League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by thundercthor

I don't understand the reasoning, it's pretty clear cut vayne benefits from these changes more than any other characters

Preemptively nerfing sunfire, but not divine sunderer (Damage), vayne and fiora?

Why is it bad if these champions arrive in a slightly weak state vs being blanantly OP, Vayne, Fiora are already in a strong state, this patch is clearly going to make them stronger, you would rather have them have the chance to be over the top OP then be slightly weak? One issue is game ruining experience, the other is they will be picked less and be more situational?

W/e the case is I'm banning fiora, asking team to ban vayne if they don't plan on playing, and dodging if enemy locks vayne. I guess I'll probably only play decay games and get a 24 hour dodge timer with how high prevalence vayne will be.

Is it pretty clear cut that Vayne will be above the others? Is Vayne going to be stronger than Ornn? Or Lulu? Or Aurelion Sol?

If we nerf the top end, that also means there will be new OP champs, and it's a very easy rabbit hole to go down that can easily turn very speculative.


This is a great point! We talked about it and decided you are right this is a good thing to change. Keep an eye out for sometime in the coming patches hopefully!


Originally posted by monsieur_n

all it does is cancel out the hp/armor given to all champs

We are very slightly overshooting the turret buffs to try to help them generally feel more impactful, as well as to match the durability given to champions.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RiotAugust


Damnit August




Total effective HP is up somewhere between 15-30% for all targets, meaning that being bursted from full is much less likely (but still very possible). My findings is that the game still "feels" like league, and you may go entire games without noticing any differences, but there are very common occurances where targets survive skirmishes/all-ins with 5-15% HP remaining which can be attributed to the durability update.


Originally posted by Umiak01

There is 2 things I wonder :

1- do you intend to preventively nerf some dmg type, mostly True dmg and %HP ?

Like imo Kraken, Vayne, Fiora, Kai'sa Passive proc , PTA , Botrk and such should get a slight nerf before the update hit or they will have a high chance of being " problematic" in a way.

2- Is there any chance items dmg ( and Keystones ) get lowered as a whole someday ?

Additional thing : possible to rework how Mythic passive work ? instead of giving stats that are more or less useful make it like Moostone/Solari passive.

Ex for Liandry : Legendary items give +0.2% max HP Torment dmg or reduce the HP threshold for Agony or increase %dmg gain of Agony etc

True damage (and definitely % max HP true damage) is likely going to be more valuable after the changes.

We don't want to pre-emptively nerf a champion since we're honestly likely going to be inaccurate. What if we nerf a champion that's "fine" or don't go hard enough and have to nerf them multiple times. If champions are strong, we'll look at why they're strong (like we always try to do), and identify what we think is problematic. If Vayne and Fiora are the strongest champions, it probably makes sense to tune down their % true damage as it was likely directly what made them stronger.

And before we go "but you punished the heal/shielders!", this was (to us) a more clear outlier. Mathematically, every point of health is worth significantly more. Not adjusting the health restoration mechanics seemed clearly incorrect. A point a lot of people are missing is that the effective HP is staying about the same, AND enchanters/drain tanks are staying alive longer to get more ...

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Originally posted by FBG_Ikaros

Can you give me a reason to pick for example LeBlanc after that patch? She is already struggling, these changes will just kill her and many other champions.

Like if you arent picking Viktor, Corki, Taliyah, Veigar etc. next patch you are basically just griefing your team.

Sure, here's what LB provides. LeBlanc SHOULD provide a higher target access and higher kill thresholds than the DPS mages.

If she doesn't fill this niche and suffers, we'll quickly follow-up (we have changes scheduled even before the standard 2 week wait). This might mean even buffing burst on some champions.

