League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Originally posted by WeRocksM8

Can we atleast get a ban ban on new champs (can't ban new champs) or blind pick?

That already exists. Draft mode on PBE doesn't have bans.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There will be a lot more extra dialogue in the epilogue for champs u have a petal to. The epilogue will release when the event ends

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JoroA

Thanks for the clear answer

... Hopefully if I get all 3 I won't get something like "so you are too cheap to spend anything for me"

The bonus scenes don’t change depending on how many you get. You get bonus scenes for any Champion you give a petal to. If you get 3 and give those to 3 Champions, you get emotes for those 3 champs and also bonus scenes for those 3 champs

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

U will get a lot more extra scenes then just the petal acceptance lines in the epilogue which won’t get added until the event ends.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Boy666lol

Can you maybe say 1 or 2 Things about him/her ?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Is Marksmen a typo? I know we have the "combo marksman" coming, is there a second or did you mean "marksman"

It was a typo


Originally posted by DragoneedM

how on earth did that ult hit thresh?

I think the very back part of thresh's hitbox was still within the ult. It was very close.

25 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by maulcore

Hey Reav3, now that both Lillia and Yone have been shown can we expect a roadmap in the near future before the Marksman? Or will the next roadmap happen after their release?

Current plan is for the next roadmap to be after the Marksmen


Originally posted by Minam___

If customers were like WT, then every business would be rich. Deviates away from PD to buy Hex. Buys PD and then decides hmm let’s upgrade it to maw.

Then Kobe praises WT for his maw purchase lol.

Lol yeah I hadn't seen a maw in so long I just thought OH COOL MR SHIELD and didn't even look he already had PD. XD


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

like i told you before, the art updates are something that he can do if he wants, but isn't a direct requirement of his position. its like a cartoonist working on sketches to improve themselves, and realizing that "hey, I can take this further and do something official".

u/RiotSirhaian here was saying that his higher ups were telling him that it's fine to work on these projects, but not to take work home with him. It's fine to work on the updates independently while he's clocked in, but outside the office/times is a no-no.

Basically exactly this ^

Ty for explaining, I'm bad with words. <_>


Originally posted by xMichaelLetsGo

Expect as you said in your post Riot says not to do this stuff and the only time you get to work on it is between projects on during your lunch break

That ain’t right. These are major improvements to the game they should be directing people as talented as you to continue to do this and give you scheduled time to do so. Not rely on you giving up your lunch break.

Well I obviously cannot disagree with that, but afaik, we simply do not have the resources for this currently, as you can see that we are hiring multiple VFX Artists at the moment if you check the Riot website. And we're already doing this simply because we do enjoy doing it, so honestly for me, this is fine. But I definitely see your point and agree with it.


Originally posted by xMichaelLetsGo

So you aren’t being paid to do this and being persuaded not to improve the game in this way by riot


That's.... exactly the opposite of what I explained: I'm told by Riot not to work outside of work hours.

We have not yet released her Eternals to live. RiotXenogenic can go into more if possible.


Originally posted by shekurika

dont you have a script to prevent unrealistic values?

I think we'll build in a failsafe after this, yeah. There isn't any circumstance where we'd want to set these values to 0.


Originally posted by EvidentlyTrue

Yeah, I am just joking.

I got the joke, don't worry <3


Originally posted by mackpack

100% = 1

0% = 0

95% = 0.95

Yup, this is how it works. It's a multiplier to incoming damage, so 1 = normal. and 0.95 means 5% less damage taken. 0, of course, makes somebody take no champion damage ever, which is what happened here.


Originally posted by Porosite

Have I ever told you how much I love micropatches. So easy to apply, easy to revert. None of that redeploy nonsense with needing to create new builds and force everyone to patch again.

I don't think I was around before micropatches, so I don't know the old way! I'm very thankful for them, though :D


Originally posted by KnightTea

why not add one for all only when a new champion comes out its not something permanent and it should fix the dodging problem.

OFA isn't something we're able to just turn on and it works. If we went that route, we'd need to dedicate dev time and resources to making sure the new champ is even playable in that game mode. And the team that would be giving those resources is the same one that is working on the different modes for live. This means even less RGMs or lower quality RGMs than what we put onto live.

This is only the current state of where resources are put and could change in the future when priorities change, but for now OFA just for PBE champ releases isn't within budget.


Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

He called me a HUMAN BEING?!


Yes. And?


Originally posted by James_Locke

Holy shit, the LEC has the best damn writers.

thanks. I wrote these :)