League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Mar


Originally posted by Witheroverlord

Is there a way to make Karthus more fun in lane ? it might also bring down the jungle play rates.

I'd love to hear ideas people have to make him more fun specifically in lane


Originally posted by Ascedance

I was going to go and verify.. but I couldn't find any statistics on Karthus mid because his playrate for midlane is so low that u.gg and the likes don't record it any more.

When the playrates are -that- low, is it not hard to get statistically significant information out of the 3 or so people per region that play Karthus mid?

Edit : you can still see Karthus mid's stats when you specifically go to his page and sort by mid, but his pickrate is so low he's no longer listed as a midlane champion when you sort by lane.

We get enough data across all regions to have a pretty solid idea of a champion with playrates like his, but it can be rough early on in the patch


Originally posted by [deleted]

With a 0.2% pick rate.

I wonder how many of those are skilled Karthus players, and comparing that with other more popular Champs, no way it would impact the win rate numbers, right?

Statistically its not onetricks or anything lol


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

What's up Phlox,

I was just wondering what the "lower bound" is for games played (below which data generally isn't being considered for balance). For example, Swain botlane has very high winrates with very low pickrates. Does he avoid nerfs because the # of games is too small to tell for sure?

If not, what other considerations are going into the decisions for balancing these very niche picks, and are they consistently applied? For example, if Karthus jungle is balanced (leaving just the low-pickrate mid and bot roles with high winrates), would he still be nerfed this patch? Would Zilean ever get nerfed because of the midlane winrate given his current pickrate?

Even if you can't answer this now, it might be a good topic for a future dev post.

Generally 1.5% playrate in the role is the cutoff for "must touch" but sometimes champs are under that and adjusted for other reasons


Originally posted by Mixed_not_swirled

Can Riot just accept that Karthus will never be balanced in the jungle unless it returns to a low income role and kneecap his jungling potential already? This champ is eating nerf after nerf and is becoming more and more shit in lane.

That being said that nerfs section made me really f**king excited to play league tomorrow.

So Karthus is by our metrics as strong in midlane as in jungle (both were 53% or so prepatch) and even stronger botlane. He might not be fun in lane but he is by no means weak


Originally posted by BruhMomentumQuantum

I heard that Kayn is going to become the next 1000 day club president. 👀


Originally posted by Drathyyy

I know it’s unlikely as he’s not super popular but I really love the idea of Kennen in a little disco space suit, his shurikens could be little disco balls, his ult could be like a big shining disco ball :D

Great skins btw, I’m super new to league, only started a few weeks ago and there’s so many awesome skins about, I’m super impressed with you guys :D

Thanks Drathyyy. With 1000+ skins in the portfolio we definitely have to try some stuff that’s really out there from time to time. :)

Welcome to League btw. Hope you enjoy the game. :)


Originally posted by 350

The audio and visual on these is amazing, well done. Can't wait to roll that disco ball mid at level 2.

Thank you! New meta when being ganked by Nunu is to just stop running and start dancing instead, maybe generous Nunus will let me live


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

You killed off my 1000 day club doc, what will I do now? Maybe I'll make yet another chart based around Morde again

We’re trying to figure out where to draw the line next when it comes to “days since last skin”. We’ll keep folks posted. :)


Originally posted by Otiknayluj

Hi Bellissimoh! I just want to say that despite the fact that I don't use any of these champions, I can really feel the passion you guys out into this skinline. It's out of this world! Great job! Can't wait for Crime city!!

Thanks Otiknayluj. Much appreciated. :)


Originally posted by Nopersman

I'm loving the theme. And It's probably the closest I'm gonna get for new demacia vice skins.

We got there in a roundabout way but we got there. :)


Originally posted by ILikeMyself_

Have to come in to say that I'm absolutely glad you've gone out of your way to try something different and it really shows the bounds of creativity. I much prefer this to any other type of futuristic themes you guys generally rehash (which I feel have gotten boring). This also signifies that you haven't forgotten about the more light-hearted, jokey skin lines and the sound design is f**king brilliant. This is amazing, truly. I don't even play Samira but might buy it out of principle.

You hit the nail on the head as it relates to sound. Huge kudos go out to the audio team on these skins. True heroes.


Originally posted by Arctic_Daniand

I simple love it, so simple yet so fun, you nailed it.

Yeah we don’t want everything to be so super serious and edgy all the time. (Though many people like that sh*t to be fair)

Glad you’re liking the playful tone.


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

We dig it. Finally a good Rumble skin that isn’t legendary

As someone who plays Rumble mid on occasion, I can’t wait myself. ;)


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

It's an absolutely hilarious thematic that you guys knocked out of the park. The colors, animations, sound effects -- everything on these skins captures the aesthetic wonderfully.

Part of me finds it a little odd that there was so much of a pet/animal focus in what could easily have been just "Retro Disco Future" and been amazing just on those merits (Samira and Lux are probably my favorites for that reason -- I think the fact that they don't play into the zany animal design that much actually strengthens them as far as the "retro disco" goes), but the rest are super endearing and extremely charming -- just perhaps not quite as thematically strong in my personal view.

I really hope this theme takes off, as this is one of the first themes in a while I'm really excited to see more of. It sort of hits some of the stuff I loved about Demacia Vice, in a weird way.

Jinx, Bard, Ivern (I really just want to see him dance), Xayah/Rakan (doub...

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Thanks for the note Djinn. Internally we saw some people that loved the animal angle and some that loved the humans. We decided why not both? :)

Love your observations about color and execution. It’s really fulfilling for the development team to see players recognize the effort put in.


Originally posted by MaleQueef

Love it! The thematic is so flexible too! Expect this to comeback after the next year line up. Hope we get more champions turned into robo suits with animals controlling theme.

You’re absolutely right that there’s a ton of flexibility in Space Groove. We’ll be watching the results and also surveying players afterwards to make sure we understand whether people liked it and why or why not.

Assuming it does well we’re super excited to extend this universe to a bunch of other champs. :)