League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Jun


Originally posted by LineForHire

The audio only broadcast sounds interesting. Replacing count-down with a few less ambiguous programs is probably a good idea. I wonder if any of them are going to be pre-recorded and edited or if they're all live.

Side note, I really hate the term "new normal".

AFAIK all the currently planned pre-show shows are pre-recorded and edited content, so you'll be able to catch the latest episode still if you didn't happen to catch it live on the LCS day for whatever reason.


Originally posted by JA_JA_SCHNITZEL

I’m very very slightly disappointed to see Countdown go - IIRC that’s given us great moments like the LCS stock segments (Riv yelling “BUY BUY BUY”) and Jatt Stats. But it’s fair that I don’t pay attention to Countdown most of the time.

Replay Files and Next Level sound awesome though. Really hope those segments match the potential I’m picturing ATM.

Also glad there’s no import rule changes but TBH feels like that’s more in question for 2022, not now.

For yourself and anyone similarly excited about these shows I hope they live up to what you're picturing as well.

I obviously have a lot of faith in myself and the team working on The Replay Files, but I hope you like it just as much if not more than we do.

31 May


Originally posted by 39128038018230

Hey, I appreciate the patch rundowns you do and the math behind builds (e.g. gold efficiency) on cast, for example during msi. I hope your content gets more views, people are missing out!

Thanks :)


Originally posted by prodandimitrow

I dont think you recall release zyra correctly, she was absolutely busted number wise.

I would also hard disagree she is competent mid laner. There is little to no advatnage of having her in the mid lane compared to most other mages. I suspect the players that play her mid are an extremely small amount of otp/mains which skews the winrate in that role.

Well her very median win rate would disagree with you.

Roughly half of mid laners are stronger than her, yet half is not most. About half of mid laners are also weaker than her, but people still play Orianna and Syndra in solo queue.

  1. Dismissing 300 HP as "won't make a sizeable difference" is odd when in the same post you include 3 damage on a 70 MR target as "always out dmg."

  2. Move speed matters. So do all the other strengths you're ignoring.

  3. Honestly this has already long been solved. Night Harvester Nidalee has 2.75% higher win rate than Luden's Echo Nidalee. 3 damage on spears does not make up for all the other benefits that Night Harvester provides.

In general, this type of analysis is not useful. You cannot throw out half a dozen (lower cost, better build path, more stats, move speed, no cooldown on multiple targets, no cooldown wasted when hitting minions/monsters) and say, "through this very narrow definition of good, item A is better." Winning the game is a better measurement and Night Harvester wins more games.


Originally posted by n1c0_93

Its just from a theory understanding perspective. Everytime I asked someone why she isnt played mid I got Assasins or she is immobile. Then I compared it to other champs I played Orianna, Lux they said "okay they have a shield". But that doesnt help to understand it.

I mean its understandable for me why lulu is a support but in terms of playstyle or items its harder for me to understand why Zyra is also a support.

I got so many answers here but most of these werent helpful so far :-/

Generally, Zyra beats mid-ranged champions. She can keep champs like Annie, Orianna, and Brand out of range and use her plants to take lane control.

She has okayish peel, so she's actually fine against some assassins like LeBlanc and Zed. Some others are just really tough to beat back like Yone.

She has very limited gank-assist options. Poke champions like Vel'Koz and Xerath play out of range of her plants while clearing minion waves as well or better so those are also weak matchups.

Overall, she has some OK assassin matchups and generally good mage matchups.

In general, all solo lane champions have some rough counterpicks. The existence of bad 1v1 matchups does not make champions bad. Orianna is the globally most-played mid laner in pro play despite having some very rough counter-picks like Corki and Ekko.


For what it's worth Zyra is a competent mid laner. Just because something isn't popular doesn't mean it's weak.

On her initial release, she was (and somewhat still is, just to a lesser degree) skewed toward being a stronger support than mid laner and in general, support players tend to like playing Zyra so she remains popular in that role. But again she's a functional mid laner and if you like her, go for it.

30 May


Originally posted by SchinkenKanone

Maybe in a few months when riot remembers she exists.

Work's being done

29 May


Ruin-what? You're not making any sense, man.

28 May


Originally posted by InstanceDuality

According Psychopathic (challenger tier Nasus player) it's a bug that it doesn't stack.

Plus, here's a bug fix for Tear a while ago:

Bug Fix: Abilities which empower a champion's basic attack will now properly trigger Mana Charge when hitting epic monsters.

Yet, tear no matter what does not work on Nasus Q? Why would it get a bug fix for empowered AA if you can't stack with empowered AA?

Maybe that was before item changes, sure. Why is this line in the wiki then?

Empowered basic attacks gained from abilities will count for triggering Mana Charge upon consuming the attack.

Either way, there's a lack of clarity.

I talked with Psychopathic about this and reported this for him thinking it was a bug, GreaterBelugeWhale (comment above yours) did the investigating and found it to not be a bug because Nasus Q does not trigger ability effects, which is intentional. I do agree there is certainly a lack of clarity around it and similar effects though.

Originally posted by Orcus_The_Fatty

Or not, cuz none of these champions actually have tear incorporated into any semi-viable build, so them having it really isnt an issue. Instead focus on bugs that actually influence a champion’s strength like Kled’s, which literally happen at least once every single game.

Actually, can I please get an explanation on this? Why is Kled left the way he is when its so obvious for so long? Is it straight up just neglect for the champion?

oh yeah, its definitely not a priority thing to do, but the game should technically work correctly at some point