League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Sep


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Bro you lonely

I miss my kind :-(


Minion pushing changes, where minions get more powerful vs other minions for the team with a lead. Hard to feel or notice, but shaved about 30 seconds off average game time, yet led to an overall increase in the number of games with comebacks - teams either won faster or lost their lead faster.

Aside: Don't know whether to be alarmed or happy about the number of these where I was one of the designers pushing for it.

06 Sep


Originally posted by Fight4Honor

Here is my two cents for possible bonetooth necklace rework:

Bonetooth Necklace

1 Kill: +25 movement speed out of combat and in bushes.

2 Kills: Adaptive bonus %ad/%ap (10%-15%?)

3 Kills: Incrased leap speed (1450 ---> 1600)

4 Kills: Rengar's first ferocity ability that is used after Thrill of the Hunt will double the movement speed of his passive (it will really helpfull to escape).

5 Kills: Thrill of the Hunt now grants vision on everyone.

Head of Kha'Zix: Rengar is now invisible when ulting (it would be very satisfying).

I hope it will give you idea dear u/RiotPhlox

Definitely some cool stuff in here


Originally posted by Sona_Legendarius


I agree that characters like Akshan and Rell have nothing to do with anime. Honestly, I dislike when people mention anime because it distracts from this point: "conventionally attractive". That's because, bar a few exceptions, characters of recent years were attractive. This was mentioned in the famous blog Of Men and Monsters.

I understand they drive engagement, but... like sure they do, but it does not mean this is how design should operate. Sure, I'll buy a sexy character and play her/him, but does it mean to make things change I have to drop them? Because my engagement for those characters might be, say, 7 out of 10, but when someone else, with more unconventional design comes, it'll be 10 out of 10.

Should the game really be about engaging as many people as possible even if for most it is 7 out of 10 instead of choosing groups (however small) of players where it'd be 10 out of 10 even if for many it'll be just 3 out...

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Fair enough. We do have a young/conventionally attractive champion coming up, but I think the next 6 months - and honestly, the whole next year - strike a pretty good balance. I'm happy with each individual piece of content the team has put out, but we're looking to bring a bit more balance to things from a more holistic view.


Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22

Hey everyone, I hope I've explained myself in a way that makes this make sense. It's a truly gray decision and I've been waking up thinking about this and going to bed thinking about this non-stop for a while now. I wouldn't make the call if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary and I look forward to seeing y'all again soon cap22Heart

Prioritizing your own health is one of the most important things one can do. The fact that it’s a tough decision shows how much you care about your craft and your fans. Worlds is a moment, your health is your life. Cheers dude.

05 Sep


Originally posted by felfirelol

Riot lost some designers in the progression/eternals department and eternals were lower priority than stuff like events, so they are being worked on slowly/on pause.

This is the correct answer.


Originally posted by BD200166

Hi Phlox, we were already allowed to test out 2 of your (I call them "kits" for now) and I would like to ask if you have any "number of kits" in your mind that you wanna try out for Rengar on the PBE.

I'd like to try a few more at least

04 Sep


Originally posted by Zenorxs

Don't worry, we know it's a nightmare. :b

I have a hard question, and i don't know if you can answer this if you have a bit of time of course...

If trying to fix Rengar's code it's more like a spaguetti, how much time you guys (various rioters, not only you bcs it's a lot of work and time) can work to do a "new Rengar code" deleting the current one?

I'm not a code/vfx/sfx/animator designer, and for me it's easy to say this question, but for you and other persons knows it's another thing.

Hope in a future, his code can be totally fixed.

This is the kind of thing that's possible for projects like this actually, decent chance we do this


Originally posted by Veggiematic

Also there’s this “pyke smite” group running rampant. No one really does anything about it because rioters don’t get trolled in their solo queue games in high ELO.

Pyke smite recently played with doublelift and ruined his promos.

People do still troll us unfortunately


This is AMAZING! It's really clean in a place that fits the bow shape super well!

I love tattoos and I have the Neeko flowers on my ankle so I love seeing how other fans design and place their League tattoos. 😊 Do you have other nerdy tatts too?


Originally posted by Tsunams9

Small thing can you fix the bug where rengars cooldowns dont refresh in practice tool since we are spending so much time in practice tool on pbe it would be pretty nice

This is actually a massively complex bug to fix, sorry :(


Mine is Skarner.

That is all.


Omg this is awesome.

03 Sep


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'd love to know what was his primary gameplay hook, since he seems like a relatively tame and simplistic release as well as how did you guys come upon the idea for Grit, since it's been a while since a new resource was made


He started as "Grappler" and as a designed Juggernaut (we hadn't done a new Juggernaut since Darius except Illaoi, whose gameplay hits on fairly different hooks and resonates with a bit different audience). That also informed the desire to keep him simple to play, and the contrast with some of the releases around him - he was the champ after Aphelios - made a simple champ especially desirable.

Early explorations focused on ways to have him grab, throw, and chain combos together. When it became clear that that champion was a tank, not even really a hybrid juggernaut, he pivoted towards street-fighting style mixed martial arts (still a bit grappler but a lot more punching). This dovetailed nicely with his c*cky, arrogant personality, which then informed what I'd say is his elevator pitch - "Strong, arrogant fighter who is going to let you hit him first because he's so confident that he can afford to give you the first swing." If Pantheon is all about courage, S...

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