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21 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Javiklegrand

Interesting so ult form seems to have a Long lifetime

Kinda weird she doesn't count as Monster champ since thé human form isn't That significant

I think she does count as a monster champ, she just rides the line a bit between a pure monster (like Rek’Sai or Cho’gath) and a monstrous champ like Nasus/Renekton. She’s not firmly in either. People are misinterpreting what I said. I didn’t say BV isn’t a monster champ I just said she isn’t the monster champ I was talking about when said we were planning on a pure monster champ in the future


Actually very much want to do this. Cannot promise timelines as per usual but the very first time titles came us as a concept Rovient said to me “We’ve got to get champion titles in there!!” and everyone in the room began nodding.


Originally posted by LeatherBodybuilder

They really aren't if we look at Worlds... NA has like 80% win rate against LMS/PCS teams since 2015 at Worlds. PCS/LMS has placed below NA every single year since 2015 whenever they are in the same group.

It's the same thing every year. PCS/LMS looks decent at MSI because they literally only sends their best team in a region with 1 good team and that team gets to practice against LPL/LCK teams all year. Then they get shit on at Worlds because their 2nd and 3rd seed are legit wildcard level teams and then their #1 team loses to LCS because LCS teams finally gets month+ practice against LCK/LPL/LEC teams.

All-time LCS vs LMS/PCS is 26-15, so 63% win rate

Without looking it up, IIRC LEC-LCS is closer than that. Legit the gap for 3rd-4th is closer than the gap for 4th-5th.


Originally posted by 1einspieler

Loved to hear Phreak flame Guma for using his flash before dying like he would have flamed any NA Adc



Originally posted by NamelessSearcher

"froggy croaks in the bottom lane" Phreak on fire today

I'm just happy I legit called that SGB were going to draft a double flex on their 4/5 pick and then called it at Vladimir bot.

I know me some Senna comps.

Originally posted by Dwarfz

Well she doesn't do all of the above.


20 May


Originally posted by Riot_Koyuncu

I love our 10ft tall, 20ft wingspan queen

U w U


Originally posted by makako11235

Man, I wonder how many years of experience are in her kit.

Is she going to blink around? Kassadin part 2?

Can't wait.

17+ years


I love our 10ft tall, 20ft wingspan queen


Howdy friend, this one is on us. This challenge should not require you take any epic monster, only that your opponents do not.

So if you lost no towers, had no deaths, and the enemy team wasn't able to take anything, you deserve it. Please DM me your summoner name + region and we will look into it and make it right.


Originally posted by DarkBello28

u/RiotKobe and u/AtlusLoL are such a great Team, I love the Hype they create and Synergy between them ^

Thank you for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it!


Originally posted by Roophus

Ur on my tv

Hi I’m on tv.


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

Wtf is with observers randomly switching camera when teamfight/skirmish is on ???

I miss clicked the wrong midlander once 😭😭😭😭😭