Originally posted by SwimmingJunky
Samira's new to this list, same reason as the💨bros.
Okay, so then why doesn't Quinn get anything? She got hit just as hard as Samira/Yasuo/Yone did (3% WR drop, barely 49% WR in Diamond+ with a 1% playrate) with the Shieldbow nerfs, on top of being the only one of those three that was DIRECTLY nerfed (literally kneecapped her main ability by 20% AS) because of Shieldbow on patch 11.21.
And the frustrating thing is Riot refuses to communicate to anyone asking about Quinn's state. They refuse to share data, their reasoning as to why she apparently doesn't deserve to be given compensation buffs when she was the only one double-nerfed by these changes. Just like they refused to ever explain why Quinn was nerfed in the first place on 11.21. There's a reason why people meme that Quinn only got nerfed cause Riot Phlox got his ass handed to him by a Quinn as Volibear.
I'll chime in here, since there's a lot of assumptions being made.
Our data shows Quinn dropped 1% in Avg MMR and 0.5% in Skilled MMR. This puts her at ~49.5 and ~52 depending on your parameters.
Yes, Quinn is weaker if she builds Shieldbow. To be a bit blunt, that was the point of nerfing Shieldbow. Shieldbow champs were outperforming other champs.
Should Quinn be compensated because she lies between 50-52%? It's not a clear yes/no. However, she's in our mind a very viable-strong champion in the expected patch. On the other hand, champions that fall below 47/48% are usually notably weak. The champions that usually sit here without being buffed are notorious Pro Play champions (which is a while different discussion), like Azir, Aphelios, Ryze, and until recently Akali.
I agree, Quinn is a niche champion with a lower playrate than Yasuo and Yone. However, it's a very complex discussion to say that niche champions "deserve" to sit at higher winrates an...
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