League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by Glitch_King

That is a really good use of the Soul Calibur line.

I wrote this line in hopes at least one person would notice, so far I've got three. woop woop.

04 Jun


Originally posted by supterfuge

the LEC production/talent team really, really rarely misses. I f**king love Drakos man, it's the last NA import we have, we need to keep him.

Appreciate you. <3


I personally think it's decently valuable that some characters index much harder into certain stats. It's also not that Ziggs doesn't use AP well, he still does, just not quite as well as some other characters in his class.

I also think for Ziggs specifically here it's nice that this damage is coming in at level 9 so his midgame spike is sharp which is distinct from some other mages. This is especially true because of his anti-tower focus where power spiking while plates are still up is good. That's not even considering the waveclear breakpoints it gives him which is pretty substantial for quite a lot of things.

At the end of the day it's a fairly small change either way and your point is absolutely fair.


Originally posted by MrJammin

Nice, got any spare dangly earrings?

Im afraid i took them all with me


Originally posted by Sbotkin

He's the best NA import we ever had. Sorry, Ender, you are solid №2.

You're not wrong


Originally posted by MrJammin

I'd like to put in my application. I'm not knowledgeable, can't rap, and most certainly am not entertaining. However, I can read reddit memes. Thoughts u/RiotQuickshot ?

Already better than I ever was. Trevor, sign this person

03 Jun


Originally posted by TerenasIII

Last question, are you taking over the comms on gameplay design choices since Mark is moving to the MMO?

No, but you'll probably see a little more of me over the next few months.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all!

Reav3 here. Wanted to post a list of changes we have made based on all your great feedback since the Madman has been on PBE

Mundo's model is now ~10% bigger Adjustments to Q SFX to make it feel more satisfying when it lands Bug fixes with Mundo's Passive to make it consistently block abilities that apply multiple CC's (e.g. Blitzcrank's Hook) Replaced the UNSTOPPABLE text with a purple trimmed health bar to show when Mundo's passive was up Fixed some stuttering that occurred with the animation when Mundo changed direction during his walk

As well as a ton of bugs you all found!


Originally posted by TerenasIII

Thank you for the insight! Considering that there is much discussions around these two items, but it’s hard to grasp their strength only from their ideal design description, when will we have the chance to have more infos regarding them?



Originally posted by TerenasIII

You probably already asked the pro teams why the Shen change wasn’t valued as highly. Is it one of those cases where something is clearly strong but pros ignore it for a long time? (Example of this, Censer untouched for 31 weeks then nerfed to the ground in season 7)

We strongly suspected this wouldn't be a pro-facing change when we shipped it.

Pros use R much more pre-emptively - more of an initiation spell on an ally that's already at full health - and tend to de-value the actual defensive power of the shield. Whereas in Solo Queue it's used far more reactively on a target that is under threat of death from the enemy's initiation, and so the shield is disproportionately more valuable there.


As someone that poorly played FH in High School, you're my hero.


NVR it is too fun


Originally posted by ZeysarSama

I am really excited about the new tank item. It's innovative without breaking champion classification boundaries (unlike Stridebreaker). It sounds like a macro-based item, can't wait! It might also be introduced to counteract the Sanguine rework against splitpushers.

As for enchanters, I expected a tank mythic before another enchanter one but here we go. I am wondering when the balance from tank supports to enchanters will finally tip over in pro play. Especially with the new tank item this could be the case since the engage can be shifted to toplane again or jungle.

I am really disappointed that there will be no new mage items though. Not mythics per se, but the selection of legendaries feels more like what is the least bad choice instead of strategically itemizing.

Enchanters in pro probably need help sooner than the point of Mythic item completion. Something we're looking at, but isn't simple to change without a high chance of collateral damage.

edit: "collateral damage" was a bit vague - mostly referring to excessively inflating enchanter solo queue power level there.


Originally posted by HOWDOIVESTS

anti-splitpush tank item

Prepare for 100% presence shen

That was what everyone said with the last R buff we did too.

He had 0 picks at MSI.


Originally posted by ThaKinetic

The zhonya-ish enchanter item sounds uh... Interesting to play against. I'm not calling it broken before it even hits PBE, but "kill the soraka" is difficult enough as it is. If assassins can't reliably blow up squishy supports... Let's just say I hope they learned from Yuumi in that aspect.

The tank item that reduces damage is going to be pretty interesting. I honestly think its these kinds of designs that Riot should be going for. Instead of making broad "Everything is sunfire" items, making niche items that players can choose to opt into on a game-per-game basis just seems like the right way to go. This item (hopefully) cannot be built every game but in some games its optimal.

The change to make sanguine blade 1vX seems to indicate that it's not going to lose its power if multiple enemies arrive? Which is honestly huge. Not sure about the "more damage to towers if a tank is nearby" thing is going to be fun at all. This item might end up being giga toxic but we'll...

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Yep, we're aware that these burst resistance item spaces can be tricky/risky, so we're making sure the that supports who opt into this are incurring a major opportunity cost (should feel like a major loss of output to not get Ardent Censer or whatever instead).