Ruin-what? You're not making any sense, man.
Ruin-what? You're not making any sense, man.
Amazing work!
According Psychopathic (challenger tier Nasus player) it's a bug that it doesn't stack.
Plus, here's a bug fix for Tear a while ago:
Bug Fix: Abilities which empower a champion's basic attack will now properly trigger Mana Charge when hitting epic monsters.
Yet, tear no matter what does not work on Nasus Q? Why would it get a bug fix for empowered AA if you can't stack with empowered AA?
Maybe that was before item changes, sure. Why is this line in the wiki then?
Empowered basic attacks gained from abilities will count for triggering Mana Charge upon consuming the attack.
Either way, there's a lack of clarity.
I talked with Psychopathic about this and reported this for him thinking it was a bug, GreaterBelugeWhale (comment above yours) did the investigating and found it to not be a bug because Nasus Q does not trigger ability effects, which is intentional. I do agree there is certainly a lack of clarity around it and similar effects though.
Or not, cuz none of these champions actually have tear incorporated into any semi-viable build, so them having it really isnt an issue. Instead focus on bugs that actually influence a champion’s strength like Kled’s, which literally happen at least once every single game.
Actually, can I please get an explanation on this? Why is Kled left the way he is when its so obvious for so long? Is it straight up just neglect for the champion?
oh yeah, its definitely not a priority thing to do, but the game should technically work correctly at some point
Is it intended that TP stacks tear? I guess it is a "spell" cast. Haven't checked if smite/exh/ignite do or not. But had a good laugh when my tear stacked off of TPing to a minion.
LOL love it
Okay but why do other empowered autos trigger tear then? Blitz E triggers it, Darius W, Jax W, Vi E... what makes them so different from Nasus Q? It just seems inconsistent? Especially in the wording of the abilities.
Plus, I just tested for giggles, Darius W does not proc luden's but yet stacks tear.
So I'm just really curious why all these other abilities trigger and stack tear but Nasus Q doesn't.
sounds like i should fix those >.>
Okay but what about Nasus Q? Tear does not stack on it either and it seems like it should to me.
nasus Q does not stack tear (neither does draven Q). Razor here is if they trigger ability effects (ie: ludens). They do/should stack manamune, as that works of AAs (the bug being draven Q does not).
and what else added?
draven auto buys tears to fill his inventory slot whenever he dies
fixed for 11.12