I think its a pretty common pattern to have hyper scalers be very strong at early levels then have weak mid games then obviously strong late games. GP comes to mind as a great example, Kayle, Yasuo are some others that come to mind.
I find Gangplank’s lategame to be relatively weak. His damage through barrels is unreliable and doesn’t have the tools a Yasuo or Gwen has to fight in melee consistently.
Solo queue data suggests that more of her power is in the early game. She’s good at forcing 15- and 20-minute surrenders. She comparatively falls off versus the average bot laner from there.
I think its a pretty common pattern to have hyper scalers be very strong at early levels then have weak mid games then obviously strong late games. GP comes to mind as a great example, Kayle, Yasuo are some others that come to mind.
Solo queue data suggests that more of her power is in the early game. She’s good at forcing 15- and 20-minute surrenders. She comparatively falls off versus the average bot laner from there.
So basically she is like orianna or Karthus. Sometimes they can bully champs out of lane but are considered very strong lategame mages.
Well kinda. Orianna actually has good lane matchups against the majority of mid laners. Orianna only has bad matchups against assassins in regular play. At high elo, she's fine into them. Karthus is more accurate (he has bad matchups against a lot of things) also karthus is only average late game, he's a midgame spike champion. Karthus is good late game in regular play because players don't play well against him (always 5v5 Teamfight, stack carries on top of each other, no split pushing, worse at picking him off when the map is more open, etc.)
It's matchup dependent. In bot if she has an adc and supp matchup where she can jump in, then she is strong early. If not then it is very difficult to walk up to the wave (typically something with range like Cait morg, etc.)
Hey hope you're well!
Just wanted to drop by in here and highlight the fact the recent cadence of more frequent legendary skins is dope. Shambles lore and event aside, the Vayne skin is world class. In the end that's all that matters for the team though eh?
Appreciate the note. Needless to say we’re taking in a lot of feedback on this past event. Trust that we’re going to learn from this and make better moving forward. :)
These leaks are getting ridiculous; we have to throw away our current plan and start over every time. It's exhausting!
If this event means we get ChoGath in a bikini I’m in
These are excellent! I think you captured his voice really well. You’re right we do have fewer minutes of voice than some of the champs we did in 2015-2018. It’s not because we care less (or have shifted resources to something else) it’s because we found there were diminishing returns on adding more lines that most players never hear and made the character less clear in game. For every one additional line of dialogue we have to script out the interaction and record it in multiple languages. And we got a lot of feedback that champions were talking too much in game and had too many variation lines that would push out hearing the more impactful / character defining ones. Now I can’t claim we’ve hit the sweet spot of how many lines yet, so it’s something we will talk more about.
I just woke up from a nap. I fully support this measure
Hey Phroxzon would those pods be the patch to patch balance pod, the mid scoped pod (that did the Sona and Tahm changes), and the preseason pod.
Hmmm, I can't really say, but I will say that one of the pods is the balance pod.
I see. In that case, what has motived you to completely exclude mastey curves from the balancing process, and what is your perspective of the false positives that have been popping up lately (most recently Annie)?
Simply put, it's a complicated problem.
It is certainly a limitation of the current model and something we discuss a lot internally. One of the values of having a transparent balancing process is that the community can understand why we are making certain balance decisions.
Including mastery curves is potentially valid, though while it has its benefits, it also has drawbacks and we'd need to weigh the pros and cons of including that information in the balance framework.
We'd also need to figure out the correct way to implement this information.
Example Considerations:
I have one big concern though, would you happen to know if any of the analysts or balance team play the game? I can't seem to find any info on that.
I'll take the bait. Yes we play the game.
We have 7 designers on Summoners Rift Team split amongst the 3 pods. Of those, 1 is Master, 4 are Diamond, 1 is Plat and 1 is Silver.
We also have 2 QA analysts on the team, who are Master and GM respectively.
In addition to that, we have a separate Game Analysis Team who are typically minimum D3 and 7 of them are Masters+. 3 of them hover around GM/Chall.
We generally try to have as many different opinions from each different skill band as possible. It would not be a good thing to have every game designer be Challenger for example, because they would have such a myopic view of the player perspective that it would be actively damaging.
Gotcha. Do any of the analysts have a background in statistics, to ensure that the team doesn't end up relying on data that is misleading or not terribly indicative of what youre looking for?
Every analyst has a background in statistics, usually a math degree or something similar. They are very proactive about making sure anybody looking at the data understands all the biases present.