League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 May


Originally posted by ItsMag1c

I'm really excited for the things we're working on. :)

Yoooooooooooo! Congrats dude!


Originally posted by DragonPeakEmperor

Didn't people constantly post that Vex's best matchups were into mobility heavy champions while her worst were versus immobile mages? I guess the narrative is never going to change since she doesn't have a "press button to stop dash" ability.

She actually does lol. Her shield fear is instant and interrupts dashes.

19 May


Originally posted by Otterly_Sarcastic

Ah! I'm curious, I'm really not familiar with Wukong's kit but I am very much with Senna's. How does he require her to work? It's a super cool synergy!
Could it also work with Senna sup roaming top? (That's hella far but hey, the things we do to try to compensate the lack of braincells in some adcs :( ) Or into Wukong jgl?

It was played by T1 vs AZE in MSI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59avvlYAiaw.

Senna takes a support item and Wukong all of the farm. Essentially, Wukong becomes the carry and Senna the support. It's not something you'd want to do if you couldn't rely on your duo partner, and it's like Camille/Galio where you'd pick a Galio if you had a Camille.


Originally posted by dualipa1111

I once got absolutely destroyed by yuumi wukong in masters elo. Wukong is not even bad into bot lanes that can't lock him down IMO

Yep it's being played in pro play atm afaik


Originally posted by RaiseYourDongersOP

This mean we're bringing back Avalon too?

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh I hope not


Gragas and Wukong can do both. Wukong requires a Senna support for it to really work, though.

Shen can do both, though in solo queue he's a weaker Nautilus for support.

18 May


Originally posted by Tenderbender911

Omg it’s THE galaxy smash big fan



Absolutely love them ❤


Originally posted by OwenGamezNL

i got called hardstuck when i won 10 games in a row and surpassed my peak lol

Yeah now you're just hardstuck at that new LP duh


Originally posted by Pentagon34

Thanks for the video. Really helped me!

On top of this video, which Curtis put quite well, there are 5 people on the enemy team and 4 on yours. It's more likely that there are trolls on the enemy team than yours, unless that troll is you. If you still think that its not your fault that you're losing, drop a few of the games here from your point of view (YouTube link) and I'll review them for you.


Originally posted by iDobleC

Not sure if this is the right place to ask about this but any thoughts on the Baron getting health while in a fight thing? I'm talking on the situation that happened on the Danny pentakill during LCS finals

I know it's not a bug but wanted to check if after all the disscusion that happened around the topic if it's something being considered or if it's planned to change

Totally understand if it's something that you cannot talk in a comment, just wanted to check anyway

I'm pretty sure we posted this somewhere but we made it so that doesnt happen in 12.9


Originally posted by cancerBronzeV

Damn, I love that this is possible, a Reddit post leading to a change in the game. Common balance team W.

Honestly it happens more often than you think, but I think we could do better communicating when it happens, hence my comment here!

17 May


Originally posted by Latcheeee

I actually really like the recall swirl effect a lot. Colours and fx and all that looks really nice and clean imo and is noticeable but understated enough to not be overwhelming. I think the actual challenger armour-like pieces are maybe a bit too over the top. A long with being a bit visually intrusive i feel like they might interfere with a lot of newer skins that have pretty large scale recalls with extra models and effect going on.

If the challenger amour was kept to more of just a ring around the recall rather than full size pieces, it could maybe be a bit less overwhelming and not create as much of an interference with other skins.

Idk tried my own like quick edit to make it less overwhelming. Just turned down the opacity on the armour and made it all a bit smaller (ignore the janky liquifying).


Unsure if any of this is helpful but just thought id give my 2 cents or whatever,...

Read more

Ty for the detailed feedback!


Originally posted by HolyCody

Imo it looks too distracting.. it’s solid and not see-through like the one before.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll do some adjustments!


Originally posted by gyoung24

Little too much. Not the best feedback but can’t place why it doesn’t sit right

That is better feedback than you may think! Thanks! :D