League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PM_Me_Irelias_Hands

Will we get extra-extra lines if we only give a single petal to our true and only love, instead of dashing out Premium Likes to everybody?

Sadly no, you will only get to feel extra in your heart


Originally posted by sedimental

Are these pick rates for SR or NB or both?



Originally posted by nayRmIiH

100% agree, I came off as really dickish without giving a reason why I don't like galaxies. My apologies.

Thanks folks. I'm not too bothered regardless, but I appreciate the reflection and call out!


Originally posted by nayRmIiH

Eh maybe I'm too rude, thanks for asking.

The synergies seem a bit one note but that could be me. Their not all that interesting (like celestials or astros) and even an interesting one like star guardians, rebels or mech falls prey to big flaws like items (star guardians), kind of eh synergy between units (rebels). A synergy that also feels awkward battle cast, the units are really funky for this one.

Some patches the same comps also go top 4 with the same units in play like last patch with jarvan and jhin.

Got it, thanks for the rundown. I think the Celestials call out especially is very accurate and would agree item dependence undercuts interesting play a bit for some other comps. Battlecast I think was an interesting test, with some parts that work well and some execution issues.

With you on balance having had some rough periods with comps being narrow in 10.13 and 10.14 in particular.


Hey, I'm glad it arrived! Thanks so much for your support for COVID relief and I hope you're doing well and staying healthy.

Given it's age, I think you need to smash two rocks together near an outlet to turn it on...


Originally posted by 2ecStatic

I hope this means we’ll see higher quality skins for champs that haven’t gotten one in a while, but I’m also worried if play rate goes down they’ll just go back to not caring.

Side note, thank god galaxies is ending.

We're targeting good skins for a range of champs who've gone a long time without one this year. Some of those are out already, a number more are still to come in the second half of the year. We'll then do a review of some sort at the end of the year, talk with you folks about where we think we caught some champs up, what we missed etc.


Originally posted by nayRmIiH

tfw only the TFT news mattered to me
Thank god, galaxies kind of sucks. lol

What is it you don't like about Galaxies?


Originally posted by Azramy

i'm a dum dum who can't understand graphs, is the surge for low play rate champs like kindred really that high?

Yeah, these are hard to follow the exact details on, especially without access to the tools directly unfortunately. In Kindred's case the number of people playing them has increased to 250% of previous values and the number of games per person is around 170% of previous values. A very substantial jump in overall engagement with them as a result.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mostdakka

I'm not sure if this is 100% true but I heard there will be some additional lines with people you have S+ rank once the last part of the event comes out.

Correct there will be much more then 2 lines ox extra dialogue in the epilogue for any Champion you gave a petal to

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Yaldablob

I think there is more dialogue once the event is over and you leave the spirit world, getting good byes from the champions you gave petals to

This is correct

30 Jul

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Nice, this is definitely what I needed to see on my lunch break.


Originally posted by kamikazecow

The mental gymnastics to soothe a guilty conscious is astounding. This guy thinks it's fine to support a support a country going full Nazi because he feels he can protect people in the west from privacy violations? Woke capitalism at it's finest, what a joke.

It's fine to work for Riot, but don't go around pretending you care about human rights of other countries.

I actually do care about the human rights of other countries. But I also recognise there's a limit to the impact I can have. I do the good where I can. I sleep well enough at night knowing I am doing some good rather than doing nothing because I'm not ethically perfect.


Originally posted by oioioi9537

more credit should be given to damwon for covering that lane excellently. other than the initial nuguri int, showmaker and beryl covered basically every dive/destiny gank attempt. big reason camille could stay relevant

big +1, DWG's draft was just disgusting they had 4 globals to cover Camille's poor matchup into Renekton and executed well. DRX had really no other lanes to play through other than Top


Originally posted by Coregazer

Thank you for speaking out about important issues like this. I think you deserve a lot of credit for that as an individual.

With that said, I'm still dissapointed that the team as a whole, who have proven they have collective bargaining power, aren't using it to do something about this. It's not unreasonable to assume that Riot could force tencent to allow it to purchase the company back by staging a complete walkout, considering most if not all of the development happens in America (as of right now, this may not always be the case.)

This is a complex situation and there's a lot of stuff that doesn't reach the public (nor should it). I can't tell you not to pass judgement on any one person, but you should be aware that you don't have the full story of anything that is going on.