The goal of the changes in a more defined sense (this is why we're open to buffing some burst damage back if champs suffer) - Champions that don't build burst are bursting champions too fast (i.e. Goredrinker assassins killing you in 0.1s or tanks killing you with 1 rotation) - Some burst systems lose their counterplay a bit too early (champs killing you from 100-0 before their first Mythic)


Originally posted by bz6

Surface level I am not going to lie, I thought this method lacked a lot of nuance and was pretty band-aid. My vision for damage reduction always revolved around a more systemic lens. Think a complete audit of champion kits, items, and runes. But when you expanded on the stat package angle, it became clear that base stats yielded control. And that control will be essential for follow-up work that will be needed whether in the form of champion specific changes or systematic changes; since base stats mesh well with the systems around the game.

Thanks for the benefit of the doubt. You nailed it. Base stats let us have the granularity we want WITHOUT precluding any follow-up work. We can adjust base stats per class, fine-tune the the existing numbers, and anything in between. Furthermore, we CAN still work on systemic damage if we think it's still out of line (not saying we're planning to as of yet). This is what we believe the most effective but least disruptive (to the balance of gold/items/runes) method for the project.


Our goal is that it's somewhere between a 10-20% decrease in damage depending on game-time/class/items.

There's a lot of nuance to why the durability package is HP early and scales more into defense later (anti-burst vs durability). Hopefully we can go over the process in more detail later.

It's going to be noticeably different for your first few games and you are likely to lose a few kills with your damage expectations being off. But it should still be the League of Legends that you know and love.


Originally posted by _ziyou_

It is so sad that after all these years music rights is still so archaic. Movies and TV shows have the same issue, especially with older ones that fans want HD releases of.

For sure. E.g., the “Scrubs” streaming versions are a travesty; without the original songs some of the best scenes just don’t hit the same.


Originally posted by aegroti

No idea if the original files are around somewhere and if it would be easy enough to remove the offending audio files. (Or worth the time investment).

I’m going to ask around a little. I’ve heard S1 was amazing but I’ve never seen it. I’d love to find a way to repost it even if it was with no music or music that didn’t fit as well out of our library. Maybe put up some title cards at the beginning explaining why there are weird awkward silences?

Edit: Looks like OP posted some links below. Excited to check these out. Still going to look into why we can’t have them on one of our channels…but also now I need to do it in a way that doesn’t narc on the links below in case there’s some other reason we needed to take them down.


Originally posted by plzlemme

Is there any risk of ban or punishment for this tool?

Any third party tool is in the "use at your own risk" space. I am pretty sure you wouldn't get banned for using Deceive, but also, it's a third party tool, can change at any time into something that goes from being purely a tool to appear offline to appear offline plus .

I've spoken to molenzwiebel a lot over the years. They're not the kind of person to do that, but it's a good thing to keep in mind.

16 May



We're looking for feedback for the new Challenger Recall VFX!

This new Challenger Recall will also play in ARAM, although toned down to make sure it doesn't read like an actual teleport.

Video: https://youtu.be/bN760T1PyDg

Let us know what you think of it!

External link →

Originally posted by pbEliana

Thats not how it works, especially in tech. Newcomers would need quite a bit of training in the way Riot codes and does things, that it would be good for long run but would mean in short run their educated/qualified employees would have to work more. This would actually mean lower productivity from those people for a while.

Things like coding languages, workarounds, coding patterns, documentations etc are not things that someone can just see once and start writing their own code within few seconds. This is particularly important when you consider that League is a 10+ year old game with some real weird/spaghetti code without proper documentation at times.

It's true! With so many exciting opportunities in the gaming spheres and so many changes in our lives in the recent years, roster of folks working on champion is in flux. Mostly because we always have to trade off making the next exciting champ vs focus on training.This year, I think we want to put more bandwidth to train up newer Rioters all across the board! This means designers will have less bandwidth to work on their current projects. I'm hoping this is helping to build better stability in the long term. Once we have enough devs to backfill etc. It opens up current developers opportunities to grow in mentorship or even to work on a different project that they are passionate about. I don't want to ever keep someone on the team as an exciting opportunity passes them by or if they need a bit of a break etc! I'm grateful that the team think the same and will often stretch themselves to support their fellow teammate.I like to think that we are going a bit slower right now, in order...

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Originally posted by nyanproblem

Will there be level 3 and 4 honor recall as well? I would like to alternate between blue, purple and orange colored recalls.
