League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

That's nice to know! I've been told by a few rioters due to Sylas being pushed back she was pushed through production quicker to get a champion released.

Its nice to hear that it can be seen by some she's not fully realised. I do love her don't get me wrong, but she does a feel a bit 3/4ths done. Particularly her visuals don't feel as solidly appealing as they could be and her kit feels a bit TOO basic.

Indeed, I think there is also this unforunate scenario where a champ that is function and even good design wise like Neeko gets overshadowed by champions that more desperately need work done to keep them up to bar.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Do you feel that if Neeko wasn't forcibly rushed out of production she may of ended up a bit differently?

Or would you say she's as "neeko" as she could be?

I wasn't here for Neeko's dev cycle so I can't speak on it personally. I doubt she was rushed out of production because we have a high bar for quality, though she was released a long time ago and things were likely different in a variety of ways back then. As far as being as "Neeko" as she can be, the identity of a champ is hard to speak on because realistically they are who they are, whether thats for the best or not. I personally do not believe Neeko as a design is fully realized, though thats not to say I think its a poor design. I personally love the design, and I also think the champ could also be so much more. A lot of where I think we could advance her further (mainly her W) stems from areas where we likely just didn't have the tech to do what we can do now with champions.


So I know it's not the most visible location (definitely pretty deep in the client), but if you go to the Ranked tab inside the profile, and filter the ladder by "Top Solo/Duo Players" you can spectate games in progress from the top solo queue players if they have a "spectate eye" next to their name.

You just right click on the name and click `Spectate Game`.


Originally posted by doglightning

I'm not sure if the HoB is working as intended. As neeko if I pretend to be nunu and I have HoB it shows HoB below my feet for enemy to see. Another more obvious example is with Omnistone. WHen you use passive the enemy sees omnistone next to health bar so its really obvious. Also on that note when you use neeko close omnistone doesnt show on clone so its really obv which is real neeko.

I was told it is intended, and while I disagree and don't feel it matches my expectations, I don't feel strongly enough to challenge that call.

13 Mar


Originally posted by itsEOA

The game itself might not have been all that interesting, but the casters having a good time was nice to listen to.

We try to have fun when the stakes are slightly lower. Glad you enjoyed!

12 Mar


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/RiotAether,

Could we please get someting like a 'small updates target patch' list that is official and also totally subject to change?

It feels like Riot has MANY parallel 'small updates' around all kinds of champs, items, and runes in the works RIGHT NOW. These are always exciting and interesting, to look forward to and watch unfold. For every champion update, or new item, or rework, or rune change, scores of players are looking forward to them! The evolving game with communicative devs is one of the best aspects of League. It adds to the experience, frankly,

I just wish we had some clarity on when we might see the changes. I fully respect that we won't get the actual changes until they are fully baked and ready to go, and patch targets are subject to change. It would be nice to have an official update every month or so, just a simple list of 'when' things may show up, or if they are in development. That's all.


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Hey this is a good question. The main reason why we end up keeping it more vague with these types of projects is because of the way they are developed.

Most of our work (patches, champs, preseason, skins, etc) are staffed and planned for in a very long term way. We have the full set of people needed and plan around a release date that we can almost always hit.

These smaller emergent updates are the opposite - we look at problems we would like to solve in the game and try to fix them in a more responsive way. Because of the uncertainty of the work it's not possible to have consistent staffing around them - for example one type of project might need a lot of VFX and sound but no animation, but another might need a ton of animation but no VFX. So the way we usually ship these is on a flexible timeline where we catch the spare time of an animator of VFX artist who is inbetween large projects.

This isn't a super satisfying answer because we probably still wont ...

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Alright did some digging:

There is a mix here of bugs that are being tracked and worked on being fixed, some new things uncovered that I have reported, as well as some here that are working as intended.

Some specifics- the hitbox thing feels off, I will look into it and see what I can but no promises.

Comet/HoB being visual when disguised is working as intended. I believe the bug is when they DON'T show when disguised.

Skin bugs are outside the realm of where I can help unfortunately.

Biggest thing I can say here is Neeko's HP not showing while disguised is known and being tracked.


Hey all, this was a hefty blog so I wanna call out a link at the bottom to the Ask Riot question submission form to make sure it doesn't get missed. If there's a specific skin you want us to talk more about, submit it to that link. We think there'll be enough interest to do an Ask Riot followup in about a month, but need folks to put those clarification requests in so we know that interest is actually there, and which skins to cover.

(Storm Dragon Lee Sin gets discussed in ...

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Originally posted by Capek95

I appreciate the work, but I wonder, why does it always take a social media outrage to get stuff fixed in the game?

It really doesn't, me responding here is just very visual and thus skews bias. Theres literally countless bugs we report on and fix that you don't see. At the same time, we also can't fix bugs that we don't know about, so things like this help us get visualization into those problems.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HoodedRS

Last patch Riot said they fixed the "Waiting for stats" bug in client because nobody can access the post game lobby but it still very much exists for me and happens once or twice a day.

It just feels like literally every other company has better client than Riot and empty promises don't really help their case. I remember about a year ago Riot blautoise made a forum post that they are fully working on fixing the client and yet 12 months later things are even worse.

Thanks for the comment,

Our EOG (End Of Game) flow has many services involved, and interactions between the game engine, client, and our client foundation.

We looked at addressing one fix in the client foundation and was expecting the stats service to reset properly after each game, so it doesn't freeze after subsequent games. We made the change and it did resolve the issue.

Looking at our data, it helped a number of players who are willing to wait a good amount of time 'waiting for stats', but we know we still have a lot of work to do with EOG. (e.g. the max amount of time players were willing to wait to get back into the client dropped by about 40 seconds for 99th percentile of players)

According to the current client sentiment survey we run, it's by far the problem most players are experiencing --> finishing a game, and getting back into their client for the next one.

We will continue to investigate the entire EOG flow and see where we can...

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    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rezyd

Everyday I get the message that I have gotten key shards. EVERY DAY for the PAST YEAR.

We put in a fix for 11.6, let me know if it resolves for you!


Originally posted by G2KEKLESS

"Surely I can end in 20 min right?. Win lane, take herald, push lanes, they will ff 15 100%. Alright lets do this!"

First Blood!

Enemy Double kill!

Every time...


Originally posted by Beethoven0316

Hope this will raise some awareness =(

I'll look into it and see what I can do. A few of these seem like easy fixes while others seem difficult, but maybe. Best I can do is get eyes on it which I will do for ya. Neeko is best decision :)