League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Oct


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler are you able to share how successful Eternals were in terms of the guidelines you laid out in the post

Fairly successful. Eternals have hit the mark for a subset of players. Most players aren't interested in them, and that's fine, there's a group who are who feel good about them and have clear interest in more.

I do think they suffer somewhat from players who aren't interested in them wanting something somewhat similar (more progression avenues for example). That to me is more an issue with our baseline progression/identity offerings than Eternals themselves though.


Originally posted by pacifismisevil

Except he didnt predict 0-18, he said something like it wouldnt be that surprising if it happened, I cant find his exact wording. He literally picked TL to come 3rd in their group in his pick ems. He was wrong about FQ, but right about TL & TSM. He was about the same rightness as other analysts like Dom who predicted 1 NA team to make it through groups on average. Dom predicted FQ to come 4th and TSM to come 3rd IIRC.

Edit - searched for an hour, cant find it. Closest I can find is "TSM might go 0-6", where the host predicted SN would come last in the group. LS deserves credit for predicting SN #1, and Rogue #4 which surprised a lot of people. It's easy to cherrypick when an analyst gets it wrong, you have to look at the whole picture to be fair. If some1 can link me the clip where he said NA 0-18 I'd appreciate it. I seem to recall Frosk was there but could be wrong.

My mistake, it's actually 1-17. This is from the lolesports Twitter predictions, where there's one for each game played. His one NA nod was TL > Machi the first time.


Originally posted by Fencing_fenrir

The second issue is that sub-50% win rates are champions you want to see in your games because you're likely to beat them

Wasn't ye olde Kassadin of S3 below a 50% win rate when he got through the 1% of banning phases?

Yeah. People typically ban (somewhat fairly) for frustration instead of power.


Originally posted by Pozay

Is it really though? I feel like there is more to bans than just pick rate and win rate. For example, if you ban lulu but janna is the 6th best champions, you don't win much, if you instead ban darius and a bruiser champion which is 7th only leaving bad bruisers, you force bruiser players into bad position. My example wasnt that great but I think you get what I'm saying

There's definitely something interesting there. "If my lane opponent would pick Samira, do they just pick Jhin, who's similarly powerful?" There's a more advanced model out there somewhere, yeah.

However, the opposite is true, too. If you ban Thresh, what if they pick a stronger champion instead?

22 Oct


Originally posted by BlackTecno

Is there going to be something to replace Runic's for mana users? It feels kind of bad to need to go seraphs because you want to use one of the non-mana mythics

I suspect mage types who would use a mana mythic if they were in mid would use one in the jungle too


Get Mithy back on the rift


Originally posted by dandatu

what is levi doing now btw

Was in 100T then played for JDG in the LPL for a while then returned back to GAM


Originally posted by Lulullaby_

Because it's not owned by Riot, simple as that.
Has nothing to do with disagreements lol not everything is about drama.


we were very lucky to get to work with the dragons, was an awesome experience. but yeah it is, after all, their song.


Originally posted by xXdimmitsarasXx

Because back then worlds song wasnt a thing, and Imagine Dragons came up with the idea of making a song for league.

With warriors riot decided to just make a song every year under their own rights


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Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

what was her code name in development? Was it Sensational mage?

Her codename was Idol


Yep the omnivamp was bugged so no surprise youre getting absolutely clapped. It should be fixed on this deploy! Or next idk

Sorry about that :(

21 Oct


Originally posted by XenariaV

Tear of the Goddess is no longer a Quick Charge Item. Some specific Items like Deaths Dance, Teamfight Items and some of the Support Items are incredible powerful and will most likely need a nerfed version in ARAM.

Tear is on our todo list. Otherwise, we're not going to make preemptive balance changes on items - we're going to wait until the meta settles and see if we need to make adjustments from there.


Originally posted by stasysqt

Certain Mythic Items In ARAM Don't Count Guardian Items Towards Their Mythic Passive

This bug is pretty self-explanatory. There are a handful of Mythic items on the PBE right now that don't count the Guardian items on ARAM towards their Mythic passives making them less attractive to buy.

Currently from testing I have found this applies to:
* Trinity Force
* Divine Sunderer
* Accelerated Chemtank
* Frostfire Gauntlet
* Night Harvester
* Riftmaker
* Hextech Rocketbelt
* Sunborn Aegis
* Moonstone Renewer
* Imperial Mandate
* Locket of the Iron Solari

Thanks for the report! I'll look into this.


"They're gonna live until they die."

Genius, beauty, insight, perfection.


Originally posted by ratazengo

Quickshot booking himself to cast Worlds Finals, name a more iconic duo

While I read this as a joke and take it as a joke, I do feel a need to clarify something for anyone reading this.

I do have a stake in talent rotation, I'm one of several people involved and I share my opinions and expertise on who could / should cast different games, with a very heavy focus on LEC and EU talent primarily.

To ensure that it's a balanced decision, producers take my suggestions share their feedback and then make the final call.

I'm exceptionally proud of how I've been able to advocate and push my colleagues into bigger and bigger series with each season locally and internationally.


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2019, 2020, and all future global events can be found on the LoL Esports VODs and Highlights channel.

2018 and before can be found on the LoL Esports c...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I know Indiana personally and professionally and your read is so so wrong. It appears to me as you have not tried to understand what she has said or attempted to comprehend what she has gone through in this industry.

I think Indiana has been right to call out certain things and I respect her strength of conviction.