League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by 2th

What I love about you isn't that you do good particle updates. It is that you listen to feedback and have an insanely quick turn around. The Udyr and Ahri changes this week alone show how awesome you are. You Gave Turtle shield its' hexagons back, you made the phoenix cone have better flames, and you fixed Ahri's charm within a day of those posts. You are awesome and if I could buy you a beer or other beverage of your choice, I would do it in an instant.

So keep being awesome!

Awww thank you!! Really glad the small changes helped alleviate some of the concerns while giving a bit more life to the skins. It's all thanks to your feedbacks, couldn't do it without that!


Originally posted by JackPoe

If I had your abilities I would never get work done. I would just be f**king around 24/7. Some people are not meant for greatness.

I appreciate your passion.

It's sometimes a challenge to focus on work instead of playing around hahaha.


Originally posted by Tricklash

Awww you're welcome!

I did a 28/5 KD game with your Xayah skin today, and I got to 300k mastery with it :D

Congrats! :D


Originally posted by JackPoe

Please god tell me you edited Annie's files to make that legitimately in game instead of just an effect added to the footage. It would be incredible.

Yup I did, was faster than try to edit it in post haha


Originally posted by mustgodeeper

Hey OP i think you tagged the inactive acc, it’s /u/RiotSirHaian

/u/Sirhaian is my personal Reddit account. :)

People keep sending me the link to this thread, don't worry! <3


Thanks for this thread.
As an udyr main, would love to see a major update, but i'm in LOVE with the new VFX. Thank you for supporting his awesome work!


I'm not too good with words, so I quickly made this tiny thing to thank you all. <3

Thanks for the support, it really means a lot, you've no idea.


Also just want to clarify that the hate was mostly just misunderstanding/miscommunication, and I didn't notice much from Ahri mains side. :)

EDIT: oh god thanks for the gold!!


Not only is he an amazing VFX artist, making some of my favourite skins come to life, but he is also an incredible memer, following up on my Nautilus meme in outstanding fashion, as well as incredibly active on Twitter, both as a Rioter engaging with the community, a memer (again), and as a political activist. I really respect everything he does and hope to work more closely with him on a project sometime.


He is an incredible artist and makes some of my favourite VFXs in the game, hoping to work more closely with him sometime as he's insanely talented.


Woah, is 415ms reaction time the fastest response you've got???

Because if it's not, I think something might be broken.


Vi’s Q -> Auto -> E -> Ulti

Learning the exact points in the anim where you can begin the next, all resulting in a super damaging combo that can lock up most carries that don’t immediately flash.

Also having a variety of thuds, smash, and pow sound effects really drive home the fantasy of a powerful woman with even more powerful giant gauntlets.

Originally posted by bz6

Damn, this was the thing I was at afraid of tbh. You’re right it keeps shit in check but don’t you feel the loss of this “qualitative feel” is something important? It breathes soul into the game rather than it just being so mechanical.

And we’ve kind of seen the effects of that. Patches are light af with few meta shifting changes. Yes, I remember in season 8 yall failed with a new patch cadence and went from one extreme (of meaningful changes mid season) to the other (dump all changes to pre-season).

Hmm id actually attribute light patches to covid more than this. Like it or not, productivity will be lower when you take a collaborative discipline and make it harder to collaborate

15 Jul

Originally posted by bz6

so you dont think these bounds hinder the creativity when it comes to actual balance levers? it wont pigeon hold you to making changes that will shift the %'s into the desired range of the framework?

they absolutely do, but we've agreed that this restriction feels more like being responsible your sh*t doesn't break the game (power wise)

Originally posted by Xyltin

I hope so. Else the game and balancing overall would become boring.

But why do you try to force Shen and Cait into the competitive meta? Cait is pretty boring to watch and we all know how unfun it is when she is so supressive early on. Why not targets Caits weaker mid game phase? And like 90% of ADCs are more interesting than Cait without having her problems. Even Twitch would be a better target for buffs if you want to shake up the meta.

And for Shen even a 60-120 HP shield would likely get him into competitive.

I have nothing against making champs strong for some time, as long as it doesn't make them OP immediatly. Cait will likely break the framework with these buffs. Shen also possible.

And why is Karthus not on the nerf list yet in Dia2+ he has a 55+% WR and 25+% BR with a decent sample size?

Are you giving him 2 more weeks to be OP before cutting him? I can see why sometimes nerfs due to the framework are delayed as it makes sense for c...

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D2+ tends to suffer from sample size making winrates low confidence, so we like to give it more time to gain confidence

Originally posted by TrololoIo

Yes, but the idea is to make it easier, center of the screen its much more natural then the corner over the minimap or side of the screen (which is even worse) and would make it easier to simply click on the ally portrait you want to ult, making it easier for the average shen, thus becoming the in between before the current preferred method of pro shen players to regularly cycle between allies using the "center to x ally" buttons to be prepared to ult where you know there will be a fight.
My full idea would be for it to show their circle portrait in a blinking red when they lost a big chunk of hp very fast (like 40%). The UI would only appear when ult is up and not taking dmg in a while.
I do realize the more differences from the original it has, the more time and effort it would take to add those technologies and the less likely is to be made cause of the cost opportunity, but I thought to give it a try.

its unlikely we would do something like this . its a core test of league that you have map awareness, and even more so on shen.

I could see us pursuing design changes in this theme (make it easier for shen to know when to ult) if we felt he was very harshly pro/elite bound (unplayable for everyone else), but hes not that

Originally posted by BlessedIsYe

Just like you include the pick rate for nerfing, it should also be used as a buff metric. Right now, you determine buffs in iron-diamond III based on win rate exclusively (<49.5%). However, Dr. Mundo has 1.28% pick rate in SoloQ with 49.5% win rate, so he doesn't meet the criteria for getting buffed. This is so wrong because not only is he picked <7.5% in diamond II-pro, he's had ~0% pick rate in this elo range, meaning that he's far and beyond unviable (useless) in the highest levels of play.

In other words, if he had higher pick rate, he'd most definitely have lower win rate (much lower than 49%), which means that he is deserving of buffs (QoL changes). Therefore you need to include pick rate in amateur play too, for example, if a champion has <2% pick rate.

Not including iron-diamond III pick rate as a buff metric is ridiculous, champs can maintain 50% win rate with 0.01% pick rate, that doesn't mean they are perfectly fine.

TL;DR: Pick rate, even in aver...

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you are assuming players to be picking purely for power and that power is not represented in winrate. i would heavily contest both of these. I think you've missed the understanding that players pick for fun, not power, and player perception of power is often actually a perception of frustration.

Originally posted by WordsAndRhetoric

While logical, does this not sound like you are forcing a meta? You're litterally trying to choose champions to place into viable champion pools.

yeah we do a lot of meta curating, mostly targetted towards pro, and mostly around worlds/msi


Originally posted by NovelAries

Is that the same reason the ball size was reduced? In the beginning of the video with the old vs new, the new Ahri ball seems a lot smaller, but it increases in size when she throws out her Q.
