are we getting a lillia champion spotlight?
I believe so, yes!
are we getting a lillia champion spotlight?
I believe so, yes!
I think what makes me the happiest about this is that it allows actual honest to god interaction with the champions we've become so accustomed to in-game, even if it's a version of them from an alternate universe. For instance I've always wanted to know more about Ahri's lore, and while interacting with SB Ahri may not unveil much about her story in Runeterra it'll definitely help me understand her character better in the long-term.
As someone hoping to go into narrative design in games the concept of Spirit Bonds makes me very, VERY excited because it seems like a great way to incentivize learning more about the lore of the game and deepens a player's attachment to the champions they hold dear. People meme on dating sims and visual novels, but if they do anything right it's making you care about a character.
Glad you are excited! If it’s something players enjoy a lot we may use the system we built here to do in canon story telling as well. Without the super anime art style of course.
But isn't Illidan Yasuo?
Don't you dare equate that sweet, handsome, misunderstood boy with the embodiment of pure 2edgy4u-ness. Illidan doesn't deserve such debasement.
Too bad it's not vampires, could use some cool Legacy of Kain skins
As someone who exclusively roleplayed on message boards as a broody teenage vampire boy during my teen years... Ye.
They are not a dream. They are the waking. A new Kindred skin has arrived on PBE!
Spirit Blossom Kindred is hitting the Rift with:
Spirit Blossom Kindred is set to be 1350 RP.
Spirit Blossom Kindred will be available to play soon on PBE! As with all skins we are looking for feedback. Wherever it hides. In the shadows. In the daylight. Where the feedback lives, we will chase it down. But we would prefer if it was in the thread below.
Update about toggle: Just wanted to let you all know that we know the idea of the toggle would be cool, but it's not going to happen for this skin. Lamb with a mask is an important in-game read for Kindred so we are going to be keeping the mask on in game. Showing Lamb's face in the recall and accessories is a cool way to incorporate this part...
Read more External link →You can't earn Spirit Petal progress in Nexus Blitz or what? It says on the Hungarian site that you can, but every other site says you can't
Yes u can
If you are wondering “How should I proceed?”, the answer is: proceed to PBE and check out this new Riven skin!
Spirit Blossom Riven is hitting the Rift with:
Spirit Blossom Riven is set to be 1350 RP.
Spirit Blossom Riven will be available to play soon on PBE! I know Riven can be a bit hard to catch, but she is susceptible to feedback so please leave any you have in the thread below!
Thank you for all of this feedback! Really appreciate it and the team has been going over it to assess changes. Here is what we are planning on doing.
New League class tying into the recent lore, Demon
Illidan wants to know your location.
So you'll be able to get multiple "favor" for each champion in a single game, right? Like if I get 20 kills and a penta I'll get favor for both Vayne and Riven?
Asking the important question:
Will I be able to kiss my champion once I achieve S rank? Because my gay anticipation for Human Thresh will be severely disappointed if Riot didn't go all-in on the visual novel experience.
Guess you will have to achieve S rank to find out. There are also special bonus narrative sections if you achieve S+ rank with champs.....
In the article Nexus Blitz does not appear in the part of the Spirit Blossom Petals, only SR/ARAM/TFT do. Is Nexus Blitz missing of it does not count once you have an S on the champion?
Yes NB will give you petal growth, looks like it was a typo in the article
I get that, sorry, but how many petals for an emote?
Each Petal can be given to your champion of choice for the emote, so 3 petals will get you 3 emotes
Can you earn enough favour/petals for at least one emote without buying the pass?
You can get 3 petals without buying the pass, and 5 with the pass
Hi, can you start all 10 stories at once to earn favour towards them all ?
When the event starts you will be able to start all 9 announced champions at once, yes.
If a player buys the pass later on in the event, but has reached Rank S with a particular champion already by that point, will the player still be able to gain 100 tokens retroactively?
Would appreciate a reply from a Rioter, since this was not made clear in the FAQ.
Yes, if you buy the pass later in the event you will retroactively get all rewards you missed
Only Ahri
All Spirit Blossom skins will have their own stories, edit for spelling
I wonder if we can do them separately all at once? Or do I have to finish Ahri's route before, say, I take Kindred's?
You can start them all at once if you want
Can we get an estimate on when the next road map will be? If the champ after Lillia is coming in the next patch, we'll be done with half way of the road map.
Next Roadmap will probably be sometime after the ADC gets released
In the article Nexus Blitz does not appear in the part of the Spirit Blossom Petals, only SR/ARAM/TFT do. Is Nexus Blitz missing of it does not count once you have an S on the champion?
Its there, its the next section after the SR/ARAM/TFT part