League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Feb

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Eruptflail

Is there a reason why you all are looking to fix the client rather than completely remake it or integrate it within the game itself?

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TellMeGetOffReddit

My question is, what's your goal with this AMA? Are you looking for feedback? Looking to shoot the shit? Is this a "for fun" thing or is there an actual goal behind this.

I guess I'm asking, what kinda questions are you guys looking for? For fun questions? Or serious detailed questions.

anything you desire!


Originally posted by LtSpaceDucK

True if they get ultied by jarvan they won't be able to dodge Karthus q's, new meta

wont be able to dodge karthus ult either


Originally posted by bibbibob2

Hi love the work!

Many of us wonder why is not a better solution to simply make a new client rather than spend all this time looking through the current one fixing numerous bugs and memory leaks.

A common example was the wintermint client etc. I am sure it is a lot of work to make a new client, but from the looks of it having a dedicated team working in and out for over a year to fix this current client seems to be quite the investment too?

Any insight on pros and cons of making it from scratch?

Thanks for the question! This is a deep one and is going to take a bit of history, so let's go for a little walk.

League, since the very beginning, has had two pieces of client software - the out-of-game client and the in-game client. For brevity, let's just refer to "the client" as the out-of-game one - the in-game one isn't what this AMA's about. Originally this was implemented on top of Adobe AIR, and went through a major rewrite a few years back, implemented on top of web technologies.

This split is not something that many games do. I struggle to think of an example really - the vast majority of games, including the other ones Riot makes, implement their out-of-game experience in the same piece of software that the in-game experience is delivered on. This has a lot of benefits, but the biggest of them is that the same experts that are tasked with making the in-game experience snappy and responsive can apply the same techniques to the out-of-game experience....

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    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Meijis_Wife

How do you deal with the toxicity regarding the client? Does your team feel the pressure of all those years of broken promises? The client has been a meme for a long time within the community. I'm pretty sure you're aware of that, but does it make the job harder?

Good question, I am fairly new to the team, it will be one year In May!

One thing I wanted to do when I started on this team, I wanted to get a survey out globally to get a measure of sentiment around the client (you may have gotten it). This gave me a good idea of what we should work on in the second half of the year, which was champ select and End Of Game, since players reported issues with those two the most. As we implemented fixes over the past 5 months, we have seen really good trends in these survey results.

For example, the % of players who are very/somewhat dissatisfied with the client when we launched the survey was 50% in Brazil, North America, and South Korea. We are now trending towards below 40% for those three regions combined, which is a really positive trend, but we still need to do more to continue to move in the neutral/positive direction

We have also made good trends in month-over-month sentiment, with more people saying the client has i...

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Originally posted by showmeagoodtimejack

how did it get this bad? what was the QA process like throughout development?


Originally posted by Trashcan_Daniels

the Jarvan/Karthus bot lane was pretty sick ;)

honestly it probably wouldnt be that bad


Originally posted by showmeagoodtimejack

how did it get this bad? what was the QA process like throughout development?

A lot of the issue players see in the client are inconsistent at best, due to many factors like hardware, connection (yes, sometimes it's lag), antivirus software, and other programs a player might have installed. The things we can get accurate repro’s for are the things we can start fixing (depending on the severity of the issue). Depending on the type of work we do during a given patch we will run focused testing along with regression testing (full sweeps of the client) on the areas we specifically touched. At the end of each patch we run what we call an exit sweep to make sure everything in the client is working as we’d expect.

Something to keep in mind is that not all bugs are seen the same. If something is ear-flicky, that bug might sit on our backlog longer due to us prioritizing more critical work.


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Quick question: What version of Chromium is the team planning on upgrading the client to?

We try to upgrade to the latest stable version. But that it isn't always possible within a reasonable amount of time.

For example, the last time we upgraded Chromium we wanted to go all the way to version 80+, but had to settle for 74. On 75, some core APIs changed and upgrading our code would delay the upgrade for a couple of months. Since then, as we do other work, we improve the old code knowing that another upgrade is imminent.


someone pls tell me what the adc's name is


Originally posted by HoroTV

First of all, thanks for the hard work! Your impact is quite noticeable, so I'm interested in seeing on what you can do.

For my question. I've been following the new client since it's early dev posts and also was one of the lucky ones to get early access to it a few years back.

Looking at early dev posts, the idea of having the client being written using web-technologies and especially using ember, was so that there can be many different teams enabled to work on the client to add features.

