With what you said about the drive to add more representation in the game in through human characters, can I inquire about two specific types of people that I don't think are adequately represented in League yet?
There, to date, is not an openly gay male character in League of Legends. You have several champions that are implied, and a couple that beat around the bush, but there are no champions that directly have male-to-male interactions of the romantic variety. You've done well with female champions like Neeko and Rell, but I personally feel very left out and almost mocked with the way that gay males are not being handled. Taric checks a lot of boxes and toys heavily with common tropes for gay men, but his actual dialogue flirts with women and doesn't have any kind of interaction with males that could indicate he's gay in the same way that Neeko and Rell's dialogue with some females indicate that they have romantic interest. The oth...