League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by NoWaifu_No_Laifu


Yeah but then they one-upped it game 1 against MAD


Originally posted by Palavakala

"He makes another big outplay" flash r into missing e and w while autoattacking ggwp

He didn't miss R. That's why his first Q on Lucian reset.


Originally posted by GGABueno

That description is quite broad, how does it work in practice? Is it a place where minorities gather to be heard? Is it one big thing or a lot of smaller groups?

Depends on what company you are at for how it works in practice. At Riot we have multiple groups, each based on their own affinity such being a Veteran or being Filipino. The size of each varies. I think our LGBTQIA+ group is one of the largest. In general, the groups meet weekly/monthly/quarterly to build community, collaborate on projects, and more! We did this mostly at our office, but now we do it virtually because of COVID.


Originally posted by -eradar-

Honestly, thank yall for this. I've always loved the rainbow trail and icon and now there are more goodies across every game that actually look way better than before. It's a bit emotionally overwhelming to see your identity being displayed as a controversial topic in a time of celebration. I can't wait to see what you all have in store for us in the years to come 💖



Originally posted by ImoutoCompAlex

Thanks for the detailed reply. That was very helpful. Last question and I'll leave you alone! Outside of school (in your case Laguna College), what websites/online courses would you recommend to an amateur who's only dabbled in it for the occasional Youtuber Video but want's to get better?

Lol its ok!

I still suggest Youtube because alot is on that.

I dont know any online schools to be honest. LCAD is my first and only college experience. I hear a school called brainstorm is super good and cheap. Idk if they have any VFX classes tho. I plan to go to brainstorm to learn things once I settle down and figure mylife out haha


Hey there! Our team is technically an Employee Resource Group (ERG). ERGs are groups of employees who join together in their workplace based on shared characteristics or life experiences. The business benefits from hearing our diverse perspectives and in turn employees are heard and changes are made for the better.

Almost all large companies have ERGs including Google, Disney, Amazon etc...

Hope that helps!

17 May


Originally posted by Bubbly_Calendar2161

i just wanted to say that you guys are doing a great job

<3 Honestly, I read a lot of bad comments related to being LGBTQIA+. Comments like these that are so simple and nice mean so much. I agree that we're not perfect, but we're trying and I think we do genuinely get better year over year.


Originally posted by ImoutoCompAlex

You started out as an animation student? I know you disliked it but I think that's awesome. So you then wound up in VFX after some experimentation with what you were comfortable in. Are there any careers out there that combine skills in both VFX and animation or would that be biting off more than you can chew? (A.KA. better to keep your skillset more specialized when applying in this field). Did you know any other students who went that mixed route since there's probably some overlap? Or better to just pick a path (VFX or animation) and stick to it?

Sorry I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'd love to hear your perspective.

Mhmm story telling and stuff like that. I didnt get to do much animating but it seemed tiresome lol
(they were still doing the traditional animating with paperflipping using 100+sheets of paper)

VFX in my opinion is actually a form of animation. im taking a particle system and making it go from point A to point B. Or stretching it super far and then shrinking super tiny the next second! My favorite thing in VFX to do is called FlipBooks! Its pretty much hand animating something. Like for example, did you know Dragon trainer Tristana has a flipbook animation of a flame that comes out of the dragons mouth when it fires? its just 4 frames that happens super quick.

VFX is awesome because there is no one way to get an effect done. I can make the same effect but using 5 different methods. I was very uncomfortable in VFX the first 4 weeks. it was only after I started to grasp it that I was like. "niceeeeee"

LOL I hope this answers some of the questions.


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Originally posted by Oleandervine

I'm so happy the Diana/Leona emote is from a mission! I really wanted it. I'm also really digging the ward icon for the shirts.

We wanted to make sure the content was as accessible as possible, hence the choice to go forward with missions. Glad you like it!


Originally posted by Bear_in_pants

No, no they are not usually similar to real world economies. Some MMOs might be a little similar, but the vast majority of games have nothing in common with a real world economy. You have infinite supply, you have a single seller market with no competition ("the game"), you have secondary and tertiary currencies, etc. There are a lot of differences.

The macroeconomics of the situation are definitely different, but hard disagree when it comes to micro. Economics is the science of incentives, and that leads to unique insight when developing an in-game economy.


Originally posted by 5oup

Thank you for posting some of your insight about your journey, I never fully got to talk to you at LCAD but I appreciate the advice. One thing to remember is how awesome the teachers are at our school and how building connections to teachers and peers is important. Anyone can make really amazing art but remember people rather work with someone who can take feedback and be respectful than someone hard to work with. There's a lot of other industry devs like Shishido who have given kind advice, good luck on your journey!

Thankyou! Of course! I wouldn't have gotten to where I was if the teachers didn't help me. Its weird because now I'm going to be working with a few of them lol. I still see them as teachers >_<

I think a big thing that helped that wasn't really taught in school was to be observant. I would usually be quiet in school but I would be constantly observing everyone's work and listening to their critique as if it were my own. I would take all what was said and apply it to my work for next weeks homework until it improved.

Also feel free to message me on insta or discord to play Dota2/LoL/Wildrift or any portfolio critiques/paintovers lol


Originally posted by CanonicalPizza

Saving this comment, thanks for sharing your experience and advice!

Of course!


Originally posted by ImoutoCompAlex

(27 in 2018) So you’re around 30 now? Please don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just refreshing to hear that at that age it’s still not too late for a career change into a completely different industry even though I’ve always had this mental barrier in my head that it is.

Yeah! Im 30 right now. Single father who loves his daughter very much <3

No problem! I like to be as transparent as possible. Fun fact: When I started art school in 2018 I was an animation student. Hated it, and then switched to Game Art. And before all of that I was in the military. So ive switch career choices multiple times haha.

Also alot of the kids in my school were like 18-23 years old when I first got to college and I felt like the old man out of the bunch. Which also put a fire under me to perform better and prove myself! I was very motivated to perform well >_<

You got this! ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD!


Originally posted by GrauerWolf30

Will this be on the turkish server too?

Content is live on the Turkish servers!


Originally posted by HNIC1995

Keep up all the good work! It's so nice to not only see these in League but across all the games is so cool! I mostly play Legends of Runeterra now a days, but I'll be rocking all the new stuff the there. Maybe next year we can get some Pride card backs?

Will definitely pass the idea on to the Legends of Runeterra team. Would love on to match my Guardian :P


Originally posted by ItsCrossBoy

Calling anything that has a rainbow on it "corporate pandering" is absolutely not fair. It delegitamizes the hard work that LGBT people are doing in riot to make things like this happen.

  • they're making good merch, that people actually want

  • they're making good loot available for free in all of their games, all of which is absolutely incredible

  • they're releasing in-universe content and lore that is LGBT

  • they're donating proceeds to LGBT organizations

This isn't coke putting a rainbow on a logo. This is people who care making things for other people who care.

Don't get me wrong, there are things to criticize (Varus STILL needs his VO update after 3 years), but calling anything cooperate pandering is just not fair to the work that's going into it.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. A lot of the Rioters behind this event are LGBTQIA+ Rioters and our intent is to represent our community as best we can with things we hope they love.

You're a hundred percent right that we have more we could improve on and we'll always be striving to top ourselves year over year. So keep the feedback coming. What are other things (beside's Varus' VO) that you'd love to see?


Originally posted by bravesther

You all better damn well know I'm spamming that emote every game when I get it 💋

Same <3


Originally posted by Yuujou2

Hi! I work on the LGBTQIA+ team at Riot. Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm glad you enjoy the content :D

Can confirm this is, in fact, a Rioter!

Just waiting on flair :3