League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by 00Koch00

In case that Sirhaian came by, is there a reason to reduce the bright of the orb?

Btw the whole update is pretty nuts, especially the E change, that some quality of life update that also looks f**king amazing. And the dances man, Thank You!

Yup! It just attracted too much attention for an idle effect.


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Yes, she's the fox that leads Yone (or whoever that is) through the afterlife.

Edit: I think /u/TyKindred is right in that this video is actually a continuation of the Ionian legend in Perennial:

Long ago, the world was perfectly balanced. It was as an enormous tree full of life, with each branch, each leaf, each bloom carefully and thoughtfully positioned so that the sun and rain could nourish them all. The people, the animals, and the spirits were at peace. There was no word for “war” because there had never been battles or bloodshed.

One day, the Gatekeeper and the Collector crossed paths. The Collector saw how many spirits the Gatekeeper had led through the spirit realm to peace and happiness, and he grew jealous of her

The Collector grew envious of all the spirits that the Gatekeeper had helped find peace, and so he ...

Read more


Originally posted by bz6

Right. I’m kind of disappointed. As I remember Riot has always had the stance of being data informed rather than driven. It yields a more ‘elegant’ approach to design / balance.

I get LoL is old and has developed clear boundaries that define what is broken or not but in return this is going to make the game just feel more rigid don’t you think? No flare, no creativity, no surprises.

not sure i agree, basically all the champs are within the bounds at the moment (most patches include one or two oracle balance changes, and the rest are all other stuff). ie, go play some ap nunu, someone just made it quite good.

if anything, being able to tell at a glance if a champion is numerically too strong or weak has freed up a LOT of time for doing other stuff.

Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

So basically you do what you want

All these fancy frameworks are just for show

no, they stop us from going out of bounds. within the bounds, we do what we want

though if you're trying to be pedantic, we also make the framework so yes, we do what we want

the question that is actually relevant is "what do we want"

Originally posted by TrololoIo

Could you add to his ult the neeko ui but it would show instead the ally % hp?

you can see ally health over the minimap (or on the side of the screen depending on your settings)

Originally posted by bz6

Does that mean yall are still data informed? Because that’s what makes a healthy game imo

we have committed to some hard restrictions that are data driven. but long as we don't run afoul of those restrictions, then we are data informed

Originally posted by fr0z3nph03n1x

Sticky this thread. In a few weeks we are going to be reading another one of these:

Guardian is overperforming after its recent buffs to consistency. Bringing the base shield value down back to before it was buffed.


Our snaky lady didn't lose quite as much as we'd have liked last patch, so we're walking (slithering?) back some changes.

possibly. the advantages of patching every 2 weeks, eh?

Originally posted by Huzzl3

Makes sense, I just figure he'd quickly cross the OP thresholds and require nerfs again, but maybe I'm overestimating the impact

Shen is ~50% so he's got space. we wanted to get another tank into pro thats not just ornn forever and shen was chosen as an ideal candidate. Shen is usually considered a high elo/pro pick due to coordination requirements, and he fits into a different comp style than ornn. Ornn wants to teamfight and force engages with his ult mid game, shen wants to split push, so playstyles around them are quite opposite.

Originally posted by Ryuumoku

What prevent Graves to be nerfed after months of OPness ?

hes over any thresholds


Originally posted by _rothion

Old Evelynn could lane before EVEN after the nerfs due Mid Evelynn being a menace (E shifting to Physical Damage, DFG being removed) - and it was a nice off-meta role to play with.

Since she does have clear weakness that can be abused (making her lane still be a less-optimal pick than Jungle), adjusting Q cooldown on minions would also benefit the situations where she could help the team but can't - like holding a lane for a few seconds or clearing super minion waves.

As an old Evelynn player that played her on a lane a lot, that change would really make me happy.

We did this with Kayn recently too by letting his Q deal extra damage to monsters FWIW. His playrate isnt high (.3% or so, but 50% winrate) but it was low cost and for the people that enjoy it now they can be viable.


Originally posted by Anni01

on the theme of junglers going mid/top, what is you guys position on nunu mid right now? because i am playing and loving it but am afraid of the nerf hammer

I answered this somewhere else in the thread, but generally we're monitoring to make sure it's 1) not op 2) not unhealthy for the game

14 Jul


Originally posted by GoodHeartless02

Just gonna shoot a random question since we’re on strange champs going mid, nocturne has been more meta mid and I think you guys recognized that a few patches ago with a buff to his jungle, any other changes coming to him or is he just better played mid now?

We're still interested in making sure Nocturne is a strong jungler and his mid isnt overbearing. Right now Jungle nocturne is healthy, and mid/top are very strong.

Theres a good chance we revisit him and look for something stronger to make his jungle at par with his solo lanes.


Originally posted by dardios

I like the change! Nailed it!

Really glad you do!


Originally posted by LeAnime

Well thanks for letting me know that it is also for clarity purposes. That makes my opinion on the work drastically shift. I am sorry I jumped to conclusions. You probably already said it in a post and I skimmed over it. Sorry again if I misrepresented the situation. Going to edit the original comment to make sure people that may not read yours see that the VFX do have a purpose. I'm glad you are active enough to let me know my comment was misguided by frustration.

No problem at all. :)


Originally posted by lolleaves

I know this is mostly unrelated, but with what you said in mind, do you think it would be possible to give Evelynn the same treatment? Right now her Q's cooldown is reduced on everything except minions, and changing that could be enough to allow her to off-meta lane.

I think so, I know Eve's original designer was interested in that. It's the kind of change that has no guarantee of happening but I could see digging into it