Oh my.
Oh my.
Would you say that she slaps?
What happens when you leave riot?
It’s on the long checklist of stuff we do when someone leaves Riot. We turn off their RP stipend and switch their name back. Sometimes we mess this up but it’s very rare so if you see someone with Riot in their name they’re almost definitely legit.
I got RiotPhillybrew in my ARAM game once, really cool guy who directed the team to feed the poros. Funny thing I didn't even realise he was a rioter until after the game
We blew that poro up I bet
Phillybrew is the only rioter I've run into more than once!
+1 more time
Been playing since Caitlyn's release, never played with a Rioter.
Then in 2019, became a Rioter. So uh that's how I fixed that problem I guess!
(Hi Marty!)
Yeah I also had never played with a Rioter and have been playing since Season 2. Then in my first few weeks as a Rioter I got one on my team.
And since then I've been matched against coworkers. I like to sh*t talk them in slack as the game happens.
Been playing since Caitlyn's release, never played with a Rioter.
Then in 2019, became a Rioter. So uh that's how I fixed that problem I guess!
Your offer open for others? :eyes:
There’s hypothetically 3 more open spots in the lobby, I don’t see why not!
Edit: how about Monday evening (PDT), I’ll have an open lobby for anyone interested? Will update here with my IGN then :)
Edit 2: Lobby open! Send a friend request to Riot Pjotter on NA and I'll add you to the lobby.
I don't think I've ever played with or against a Rioter and I play since season 3 lmao, or maybe I have but I just didnt realise it
If you’re in NA, let’s fix that 👉😎👉
How about something else that sounds.. a bit easier - additional damage dealt at max stacks?
Even that would be somewhat of an useful stat
As others have mentioned; there's no way for it to tell you how much additional damage it did at max stacks. For example, if you Syndra Q with liandries, it would need to snapshot the AP ratio of both your Q and liandries, as well as your other runes and items, then simulate the damage as if you didn't have the adaptive, and do that every single tick of damage. This is also not counting other outputs that Conqueror helps: Healing/shielding that scales off AD/AP. Riven/Swain for example get a lot of value from conqueror that isn't tied to how much damage you deal. It's just not really feasable.
What about uptime at max stacks? Or both: uptime at max stacks + healing done so that it's easier to tell how often you're fully stacking Conqueror and getting its power along with how much you're pushing your advantage at max stacks with the healing from it.
Uptime at max stacks might be a decent alternate stack to track.
Sudden Impact also only gives you stats (lethality and mpen) and it still shows damage.
Pen is far easier to calculate since it's just a % increase/decrease in damage that is the same for every spell/auto attack of the same damage type.
Riot already said this is near impossible to add because of just how many forms of damage scale off of its Adaptive force. It’s not just a simple “full conq damage - damage”, because then you’d also need to account for damage levels at each individual stack.
This. I would REALLY like for this to be damage rather than healing as well but because it's based off adaptive it's not really possible without the cost being high.
Every damage calculation would need to go through a filter of "of how much damage would this have done with X less adaptive" where X changes with how many stacks you have. And with that applying to every instance of damage (including DoTs like Darius Bleed and Liandries) it's not a wise use of PC/server resources.
Maybe if they remove chat they will finally create a ping for "ward here"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She has AOE abilities, healing that gets better the more people she heals, a lot of peel and not a lot of damage.
How didnt you expect they would play her as a support?
We didnt think she wouldn't get played as support at all, we were fine with some support play. Typically though players end up playing a champion in the lane/position they are strongest in. Through internal playtesting we were confident she would be stronger in mid then support so we thought players would still primarily play her as a mid laner. We were right about that and she was stronger in mid lane, but she was very unique in the fact that most players (by a large degree) were playing her in a position that was actually statistically weaker then another position.