few people that actually meet those requierements

Yeah, the Deep Knowledge of the LoL IP's in the desired rather than required section as a result. We're confident we can help someone with the right interest, past experience and demonstrated skills get into the IP.

If they're already there though that's a strong bonus and a much faster ramp up though so a definite nice to have


Can you send me your and your friend's summoner names? I'm pretty sure you should be able to duo together.


Originally posted by CizzlingT

I personally find it strange that both Cassio and Malz are super close to Magic despite both of them usually itemising Liandry’s and Demonic Embrace (true damage burn passives not taken into account?). Idk how they can both be considered to have as much true damage* as a Syndra or Veigar. (edit) (oops percentile damage is applied as magic damage mb)

I’d also like to see this chart for Plat/Diamond+ at all ranks. It might highlight differences in damage output due to better/more popular build paths (and also be generally more reliable for champion analysis).

Neither liandries nor demonic embrace are true damage.