League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Nov


Originally posted by Jadonia

Just looked up from my computer to see Riot has partnered with my Pringle’s can for Arcane

03 Nov


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

Will the skins auto unlock or will I be able to disenchant them?

You'll be able to disenchant both the champion shard and/or the skin if you'd like (you big meanie!).


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

It means that if someone logs after Nov 24th and wins 1 game or plays 3 games they will get these freebies at once ?

This is correct.


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

The Vi bar goes a whole different direction. It’s named “Vault Breaker” and is made of dark chocolate with real 24K gold flakes and sea salt crystals.

When you think Vi, you think f**king gold and salt. This is supposed to represent Vi Q into a fight, dying and giving the enemy money, then typing in chat?

Gold and salty, representing your typical League of Legends player 👀


Originally posted by Key2Life4Me_Improve

If you're an engineer, you could also be applying for a H1B Visa. Of course, it is from a lottery pool and there is no guarantee you get one., but if you have a graduate level degree you'd have better chances.

In terms of PERM Labor Certification, it is definitely more steps than just putting out a newspaper ad, but this is not uncommon practice among immigration law firms to fulfill one of the requirements needed to complete the process. Of course this differs from occupation to occupation and is favored towards more specialized/technical degrees/workers.

You are correct that, this does not really apply to the players. The process for esports players is still mostly uncharted and there is minimal precedent to work off of, so it is definitely harder for orgs to do that, especially when countries are cautious about COVID.

To be clear, I'm not offering legal advice, just sharing some knowledge from the experience I have with working with an immigration law fi...

If you're an engineer, you could also be applying for a H1B Visa

Not without a degree I cannot :-) I'd need 12 years of experience to be considered equivalent to an individual with a BSc, which I also do not have. L-1's the most appropriate visa for me, anyway, as it's an intra-company transfer rather than me applying for a new visa. I can't see why one would want to apply for a H1-b given the lottery if L-1b is an option

In terms of PERM Labor Certification, it is definitely more steps than just putting out a newspaper ad, but this is not uncommon practice among immigration law firms to fulfill one of the requirements needed to complete the process. Of course this differs from occupation to occupation and is favored towards more specialized/technical degrees/workers.

I'm just tired of people pretending that US immigration is super easy. Seems to be a really common perspective, and it is reallllly not. S...

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Hi again! I'm Reina Sweet (aka Riot Reinboom), Lead Game Designer for Modes.

Ultimate Spellbook will be reenabled on PBE soon. The mode will be active on PBE all through this patch cycle (and into being released!). Since 11.22 had a fairly short run, I will be including those changes and the 11.23 changes together in this post. For 11.23’s cycle in particular, there’s a few additions to the available ulternate summoners and a new system for handling Smite. There’s also been a fairly significant number of bug fixes throughout.

New Ulternate Summoners

  • Akali
  • Blitzcrank
  • Caitlyn
  • Camille
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Evelynn
  • Jinx
  • Kindred
  • Orianna
  • Seraphine
  • Urgot
  • Vex
  • Vi
  • Viktor
  • Xin Zhao

No Longer Available Ulternate Summoners

  • Malphite

Ulternate Summoner Ba...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by duskie1

Hope everything goes well for you dude.

I don't know where you're moving from, but the culture shock, even for me as a Brit, hit quite hard. Took some getting used to.

I am Welsh; I've been in the US for about 6 mo of the past 6 years, so it's not something I'm entirely new to. Appreciate the warning tho~


Originally posted by -Basileus

The LCS teams get around this by just putting out an ad in the newspaper saying "LCS players needed". Then they say welp we tried, but the locals are unqualified.

Boy, I wish US immigration was that easy. I'm an engineer and am currently in the process of moving to the US and I wish the truth was closer to this meme than it actually is.

What you're referring to is specifically for visas where the company has to demonstrate to the united states that an individual has specialised knowledge that cannot be fulfilled by a comparable American, or when someone is getting a permanent labour cert from USCIS in lieu of a degree. This is usually for L1 class visas (or green cards), which pro players would generally not qualify for when joining a new team. Applying for an L1 and in particular a labour certification is very difficult and requires more steps than just posting an ad in a newspaper :')

Pro players would be admitted into the US likely under a P1 visa, which has no requirement for an organisation to prove that it tried to find a suitable employee among Americans to fill the position (in fact, if you google "P1 visa esports" th...

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Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

I managed to test it out myself on 141 Ping, from what I can tell the headshot auto cancel is completely gone, don't think it's a ping issue either because I tried doing harder Lee Sin stuff like the Chinese Insec and had no issue at all.

Could you describe the technique used? YouTube video link etc?


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

I was PMd by someone that has access to the PBE who said they had tried her, unless they were just trolling me, in which case I stand corrected, i'll check when i'm home from work, really hope that I was just being trolled though.

They may also have been trying at 200 ping if on PBE. I'll be paying attention to this issue, anyway.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes, could I ask how you feel about her overall balance state rn, I recall her ban rate being relatively high

Every new champion pulls a high ban rate for the first few patches - need to see where it goes. She's still relatively new. Her winrate is high but within reasonable bounds. If it goes up significantly we'd probably be discussing nerfs, but I don't believe she's on our radar right now.

Beyond that, have to see how preseason impacts her, and if she's prominent in pro play.


This data is reasonably consistent with the internals I've seen, though I haven't seen an internal investigation into this exact hypothesis. Just to add a little to this: per internal data, the net effect is that Vex is significantly better (i.e. wins more games) against mobile champions and worse against immobile ones.

She's on target for our internal shotcalls - when you read the kit, you should conclude she's better against mobile champions in midlane; she should in fact be better against mobile champions; and the degree to which she is a counterpick is in line with counterpicks generally, i.e. both players have a rich game to play and she doesn't completely invalidate her lane opponent but is definitely favored. On top of that, she's significantly more popular than we projected.


Originally posted by SiniestroJr

The only question I have is: is it easier to see traps that are placed behind towers now ? That cheese , especially om some skins are maddening


This came up in discussions during her development, but we decided that this would be altering her GAMEPLAY too much to be acceptable as an ASU.


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

Visually looks excellent but they removed all her headshot auto cancels which was what made her skill ceiling so high, and that's just not ok.

They need to make sure to add her headshot auto cancels back before they release this VU to live servers because otherwise people will be furious that a high skill champion lost the thing that made them so fun to play.

What makes you think anything was changed with her mechanics at all? Genuinely interested in this.


Originally posted by NerrionEU

Those Qiyana nerfs just remind me to never wish my champs touch pro play.

To be clear the Qiyana nerf was largely unrelated to her being picked in pro play and almost entirely related to her very, very high winrate in high elo while still having a low winrate in lower elo.


Originally posted by LucyLilium92

It's not supposed to execute. Is that another bug? It's only supposed to deal double damage when they're low hp.

It might be a double damage or an execute, I am not sure the exact specifics, you might be right tbh.

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Originally posted by private_birb

I've had to click it in the last.. 3 out of 5 games I've played? The other two games, the client crashed on the Honor screen. Y'all still have a lot of work to do, and it's probably too early to remove that button, since it's sometimes the ONLY way to get past it.

players still have the option to quit to homepage or play again

02 Nov


Originally posted by PatchNotesPro

Here's one for you: dying 12 times taking every single fight is actually not an appropriate way of playing ranked.

Agree to disagree :)