Except it's not just about a specific build, and you know it. On hit Varus was a completely different playstyle to the lethality one.
On hit Varus was about positioning, spacing, and consistently landing auto attacks. He was in the same style of champions as Ashe and to some extent Twitch and Kog'Maw.
Lethality Varus was entirely about how many Qs you could land. His playstyle shifted entirely to that of a Artillery Mage, being more similar to Xerath now than an ADC.
This new Varus attempts to force you to use auto attacks by putting more power into his W, but it's still fundamentally the same lethality Varus.
The issue here is that these are changes nobody wanted. Most Varus players liked on-hit Varus and thought the lethality version was unhealthy. Instead of remedying the lethality version, Riot decided to double down on it instead. The question is: why?
It's like doubling down on AP Twitch. Right now, both are perfectly viable alternati...