League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Sep

05 Sep


Originally posted by PowrOfFriendship_

I've reported this bug literally every patch all season, and got nothing so far, but I wish you luck on here too <3

Haven't heard of this issue. Will take a look into it.


Originally posted by KimchiBro

well you see renekton is a crocodile which has a body covered in scales, Jinx merely has human flesh, or skin, that is not covered in scales

thus renekton outSCALES jinx

This made me laugh out loud, I'm a sucker for dad jokes what can I say

04 Sep


Originally posted by bigjaks101

wow Spellbinder. That’s a name I haven’t heard in ages

Absolutely loved Spellbinder as a Kennen main. My first three items would all be actives lol


Originally posted by GdLancelot

Thank god I wasted a lot of money on a game that used the money to make an animated masterpiece. I feel like a philanthropist helping to produce art.

You are correct. People spending money on our game content are the ones enabling us to chase ambitious ideas like Arcane in the first place.

It really makes the difference.


Originally posted by mattyice1729

Getting caught out isnt a different play style.. it's just bad positioning. Good adcs know when they can play forward and dont get caught out first every team fight. It's not a play style difference, it's a skill difference.

While I agree with the oversimplification that getting caught is not a playstyle, neither is doing nothing.

Indeed a good ADC knows when to play forward and when to not get caught. But it's also a LOT easier for the peanut gallery (myself included) to notice someone playing too far up versus someone doing nothing to win the game.

We've all seen those zero kills and 20 minute games, mostly in pro. Is that really everyone playing perfectly or have 12 kills been passed up because players were too scared of "getting caught out"?

03 Sep


Easy 3-0, eh? 😏


Originally posted by metamet

Was it stated that teams were allowed to continue to pause whenever they felt the issue was impacting the game? Or was it assumed that they'd actually play through it?

Teams were informed that if they continued to play from the arena there would likely still be pauses as we knew the issue was not resolved and could not be resolved until the arena was shut down and broadcast finished. Many teams/GMs feel performance is higher on stage in a formal setting and the players themselves felt more comfortable to keep playing from the arena so we supported that decision.


Originally posted by gandalf45435

I love this completely top down view

Wish we had like an alternate stream with just this

Glad to hear that! I've been trying to make different segments on analyst desk, and this was one of them

Originally posted by 4716202

This rap battle analysis segment is funny.

Thank you, massive props to our Video Operator who edited these cutouts and mixed it with the gameplay!


Originally posted by South_Bend13

Completely understandable, has the team identified if this will continue to be an issue for this weekend until a permanent fix is in place or will teams be given alternate options like the options given to teams today?

It's a hardware/infrastructure issue so we're ripping stuff up tonight trying to find the bad actor(s) and resolve as quickly as possible. We've worked with the teams tomorrow to keep them updated on the situation to see if we need to play remotely or not. 😔


Originally posted by South_Bend13

u/JackFelling Can you help us understand why League Officials gave the teams the option to continue playing on stage rather than putting their foot down about the issue? I understand not wanting to play a high stakes games from a practice room or at home, but the 2hr delay with additional pausing even after agreeing to play through was abysmal as a viewer (and I’m certain much worse to experience as a player).

As you mentioned we did give the teams the option of playing on stage through the issues, playing in practice rooms or playing from team facilities, but after Game 1 and 2 both teams unanimously wanted to continue and we checked in after the following matches. Both sides of the stage were affected by the issues. Given the nature of the situation, we wanted to support the players to play where they feel most comfortable for this high stakes match.


Originally posted by _ziyou_

The problem is that this very often happens when money becomes more important than wanting to continue delivering a great product. Several game companies have this issue where at some point they stop improving the game and experience and just release new content for people to buy (= milking it). This is usually the point where the game goes downhill and LoL has been going in that direction for some time now.

There are so many things LoL on PC needs, but those improvements will not instantly manifest themselves as more players playing or buying stuff; instead it will show over time. Instead, it seems like Riot just wants to retain players with half-assed "events" and milk the existing player base to spend the money on things other than this game (how many projects does Riot have running right now? Like half a dozen? :D)

Just a simple example: when Arcane came out many many people found new interest in LoL because the show was so well done. Instead of having a bunch ...

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I think you're assuming here that value == player money spent. That is not how we think about it. Value == player value (i.e. things that players will actually enjoy having and will keep them playing the game). Obviously we do need our games to bring in money so we can get paid and pay the bills, but that is very rarely a factor in these kinds of features conversations. Example, on Wild Rift we might be trying to decide between creating an elemental rift specific scoreboard or an improvement to the ping system. None of that is going to directly make money for us. However we'll probably choose the elemental rift scoreboard because it will make the elemental rift dragons easier to understand and we think that elemental rift will be fun for our players (based on experience with League PC) and result in more engagement so we think the work is high value. Ultimately that's going to be good for our bottom line, but it's impossible to assign any kind of monetary benefit to an individual f...

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02 Sep


Originally posted by Professional-Ad3101



Also Quick Chat beats LoL on PC too

RELEVANT STORY: I had proposed this when I was working on the champion select redesign on PC, but my initial design was a bit too complex (you could trade positions and champions) so we shelved it. I moved to WR not long after and seeded the idea with our designers working on champion select on WR. They did a great job of simplifying it and making sensible limits so it was shippable. It's always been our hope that we could experiment with some new features in WR that were riskier on League and inspire some changes if players enjoyed those features on WR.

You might ask... why you be dumb and not just do this on League PC first? The answer is not actually spaghetti code. It's really more about the opportunity you have when rebuilding the game from scratch for a new audience. When we are looking at features we often use a value/cost lens. You want to do stuff that has a high value to cost ratio. Consider this pick order features:

On PC you have a champion trade feature...

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This is amazing, props to G2 and the EU team on this! <3

01 Sep


Originally posted by leonden

Except his ult cc score does not always give you the challenge for some reason.

We fixed this bug as part of Challenges development when we realized: "Oh no Nocturne trivializes this"


I f*cking love y'all