League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by ProfPeanut

Appreciating the Tagalog worddrops all around. I'd suggest people read the Valorant article too, since it also gives some good info on the joined development

I had my Tagalog corrected by the Filipinos at Riot RIG. They were a huge, huge, huge help to me during writing this article (and I know to SkiptoMyLuo while working on Zeri and Neon as well).


Originally posted by ProfPeanut

Reading about the process behind her story, I realize only now that Zeri sure is a lot like Taliyah - a teenage girl trying to learn to control her elemental gift so that she can help her home community and fight the region's powerful elite

Given that Rell wasn't too long ago and also ended up in a aimilar place, this almost feels like a new habit

Speaking as a woman gamer and not a Rioter, I really like seeing these stories. And to me it's no different than say, like, "big beefy fighter guy from X region/city fighting for power."

I don't know. Darius and Garen are pretty similar in my eyes, and yeah, there are some similarities between Taliyah, Rell, and Zeri. But the stories of young women overcoming aversity are a universal story for many women. Especially for women of color, which the three of them are.

The details of their stories are different and how they react, adapt, and overcome them are different, and speak to different audiences. I didn't grow up in a family or community like Zeri, but I appreciate her love for those around her, and that speaks to me. I didn't get thrown into a school for "gifted" kids and get abused and forced to kill my friends like Rell, but I understand her anger at her painful, past traumas. I didn't get gifted with a magical power to carve stone onl...

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Originally posted by nzm3883

What are the stas of LoR?

Unfortunately I don't have access to stats for the company, overall, nor do I think I'd be able to share them if I did. :(


So glad to be back, felt quite nervous but once the show started it was mostly smooth sailing. We got a few technical issues to work through and the team are aware of them!


Originally posted by bz6

20% of League players play Valorant, but how about the other way around?

What is the stat regarding Valorant players playing League?

Sorry I think I may have miswrote it. It's 20% of Riot Games players iirc. But I can double check!


Originally posted by ObiBraum_Kenobi

Come on now Phreak, watch the tape. 37:20. You literally called them "his Korean import friends", and then specified the entire project as encompassing what you were referring to. I'm not projecting anything. I'm taking your exact words, and questioning why you're saying them. I'm not disagreeing with your points about the difficulties faced by mixed language teams. I'm questioning your reference to his relationship with them as if it is any relevance to the conversation at hand, being the quality of their imports and if they are the next Seraphs.

Which, once again, it needs to be pointed out that he has stated in multiple different settings that he had no friendship to Berserker or Winsome prior to their being picked up by the team.

Edit: Nice edit there Phreak. We both know you originally said "I didn't call them LS' friends", not that the import friends line isn't the main point. 10/10 deflection, goal posts successfully moved.

Yeah I edited because I didn’t remember calling them his friends but went back and watched the tape. If your main takeaway is that I used the word “friends” in a 300-word response I don’t know what to tell you; your listening comprehension isn’t the greatest.


Originally posted by ObiBraum_Kenobi

Phreak's rant about the C9 roster being LS' friends while talking about C9 potentially failing just felt like a massive hate boner. Yes, C9 very much could fail for a multitude of issues. With that said, aside from Fudge, none of the projected five C9 starters (potentially six if you want to include Isles), are LS' friends. The accusation of it failing because LS' friends aren't good is nonsensical. Are the coaching staff and Malice his friends? Yeah, sure. But they aren't there with the intent of being played. They're there with the intent of being high level practice partners.

Reality is Berkserker is a mechanically talented adc who is top 50 in Korean challenger while also having amateur experience playing for T1, a team who has historically been extremely successful at scouting talent on the Korean ladder. He wasn't friends with LS prior to signing, he was just a talented prospect that they wanted to get a hold of young. Is there a risk he doesn't pan out? Sure. Is he a...

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The main point is not the "import friends" line. You're projecting really hard here.

I made the same point about both TSM and C9: Mixed-language teams are tough. C9 just also has the extra point about having a very outspoken coach with a proclaimed playstyle.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Zoexycian

Oh thank you!

And then of course all of the Champion Insights articles, which often don't have video, unfortunately. It's just much easier for me to get 3 devs in a room and interview them for an hour and then write something than it is to do an entire interview. Especially during COVID! :D


Originally posted by chippyrim

I just wanna say to phreaks point about bjerg not playing much soloq on his main account. bjerg has said he played on a smurf account all year and double also said he was challenger because they played vs each other and double didnt know it was bjerg (this is what double said)

though another point, apperently bjerg was playing mainly jungle on his secret account

also it was stated on one of the tsm legends episode's, when bjerg was upset with the team because he had played more soloq than most of the team for the last few weeks

Thanks, this makes sense. I tried to include the caveat several times that he may have just played on a smurf.


Originally posted by highTrolla

Why doesn't SKT Vayne get gold rings?

Because it's a 750rp skin and I'm not allowed to change its VFXs. Sorry!

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

But you still haven't changed to Captain Gameplay on Reddit.

Can u change usernames?

Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

Being a community manager at riot must literally be either the best or worst job ever.

Somedays like April Fools everyone is memeing and having a great time, and other times you’re fighting for your life in a patch notes thread.

i'm a game designer on the SR team (responsible for everything gameplay after champ select and preseason), not a community manager. :)

i've got pretty thick skin, and an implicit understanding that when players are mad, they really just care a lot - and that when players make angry and incorrect statements, its a coping mechanism for their ability to reconcile their own failures that plays to my advantage as someone interested in their continued engagement.


What a banger MOTW to open the season. It's good to be back and it's awesome to see the content team at LEC still kicking ass :D LOVE YOU ALL

Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

I think after 200 years; there’s been a serious narrative that Riot sees the community as apes in a casino.

arent we all just apes in a casino of life


Originally posted by AuroraChroma

I'm not sure how to get points for some things. An example is Sage, the very first challenge in the list. It says you get points in it by... earning points in it. If there was a 'sage' category it would make sense, but there isn't.

Sage is a capstone challenge and levels up by completing other challenges underneath the capstone.