Oh yeah, Soaz was completely out of my picture. But in 2018 he was a sub?
Yeah, but he was definitely a full part of the roster and played multiple games at Worlds, including a game in the final.
Oh yeah, Soaz was completely out of my picture. But in 2018 he was a sub?
Yeah, but he was definitely a full part of the roster and played multiple games at Worlds, including a game in the final.
True if you only consider "within 5 years", but it should be mentioned that Soaz has made Semis 4 times on 3 different teams.
2011 (finals with AAA)
2013 (semis with FNC)
2015 (semis with OG)
2018 (finals with FNC)
There are two issues I have with this: First, there is a "best ban" and your team must use distinct bans, meaning there are five "best bans." So while your model may say that Samira should be banned in 30% of games, she in fact should be banned in every game if players are banning optimally.
According to Lolalytics, the 5 best (play rate * win rate) bans in patch 10.21 are Samira, Zed, Jhin, Hecarim, and Lulu.
So seeing Samira and Zed in your list as disproportionately banned, despite being the two best bans in League of Legends (and, almost more importantly, the #1 Bot Lane and #1 Mid Lane bans), makes this methodology feel flawed.
The second issue is that sub-50% win rates are champions you want to see in your games because you're likely to beat them. This is why it feels odd that Jhin and Ezreal are next to each other. Jhin is indeed left up more often than his power level suggests. However, Ezreal shouldn't be banned: He doesn't win very often a...
Read moreVery nicely played. :)
Have you guys given any thought to the big tank complaints -- lack of mana in tank mythics and legendaries, more varied and accessible penetration options than ever before, and no suitable replacement for Adaptive Helm? I've only heard these secondhand (no PBE access), but they seem fairly valid from what we've seen so far. There has already been work undertaken to address some of the other complaints (like the mythic resistance profiles), so I'm hopeful these will at least be discussed.
We are addressing the concerns with mismatch between shreds and resists available in the overall system.
Holy shiiiit, you're incredible! I love how perfectly you captured each champ. I screamed at the Eve part.
Thanks for the thoughts behind the changes! Super interesting to read. Eclipse is basically half of what it launched on PBE with, but glad to see things moving towards a reasonable state.
No problem! Eclipse was one of the final mythic items so it was coming in pretty hot with mechanical changes right before it hit PBE. The fact that it was in a heavily bugged state (that had variable output, at that—the bug meant that sometimes it did a lot more damage than it should and sometimes did much less) for a bit immediately after its last set of pre-PBE changes did not help power reads at all, either for us balancing it or for the player community trying to understand it. Like, one of the reasons it ended up that powerful is that this bug led us to believe, from playtests, that it was somehow weak despite its reasonable numbers on-paper, and so we buffed it pretty dramatically. I think it's much closer now, and we'll keep following up as necessary.
Possibly of note—Eclipse is meant to be an item that some fighters can buy. I see many players stating that it must be broken because e.g. Riven likes the item, but that's not a good litmus test because it's intended! N...
Read moreI really appreciate that you take the concerns here seriously, although OP and others including me are mostly ranting. I find your explanation on Duskblade really interesting. I assume the goal is to make assassins more useful in teamfights to give them a way to escape? I would really love to hear more about the goal/intention of some specific item additions. Will there be a post at some point about that?
Not sure if we plan to follow up with some dev articles, but I know I'd be happy to write about some of the more interesting items if we do. In the case of the assassin mythics, the goal was to give them some items that aligned themselves strongly with an assassin's wants and the different sorts of games an assassin might find themselves in. Duskblade is meant a really good item in a game where there are several squishies, making the first kill of a fight much easier to get. Prowler's Claw is meant to be powerful if you estimate getting one incredibly strong burst is your best avenue to victory (for instance, if they have a single champion who is the lynchpin of their comp, and applying very heavy burst threat with greater target access allows you to kill them or pressure them out of fights). Eclipse is meant to offer an opt-out for when you evaluate early on that you win condition is to generally avoid teamfights and aim for the splitpush or take smaller skirmishes—this is why it'...
Read moreNice! I see you pretty frequently in threads, and I appreciate how you guys are super responsive about these PBE changes.
BTW, are you able to share the process for evaluating preseason items ATM? I know that the PBE isn't the most "controlled" environment for testing purposes, so I'm really curious to know how you guys are going about it. Is there some valid PBE data that you can use to set performance goals? Maybe internal playtesters collectively make judgements on item strengths? Numbers-crunching for specific breakpoints? A mix of the above, or something entirely different?
Thanks in advance! If you can't answer for whatever reason, it could make for a good "gameplay thoughts" post topic.
Both internal playtesting and number-crunching contribute a lot. We also listen to what players have concerns about, from plenty of channels including Reddit—but we don't just react blindly to player feedback, because while it can alert us to some valid problems it can also be pretty far off sometimes. We heard the issues raised around total percent penetration values, for instance, and took a second look, agreed, then iterated. Thanks for taking an interest!
Not currently, but that is a cool "high-five" sorta idea. I like it. Maybe next year!
We still have a tuning pass to do on the Lethality legendary item stats, but in the meantime these mythic active nerfs should get us some good mileage towards our goal.
You probably don’t need a second confirmation but I saw this bug in a practice tool on Sunday
Edit — and it was BC it could stack off of being in combat with minions (and monsters?). It still only applies 1 stack per unit
It's ok. I thought we fixed it last week but we didn't.
NERF - Too strong in both Jungle and Mid in Elite play
He's only strong in jg & bot, stop hitting mid for no reason when he's perfectly fine there
Champ was kinda nuts across 3 positions and multiple elo brackets. By winrate Karthus jungle is the weakest of the 3. Deathsinger kinda nuts rn
Hey mind if I ask: why are you trying to just get the numbers to be like live? I guess I just don't see the point in reworking the items if your end goal is for it to be exactly like it is now
Not just like live, but similar so that there isn't an influx of new damage.
The point of the item rework isn't to change how much damage/tankiness there is, but rather give players new choices to make and new interesting item actives/passives to play with that enable healthier and/or more interesting play patterns
Love to see you guys active on reddit :) I'd like to piggyback this comment to address something I forgot on the OP and a lot of people pointed out: is ravenous hunter supposed to heal for the full amount on aoe spells and do you think that's alright or will it get changed?
Yeah I think it's supposed to heal full amount on aoe spells, but be a lower % baseline and (I think) less healing on minions. I'll have to follow-up because it's hard to track all these moving pieces myself.
Did you play Tristana today?
Can confirm that 40k Jhin crits are a bug. The intended number is 4444K
Thanks for the analysis! Lethality items are currently undergoing a pass to hit their overall power. Just by adding more potential lethality purchases, the overall stackability of the lethality is way up, which we are planning to address in a future PBE update before it hits live servers.