League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Have you ever thought about "evolving" a character from let's say Legends of Runeterra (by evolving I mean moving their story forward or changing them) to fit as a champion?

yeah, we would likely have to do that to some extent anyway to make the release exciting. We took a similar approach with Senna/Yone, for example. We evolved their story and visual design with their releases as champions.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Stregmist

Oh like Seraphine being there right next to Sona.

Serpaphines silhouette is different enough from Sona. She was also originally intended as a mid laner. I wasn't implying we couldn't have 2 champion with plant like powers (Maokai and Ivern also using plant like powers) I was saying we didn't want to make another female support with plant like powers. We certainly can and do have more then one Champion who uses a sword, and we felt we could also have more then one Champion who uses music, and that singing was different enough to playing a stringed instrument. We didn't explicitly plan for her to become a support that's just where players want to play her. Even when her winrate is higher in mid most people play her support.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RoarkeST

Hey Reav, do you think there is a possibility of ever seeing a LoR character getting added to League? I know prior to Renata's release a lot of people thought she would actually be Corina Veraza, and I'm curious if we could see some badass characters like Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin (I mean the champion name and title is right there), or really just any cool characters or champions inspired by LoR designs.

Yeah, we talk about it a lot. It gets complicated because the characters have to be different enough and have unique enough silhouettes that they don't overlap with another character on the roster. For example, we talked about Corina when we were making Renata, but given we were making a support we felt that she had to much overlap with Zyra. Both were dark/evilish supports that use plants, or at least the best version of Corina in LoL probably does something with botany or plants. I think we will probably do that someday, but we haven't found the right opportunity yet


That’s what happens when you ignore the void


Originally posted by Caenen_

I've seen the script for the champion after this one and... I'm excited :)

The puns in that one must have snapped right into place!

Oh it's going to be a joy.


Originally posted by Zatch_Nakarie

My only thought for how this happened, is that your clone applies red buff as well, but as a different tick. That clone stops existing and there fore can no longer earn you gold and experience, almost as if a neutral mob killed a neutral mob. Huge bug honestly.

Close. Clones cannot apply Red Buff, but they do apply the jungle item. The rest of your theory is mostly correct from my understanding. Looking to fix this in 12.12 ideally. No promises however.


Originally posted by JackWills94

Haha, I did wonder whether I'd find you here! Preacher. Choir.



Originally posted by Picklesmonkey

You're our rock! Don't ever leave us.... ever

I don't plan on it!


Originally posted by joyleaf

We love you, Phreak!

I love me, too!


Originally posted by Beerspaz12

That said, I've seen the script for the champion after this one and... I'm excited :)

You're amazing and your genuine excitement for League is infectious.

I appreciate you, thanks :)


Originally posted by Mattlife97

The amount of true damage sources in this game is getting a little absurd right?

FWIW it's bonus true damage, not conversion, and it has to stack up before it's going be a massive number.


Originally posted by MaleQueef

Every time Phreak tries to meme with his voice, I’m reminded with his More Sparkles bit with Zoe’s Champ Spotlight and Sett’s Spotlight.

Glad this one actually delivers lol, still some cringe but not as bad as Zoe’s

More Sparkes is legend how dare you


Originally posted by Floh_the_6th

Surprisingly little puns, is phreak ok? Is he sick? If you're forced to cut down the puns, blink twice.

FWIW there are different writers from spotlight to spotlight and some take a more humorous approach than others. As I was busy with MSI, I didn't have a lot of time to add more jokes in myself. This isn't to place blame on anyone. I think Bel'Veth's spotlight is good.

That said, I've seen the script for the champion after this one and... I'm excited :)

09 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3, I have not seen this ever asked before but could you share who in your opinion has been the largest VGU in terms of development progress? And how far Udyr ranks among the list?

Im pretty sure Udyr is the largest because of his ultimate skin. Kayle was probably pretty close though due to her 4 forms


Originally posted by The-War-Life

You’re welcome! Congrats on the promotion. I honestly believe with how things are heading, the rest of this year, and the next couple of years could be some of the best for league’s growth ever. Excited to see you in the LoL scene.

It's not super official yet! Reav3 is handing more and more responsibility to me as time progresses! He is def still around to help which is awesome :D


I, for one, am completely shocked by this conclusion.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you still going to be the creative lead for big events like you were for sentinels of light and spirit blossom

Not anymore no. I worked a lot of the foundations of the next big event but I have ramped down on events as I have been ramping up on Gameplay. Don't really have the time to do events and all of gameplay. I'll still be involved since big events tend to have gameplay products in them as well, I just won't be leading them anymore.