League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by Rzonduo_Chrabonszcza

Did you ever stop to think

I could ask "did you ever start to think"?
I'm pretty sure you are student or unemployed, because in many work places where are working 2-3x more people than Krepo listed (his list is exaggerated also) it is possible to create safe environment.
But have to have know-how and management skills to create this or just you have to be willing to do so.
So Rioters don't have skills or willingness?

His list isn't exaggerated at all.


Originally posted by Syndracising

IIRC I read something about Riot looking into proplay bound champions this season. Is this still on the table or do I misremember something.

Also would Syndra be in there?

She likely would be on the short list


Originally posted by Last0

Are we getting ProView vods from MSI with the premium option ?

We'll have select matches from throughout MSI, mostly from the Rumble Stage on!


Originally posted by Scrub4LIfe734

I'm looking forward to the "extended team comm segments". That should be really interesting to hear.

Also, since there is a free version, is the free version able to be costreamed by the allowed costreamers? If so that would be really hype!

The streamers in the LCS Watch Party Program will be able to use the free streams in their Watch Parties, and we'll also make it possible for them to use the full version on limited weekends.


Originally posted by Arkaidan8

I just wanna be able to insec as Sett. That's all i am asking for

Have you tried prowler's claw?


Originally posted by Datmisty

Imagine a world where Ziggs can use his satchel offensively because it executes champions at or below 10% health :D That would be so cool : - )

It would be sick lol


Originally posted by Slimjim887

Love the hard work <3 Was merely curious if you could tell me how your work is going with the mobility reduction? I understand how its a tough thing to change without overnerfing or hitting it too little. Can't wait to see what kind of changes you bois come up with.

Looking in from the outside on that project it's looking pretty good


Originally posted by agatinhamiau

Can you check Syndra?

She is bound by pro play right now sadly


Originally posted by Gondall

Are the Infernum changes for Aphelios seen on PBE a mistake or where they meant to be included in this list? Appreciate you!!

Not sure though I imagine they were intended


Originally posted by gramineous

I don't understand it at all. Aren't mana buffs like that better for low elo and players newer to the champion who aren't as experienced managing mana? Isn't that the exact wrong part of the Illaoi playerbase in need of buffs?

It depends on many factors - in many cases this is true, though not always (e.g. when Darius' mana costs were raised in 10.6, his drop in winrate was relatively flat across different MMR brackets). In particular mages tend to exhibit this most, though of course it depends a lot on which champion, which spell's mana cost, and so on.

This particular case is interesting because Illaoi is one of the most (if not the most) mana-constrained fighter, so the expectation is that mana likely isn't skewed towards newer players/lower MMR players given that unlike on less mana-constrained champions, more skilled Illaoi players still have to opt into mana itemization/rune choices and still run oom with better skill usage. It is a scaling buff which tends to favor low MMR (level scaling is more impactful later in the game, games in low MMR last longer on average) so that might mean there's a light low MMR skew here for a separate reason but typically mana/level buffs don't exhibit this v...

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Originally posted by turtle921

Woah tentative changes on same day.

Big speed


Originally posted by ArionLusitanicus

Is Vel'Koz on the radar of getting buffs too? With Xerath and now Ziggs getting them I wonder if he is also gonna receive some love at some point

Last I saw Vel was doing really well in soloq but I haven't checked recently. Definitely possible!


Originally posted by SunlDre

Will Ziggs finally see the light of day

I played the R missile speed changes in a playtest today and it definitely feels pretty solid


Originally posted by ilanf2

I am surprised about Karma not being on the list while having a huge nerf currently on PBE, according to Surrender at 20. Is that a PBE version mistake?

PBE is a bug I believe

01 Jun


Originally posted by dragunityag

Saturday: “Replay Files”
Take fans back to some of the biggest LCS matches from the past and include interviews from players that took part.

I really hope they manage to get former pro's we haven't heard from in awhile instead of just Hai/meteos/etc.

While I can tell you that you'll be seeing more familiar faces initially, there are 100% talks about LOTS of different episodes we could do and we defs have some deep cuts in the tank for potential guests.