Since you are actively trying to find bottlenecks with features and even removing some that were especially made for this new client, looking back do you think that using this approach of using web technologies to drive the client was the right one?

The problems with the client are not inherent to the tech stack, web in this case. Many of the issues stem from the way its plugin architecture is implemented. Not even a plugin architecture is necessarily the culprit alone.

For the tech-savvy, picture this, at one point, the client was made up of over 150 plugins (web apps). All of them had their own build config (Webpack), and then, most used different versions of Webpack, Ember, Babel etc. The lack of uniformity and the boundaries that exist between features (plugins) made it very hard to maintain a improve the client.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by molenzwiebel

Just saw that you guys are deprecating/removing chip in favor of Ember for the social plugin. Have you guys considered using something like Vue or React (keystone uses react anyway) at all? I understand that stuff like the ember data binding is already battle tested for the LCU, but given the relative size/impact of the social plugin and your issues with (admittedly a lot of) ember apps in the past I'm curious if you considered a different framework.

A goal of the LCT is to reduce the number of libraries and frameworks that are all accomplishing the same goal. The current state of the client is that the majority of the UI is written in Ember, so it is a natural choice, rather than picking something new and continuing to have two different UI libs/paradigms

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Quick question: What version of Chromium is the team planning on upgrading the client to?

We are going to kick off this discussion soon! version yet to be determined, we would love to be at the latest! once we move to the upgraded version, we are going to ensure we have proper cadence to update way more frequently, so we aren't stuck with a version over a year old.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kakaleyte


If i don't run the client with high performance nvidia processor, League of Legends and Windows crashes while i am in-game, screen goes to black and nothing works. It's like this for years. Are you aware of the problem?

Are you referring to an in-game crash it seems?

I do like your point on GPUs though, we plan to do a chromium upgrade this year, and we are working on tech tasks to get us ready.

The player benefits can be huge, as with every chromium (the front end of the client) release, they perform a full regression test of GPU/CPUs combinations, so as they encounter issues, it will be resolved with their releases. We also have a lot of client crashes that will hopefully be eliminated when we perform this upgrade. The last upgrade of chromium we did was Nov of 2019, so this is long due and the player benefits will be highlighted in our next post, we are looking at faster animations, potentially higher fps (less sluggishness), reduced crashes

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ifBlueIAm

Hi, whats the deal with "skip waiting for stats"?

Good question, LCT made the fixes on the front end last year for EOG (End Of Game), with the reconnect button showing when it is not supposed to & it freezing due to a sync issue with another service.

As we continued our investigation early this year, yes , there is a problem with players seeing skip waiting for stats, and the service is sluggish and not sending stats over to the client in a proper amount of time, this leading to the button not even working. We have started our investigation and could have some potential fixes to help with this, and LCT is coordinating with other teams on the services side to see how we can improve EOG long term


Originally posted by [deleted]


Could you please be a little more specific? :)


Originally posted by popegonzo

Thanks for all the hard work on the client cleanup!

My question is around the loot tab: are there any plans to allow players to remove, or at the very least streamline, the animations? They were cool at first, and I'm sure there's a healthy portion of the player base who enjoys them, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I just want to open a box. I don't need a neat animation to forge the key and then a neat animation to open the box.

Enabling low spec mode in the client will definitely improve your looting experience!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hefastus

We talk about doing things like Morg/Ez a lot,

ye just like that time when Diana and Leona were suppose to get duo update (Diana VGU and Leona visual update)? xD

shame that leagueboards got deleted so source of that duo rework is gone (I remember it was mentioned that after multiple internal Diana mini reworks you guys gave up and decided to give her big scale VGU and Leona small update with visual update)

I'm not sure where u read that, but at no point were we ever working on VUs or VGUs for Diana and Leona

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I am the product manager on the League Client Team here at Riot, and along with my team, would love to answer any questions that revolve around the client! I suggest you take a look at our latest blog post launched earlier this AM PST (and previous dev posts linked there), since it may answer your question. We will make our best effort to try and answer as many questions as we can!

Edit -- HI all, thank you for the questions, we will be stepping away for now and getting back to work, but I, along with the team will continue to respond to questions over the rest of the day when we can (we got a lot). Thank you all for the ...

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Originally posted by Ghisteslohm

Quickshot just shamelessly used your joke :D

Yup I totally did