League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 May

27 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oleandervine


With what you said about the drive to add more representation in the game in through human characters, can I inquire about two specific types of people that I don't think are adequately represented in League yet?

There, to date, is not an openly gay male character in League of Legends. You have several champions that are implied, and a couple that beat around the bush, but there are no champions that directly have male-to-male interactions of the romantic variety. You've done well with female champions like Neeko and Rell, but I personally feel very left out and almost mocked with the way that gay males are not being handled. Taric checks a lot of boxes and toys heavily with common tropes for gay men, but his actual dialogue flirts with women and doesn't have any kind of interaction with males that could indicate he's gay in the same way that Neeko and Rell's dialogue with some females indicate that they have romantic interest. The oth...

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100% agree, these are both things we want to add to the game at some point (As new champions). Older woman and gay male are 2 things we want to get to in the future


As far as venting goes, I thought this was quite level-headed!

I can tell you that we do pay attention to the community, and we try to communicate with the community as openly as we can. Engaging in player discussion regarding changes can take just as much as implementing them, so hopefully you can believe we're doing our best with the time we have. A full patch-by-patch AMA seems like a cool idea that we could think about doing in the future. We also put a lot of time into every patch note, and it's hard to squeeze all the design considerations we make into a few words of context, but I can confidently say we're investing a ton of careful thought into each change we make to the game.

As far as Wukong goes - I can respect your vision of game balance. I will say that our approach does attempt to balance the game assuming that players will play to win, and consequently will build what is the most powerful item to enable that goal. At the same time, we also have a goal...

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Originally posted by lampstaple

Aren’t those older ones, though? All of the recent ones look like they’ve been outsourced.

Fiddle was last year, but as I said those are just EXAMPLES I didn't list them all. Yes, however we do frequently partner with external animation studios, but we still set the art style and manage the process/provide feedback.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by raphelmadeira


I love how super friendly and communicative you are with the community. I get really upset when I see people being aggressive towards you and other Rioters.

Thank you very much for the information, I am very happy with the news, I LOVE Karma, I am very happy to see my skin tone more represented in the game.


No worries. Dont get to upset about people being aggressive. They are just really passionate about LoL, and I'm grateful to work on a game with so many people that are so passionate about the game that it makes them emotional, even if they aren't the best at expressing their emotions in text.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brandonberg2402

Hello Reav3, is there any chance for burly or bearded champions like Graves?

Yeah we need another champ like that, especially a non-Caucasian one. It's something we want to do in the future, for sure


Originally posted by FeelsCactusMan2

Cinematics are outsourced. They are not created by "Riot Art team".

Not always. Annie, Ryze, Fiddle are examples of strictly internal art/video teams.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

Is there a chance for more Indian or darker skinned Asian representation from Ionia?

Karma is still the only dark skinned Asian representation in League.

I know it's not the most popular representation but I'm just surprised its not talked about.

Yes of course. We are definitely lacking in good south Asian representation right now. It’s something we want to do more of in the future. Probably a lot sooner then u think :)


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Okay but, Ornn's upgrade names are SO COOL. Like why can't regular items be named like this.

Thanks <3


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

Are there any other stats that have discrepancies between the component-derived and internal values? That's really interesting to know.

If omnivamp doesn't have a separate value btw, I think it would be useful to do that for future vamp-related changes because 40 gold is definitely undershooting the actual power.

Don't take this as comprehensive or as gospel but the two that come to mind are flat/percent MS. I think both of those can end up a bit off.

Omnivamp is diff from lifesteal in value for sure, though what that number is I cannot remember


Originally posted by resonmis

Woah i didn't know that. I always thought that Trundle only reduce %40 of the total armor always even when Sej lost her passive. Is this case also for Lethality ? Let's say we didn't give Thresh any soul he now has 28 base armor. With al my lethality item i would have well over 28 lethality, so do i now deal even more damage, or it doesn't matter moment it reduced to 0 ?

I dont believe lethality goes beyond 0


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

If we assume that the Prowler's Claw upgrade is worth 1000 gold (and the other stats stay the same), lethality would be valued at about 43 gold per point.

I think that's pretty close to our internal value but I can't remember off the top of my head


Originally posted by resonmis

Phlox. Pardon me if i am wrong but isn't there something called "minus armor" which basically droping your armor to the point where you are at - armor and getting even more damage because of that ?

Trundle can do this on Rammus/Sej, esp with aftershock. Ult em when their temp resists are up and then when they're gone they have negative. It's fun


Lethality's gold value tends to be highly undervalued. Its also a stat where the more you get the happier you are (until you're dealing true damage and it doesn't matter)

26 May


Yeah, I largely agree with this post. I hit DII recently and it is my belief that the increase was mostly off refining micro. Macro is very visible in broadcast, but the reality is that effective macro comes from tactical excellence on the micro level. Broad trends result from many small actions, improving those actions is the key to leveling up your game.