League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Originally posted by kitiny

Last one I saw just said we had to finish the game quick cause he had a meeting to go to.

Too real

11 Mar


That's impressive, congrats!


Originally posted by Malombra_

Can you retroactively change Nami's eternal to "hit 2+ champs with her ult"? She's the only one who has a "hit 3+ champs" and it makes zero sense

This is a great question. Honestly, I would prefer to change it but then it's actually an entirely different Eternal. I believe it may be too risky to change it that much at this stage.


Hello Eternals fans! Riot Rovient here, designer on Eternals Series 2.

I love tricky Eternals; the ones that ask you to try that little bit harder to progress. There's something extremely compelling about the "Multiple (2+) champions hit" Eternals from Series 1, but, I also found there was something decidedly less cool about them. If the requirement for such an Eternal is "2+", such as with Yasuo's "Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Last Breath (R)" then hitting 3, 4 or even 5 champions at the same time gains you no additional progress or recognition. I'm sure a lot of you have discovered the same thing.

However, in Eternals Series 2, we're going for a subtle but powerful shift in the way we track your performance for these kinds of Eternals, such as with Kayn's "Champions hit beyond the first with Blade's Reach (W)".

This simply means "Whenever you hit more than 1 champion with this, we'll cou...

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10 Mar


Originally posted by CyberRyter

Essentially so. So many dps mages default to Liandry's. They're trying to make Liandry's less of a staple on those champs (adjusting it for its intended niche as a tank buster mythic), and make Luden's more appealing.



Originally posted by AgentVersacedolphin

I agree. I would pay top dollar to be John Wick in league.

Fun Fact: Kai'Sa's name in very early dev was John Click. Totally different kit and playstyle, still liked the name though.

09 Mar


Originally posted by huehuemul

What's the context on shoehorning Xin-zhao into some weird ass, clunky AP/On-Hit/Crit monstrosity?

AP Xin is not supposed to be his primary build, neither is crit. He just has some additional options because we were already working on him. I suspect Bruiser/Assassiny Xin will remain the strongest version of that character


Originally posted by NicramUrgod

What is 1st best build if I may ask and if You are allowed to reveal such stat?

Titanic Rush at 58%


Originally posted by Blasterus

Holy f**k thank god its just a urgot revert

For context, Titanic was ~58% and Stridebreaker (the 2nd best build) is getting nerfs and it's strong but not nearly so close


Finally no need to get up from bed anymore. \o/


Originally posted by APBRUISERITEMS_WHEN

This is the first nerf I believe Lillia’s gotten since release

The end of an era :(


Originally posted by PoolPartyTaliyah

TP change has shipped on PBE, CD from 420-240 to 420-210, MS from 30/40/50% to 50%

Edit: It removes homeguard MS now

Note, this is an adjustment since TP removes Homeguards (both respawn and post 20-min).