I'd like to thank every emo / hardcore / pop punk band that led us to this moment. I always thought my first love song would be about a former SO, but here I am writing about the best ADC in EU. XD
I'd like to thank every emo / hardcore / pop punk band that led us to this moment. I always thought my first love song would be about a former SO, but here I am writing about the best ADC in EU. XD
Hey Phlox! Not sure if you are in charge of the Urgot W buffs (50%->75%) but could they be swapped for a W being disctinct type of fix so his W could once again be usable for Phase Rush, Electrocute, Tear, Manamune, Muramana, Black Cleaver?
I'll pass it along to the designer!
Read moreActually yeah, he said it not you. I assumed it's just an excerpt for people who are not using twitter, but now I opened it and saw it's not even remotely close. Apologies for that.
On the other hand, what the issue I see is that while you clearly detail in your post on twitter what you see the problematic points are you still do nothing to outliers for patches now.
Also, can we just appreciate how Seraphine got to the point where she's banned for being obnoxious gameplay-wise (and generally broken) instead of literally everything else? What exactly was the idea there? You were the designer, you must have already gotten all the feedback. I really think that release was likely the biggest learning experience in the last like 5 years or so for you guys, since she was probably the only champ ever that was received in such an overwhelmingly negative way and also the only one that was hated for non-gameplay reasons. I'm actually curious about this and since you popped u...
The Reddit community is infamously toxic and not particularly representative of our player base. There are few examples where this is more pronounced than Seraphine.
I'd also want to complain about it on ARAM. You can get a takedown on every single champion fairly easily there, especially if you have some sort of buff or heal spell you can cast on allies, and it is very annoying. It also doesn't help that most champions don't buy active items and the out of combat move speed matter less there, so there's really only two choices on that row.
Yeah I can see ARAM-specific tuning in place for Ravenous for sure.
Ravenous Hunter gives MORE OMNIVAMP than most items in the game. Just compare how insane that is with other stats. That's like Alacrity giving 40% AS or Eyeball Collection 60 AD.
Want to nerf healing? Just remove ravenous hunter and make people have to ACTIVELY invest into omnivamp.
Ravenous is definitely powerful, but it also has the correct type of backloaded gating (getting a takedown on everyone) that lets us feel it is structurally healthy.
That said, there's some merit to the notion that it's just better than it's alternatives in that row. We're keeping an eye on it.
One of the good changes this season is reducing the accessibility of AH and Mana. League's secret sauce is in the strategy not it's mindless spamming of abilities.
Then proceeds to release champs that have NO MANA and occasionally get AH from attack speed. Makes total sense! Except it f**king doesn't....
in 2020 and 2021, total of 6 new champs were released and 3 of them has no mana, and one of those has AS into AH scaling as well, so to clarify, getting rid of items that give mana nerfs a certain number of champions for sure, but definitely not the darlings like Yasuo, Yone, Riven, Sett or more recently Viego.
That's what the OP said, not what I said.
Interesting that Rell is getting just flat buffs after they initially planned for nerfs to her, especially since she seems really strong. Also, did they revert one of the Seraphine nerfs? Thought they were lowing her self-shield bonus
yep, sera got a bump down both in her ally and self shield! her ally shield goes off of her self shield, so it was meant to be imply that both are decreased. in other words, her ally shield is 50-100
and her self shield is now 75-150
going to update the notes with this, thank u :)
It shows Gangplank under updated, but all I see is a change in the Bug Fix/QoL section. Is that really all of it or did something get left out?
yep! wanted to call attention to his new ult upgrade interface :)
I guess the question is why? Who is going AP rell lol, if anything this is a ninja buff to Sylas since now he can do 110% AP if he steals her ult...
Does this mean you still plan on trying to get a second VGU out for next year? Or is the plan currently only Udyr for 2022?
currently we want to do 2 VGUs in 2022, yes, not just Udyr. Obviously things can always change but our current goal is at least 2 VGUs for 2022, yes
Can you say without spoiling too much why you guys had to cut the 2nd VGU? Like, at sometime we didn't like the approach, etc
It was a resource issue, we were already behind due to covid and then we lost a designer on the team (not from Riot but they went to another team within Riot)
Thanks for raising this! For people encountering this issue, what are your summoner names on PBE? If I could get your r3d logs and crash dumps that would help immensely as well.
Oh, ok, I understand. That's a load off my mind. Thank you for responding, I hope I didn't overstep my bounds with this post.
no worries, its understandable, I was pretty sad when we had to cut the 2nd VGU for this year as well, as I love working on VGUs just as much as you all love seeing them released.
To be clear, we didn't intentionally drop down to 1, from a strategy perspective. We had orinally planned to do the VGU poll much earlier and ship 2 VGUs this year, Mundo and whoever won the poll, even when the voting tech had to be redone when we depreciated nexus, we still started up what would have been the 2nd VGU for 2021 without the voting poll. Unfortunately the realities of Covid and switching to a WFH model effected our production schedule. It's not something we plan on continuing every year in the future