League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

But the team needed to make sure that players would be fawnd of Lillia as a shy dan-deer-e.

Goddamned weebs. Anyway, this is all interesting from a development/background standpoint, but from the champion insights blog I kinda wanted more context on her abilities. Why is she a damage champion with almost no utility outside her R? Why make her melee? What is she supposed to build? What makes her a jungler and not a mid or top? How is the dream concept communicated outside of her R having a sleep? Are there no concerns about the visual and thematic overlap with Neeko? They probably would never answer this one, but any thoughts about the fawn centaur girls in competing MOBAs?

Don't get me wrong, dev insights are always welcome, but this just seemed to answer questions nobody was asking. Mildly disappointed that the concepts they hinted at in the roadmap didn't pan out, either.

Don't get me wrong, dev insights are always welcome, but this just seemed to answer questions nobody was asking. Mildly disappointed that the concepts they hinted at in the roadmap didn't pan out, either.

  1. Why make her a damage champ as opposed to a utility one? The core mechanic of Lillia is her Q's movement speed. It creates this hit and run pattern where you're constantly on the edge of your range, hitting them then ducking out. This pattern was super fun and felt like it fit the character, so its what we went with.
  2. Why make her melee? Technically she's ranged, but given that this hit and run pattern made for a fun character, we have to force you to get close to them in order to do your damage. Hit and run is much less fun if you can stay half a screen away while you do it.
  3. She builds Runic > Liandries basically every game. Then its AP/defensive items usually. Most commonly Hourglass > Deadman's >Visage
  4. What make...
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Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

But the team needed to make sure that players would be fawnd of Lillia as a shy dan-deer-e.

Goddamned weebs. Anyway, this is all interesting from a development/background standpoint, but from the champion insights blog I kinda wanted more context on her abilities. Why is she a damage champion with almost no utility outside her R? Why make her melee? What is she supposed to build? What makes her a jungler and not a mid or top? How is the dream concept communicated outside of her R having a sleep? Are there no concerns about the visual and thematic overlap with Neeko? They probably would never answer this one, but any thoughts about the fawn centaur girls in competing MOBAs?

Don't get me wrong, dev insights are always welcome, but this just seemed to answer questions nobody was asking. Mildly disappointed that the concepts they hinted at in the roadmap didn't pan out, either.

Hello. It me. The writer of this post.

Goddamned weebs.

I had to do it. I don't even like anime. But onto your more serious notes.

The feedback about wanting more ability insight is great, and I'll 100% consider that moving forward on these. I think, as a writer, I naturally tend to gravitate towards the narrative end because it's my craft as well.

I'm not sure I'll ever choose to dig into the items because that can change patch-to-patch, and I actually don't get to play the champions before anyone else. I'm also smooth brain gold, so don't listen to me.

Riot Maxw3ll's intention with her lower range AA is to not have her auto. Weaving her Q with her other abilities is supposedly the best way to play her. He wanted to give her a sort of run-in-and-out playstyle.

Regarding Neeko, yes and no? Lillia fits into a unique slot. While I can personally see some similarities (I even asked the team ab...

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Originally posted by entireteamdifference

Anyone else getting an "Error 404" when trying to open the URL?

Or just me :)?

Hey! Not sure why. Raised it to the team.

Edit: The web team is aware. Working on a fix. Sorry everyone!

Edit 2: We fixed bb!


Originally posted by jwinter01

Even in recent memory I think release Camille was way stronger.

C9 would pick her in support just to deny it from the enemy team without using a ban. I ‘member


This is insanely cool. You’re so talented!! I absolutely love the pose. Amazing work.


Originally posted by RocinanteLOL

Yeah for sure they still do it, I just feel like the frequency has gone down a lot. I think it’s partially because they don’t want to answer the same basic questions over and over seeing as they have a lot of publicly available answers to said questions already.

That could be a reason for some people. I personally don't like commenting on stuff I haven't worked on. I wouldn't want to be asked a bunch of questions I don't know anything about. I'd feel bad for having no answers


Originally posted by RocinanteLOL

Agreed. I just noticed recently that rioters almost never comment on Reddit threads like they used to. That was always one of my favorite things about riot. Sorry if I’m changing the topic a bit.

I'm sure a lot of us are here but don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said. When it comes to eSports stuff I've reached a point where I don't really have any of my own hot takes, but I really like to see everyone else's.

06 Jul


Originally posted by RocinanteLOL

Agreed. I just noticed recently that rioters almost never comment on Reddit threads like they used to. That was always one of my favorite things about riot. Sorry if I’m changing the topic a bit.

Gotta wait for the perfect meme opportunity, no use commenting on just any thread


That's beautiful, absolutely love it ❤️! Awesome work!! >.<

05 Jul


This is amazing! Love the art style


Originally posted by RedTeeRex

Maybe forced isn’t the most accurate of word, but sure for some feedback. To preface, I really don’t mind when the cast goes off topic - especially when players are farming up or waiting for the next objective spawn or whatever. But for this game I felt like you guys were on school theme, then committed to it like really really hard, and for lack of a better word it didn’t feel natural, thus, “forced”. Also sometimes I notice in your cast you change up your voice - lower or higher pitched - for any number of reasons, or do vocal fx. For me personally that comes off as forced sometimes. I’m closer to being indifferent on that than disliking it, but I definitely don’t like actively like it. (It’s not even a professional type thing, i don’t mind more casual casts. I just think of it like unnecessary, analogy being when a streamer forces an outplay rather than just not.)

One thing I really enjoyed on the game was the 300 spartans flavor. That was pretty seamless and added a lot...

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I really appreciate you taking the time to write this out for me!

I am definitely taking a look at removing or reducing the amount of voice change moments and I definitely recognize that this game was really packed with a lot of the tangential commentary rather than just a couple one offs as is more common. I'll continue to iterate and strive for better.


Originally posted by didimakeitdad

They missed 95% of it live aswell, being to slow to put it picture in picture then not showing a replay. Really disappointing to watch

As a fan, I was also disappointed to not see a replay of this. There are some challenges we are working around due to remote production, such as not having our base race feature. There are other work flow issues that challenge us not being in the same room to support each other and communicate optimally. These aren’t excuses, as we should have found a way to get some form of the replay into our post game coverage. Props to Captain and Kobe for their energy on the call, and we’ll continue to find improvements in our coverage. I have trust and confidence in the people producing and delivering the LCS broadcast. We missed this one. Apologies to LCS fans.


Originally posted by RedTeeRex

I always enjoy flowers, Kobe has started feeling a little forced with his color commentary, but I enjoyed the cast overall

Curious what you mean by forced? Thank you for the feedback.

04 Jul


Originally posted by ChipZeuw

yo ender, how are your headsets called you use for casting? model and manufacturer i mean

sennheiser hmd 26-11-100