League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May


Originally posted by chovyfan

GG got no RITO infront of name. not real rito



Originally posted by bz6

Been playing since S2 and have no plans on stopping ❤️

🐐 game and as long as the design pillars keep leading the charge when it comes to implementing new changes, I’m here to stay.

Hope you’re well boss 🙏🏼

Ty friend! Hope you’re well too.


Welcome! Love to hear it!


Originally posted by NoBelligerence

Riot shills trying to pretend they don't treat their employees like absolute shit lmao

Riot has (and has) it's share of problems, but it's by far the best place I've worked at in multiple metrics. I can't think of many companies in the gaming industry which, on the whole, treat workers better.

15 May


No longer a dev, but please write into player support. They have the tools to validate and fix this.


Originally posted by ElonPleaseBuyReddit

I would say that's the whole point of 'GG' option, right?

Are you saying you use "GG" honor for asshole players rather than just honoring someone else or just skipping the process?


Originally posted by ExtraYogurt

Is this the case if you buy it too? It will only last until the end of the season or if you're demoted?

It's free. You can't buy it.


Originally posted by ElonPleaseBuyReddit

To most people, the honor system is a way to vote on who carried the previous game and/or the thing you have to click to be able to view the scoreboard.

Yeah, maybe, but you're certainly not going to honor someone who was being an asshole, are you?


Originally posted by ElonPleaseBuyReddit

This seems like a bad thing given the incentive to reach honor 5 is lowered.

The incentive is there to be honorable every game, which is good for everyone.


Originally posted by bz6

I’m guessing when you’re honour 5, the recall lasts for more than one game?

Yeah, lasts until you're no longer honor 5.


Originally posted by TH3RM4L33

Me and my friends are having a debate right now on how to understand your sentence. Do you mean that it's not only for honor level 5, but also for being the most honored (aka honor level 5 is NOT a requirement) OR it's not just for honor level 5, but only honor level 5 + most honored last game (aka honor level 5 + most honored is a requirement)?

Yeah, damn. That really is a confusing sentence. You can unlock this recall EITHER by being honor level 5 OR by being most honorable player in the previous game (for 1 game only).


Originally posted by sakamoe

Most honored as in if you get 2 and everyone else got 1 you get it, or does it need to be the 3+ honors thing where you get a chat notification about being the most honored?

I believe it's probably whenever you get a "leaf" in the scoreboard.


It's not JUST for Honor level 5. It's also unlocked for 1 game if you were the most honored player on your team!

14 May


Originally posted by HungryHeckHoundtv

Some great content right here. Love your randomness and how its evolved. Thankyou for the lead paint!


Originally posted by Pun-Intentional

Don't be shy, share it with the girlies in queensofleague :x

I'm busy writing SettPhelios for y'all


Originally posted by stevejobswasmurdered

Casters calling it a 1v2 when it's clearly a 2v2. If it was a 1v2 trist wouldve blown ezreal up bc he used e and flash on Gnar

I mean the entire play was an extended 2v2, but the end of it is Flakked alone vs two champions. As a style thing, I'm probably not gonna say "Flakked wins the 2v2!" when in that precise moment he's now in a 1v2 but that's just me in this particular call.

Like sure I might be technically wrong big picture wise, but I don't think it's dishonest to say it's a 1v2 given how the fight transpires.