Was a gg. Pretty hectic finish. Also your Samira popped off. Fun game. :)
Was a gg. Pretty hectic finish. Also your Samira popped off. Fun game. :)
Unless I'm mistaken, Stachu (known as design lead for Qiyana, Aphelios, Rell) is taking on lead design for him.
Yeah I think Stash will be on it? Not 100% sure. But Champion team leadership saw this thread so they'll have all these ideas when they start work.
I have my mastery emote bound to R.
It's perfect for when I whiff seraphine ults.
Wait, I might have read it wrong but I'm confused- There's another VGU in the works other than Mundo and Udyr?
Not currently no
Do you think udyr is going to remain a niche champ or does he have the the potential to be more broad
I mean most champs become at least a bit more broad after we VGU them, I think Udyr has some potential to be more broad then he is now, for sure.
This is so good!!
Here’s the link to the contest for anyone (like me) that somehow missed it in all the Season Start stuff: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/season-2021-fan-art-contest/
Hey Reav3! So the other independent VGU you mentioned is aimed for 2022 aswell as the blog mentions "The First VGU of 2022", right?