League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by Kyrond

she has a ton more MS than the average champion. She gains the speed on any ability hit (not just Q), gains it on hitting anything (even jungle camps), and the speed stacks. So when she's in combat, she fast.

Oooh so that is the playstyle. That does seem interesting. Why isnt MS the main passive, and damage passive tied to an ability? The MS now gets overlooked. Would also allow her to scale over the entire game, matching gained MS of others in game from dead man or Zeal items. Especially given she already has damage on all her abilities, so her damage scales through entire game and the passive is %max HP.

The movement speed scales with Q rank so she hits a more powerful midgame spike.


Originally posted by hpp3

Is her E infinite range until it hits something?

Yeah, but terrain counts. So its really hard to get to get the long range ones off except in specific angles.


Originally posted by Mister_Dink

She sounds really suseptible to invades. Does the movespeed boost help her escape more mobile and vicious jinglers like Lee, Elise, Rengar and Nidalee?

Yeah, if you have some stacks and aren't hurting too bad you can get away. Its obviously still not great, you have to concede the camps.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you expect her to be a broad or niche champ

More niche. The playstyle is going to ask for some investment.


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Is she ranged? What is the number as in Ashe is 600, Rakan is 350



Originally posted by MegaUF

That walking animation though...

0/8/0 Lilia: My gank is finished

Mid laner: but you did nothing

Lilia: Prances away

Me every time


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

Something the video is really underselling is the movement speed. It stacks up to 5 times and is granted on every ability hit. Her game is about keeping the movement speed stacked up and using it to play a hit and run style or roam around the map.

She vry fast


Originally posted by Strelocht

So she can roll her E all the way down mid?

Assuming you're past the inhib, yup! Otherwise you'll find yourself rolling it straight into a turret.

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Originally posted by bz6


so that is back to back "easy" to play champions, is the team still looking to making complex ones or?

I dont think Lillia is as easy to play as people think


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Is she melee or ranged?

She is ranged with 350 attack range. Think Rakan range.


Originally posted by _MNMs_

I was thinking this too. They mention how she starts shy (weak) and then gets brave (stronger) but nowhere in her kit does it show that. If they just mean that she starts at level 1 and then gets stronger because of leveling up to 18 then oof.

Maybe I didn't do a great job explaining this part: So her kit is sort of a metaphor for her gaining confidence. She starts out shy and weak, and has to run away from you (which she can do with the movement speed stacks), but as she gets stronger (items), she grows confidence (move speed) and flourishes (lol I stronk now bb). She scales really well into the late game, and prances along the rift, slapping you with her spells and putting you to sleep.


Originally posted by DryerIguana

Excited for cross map e's

Rolling it up a lane technically reveals where you're coming from cause you see the seed rolling in, but hell if that'll stop me from doing it every time cause it's so fun


Originally posted by doctordoodle

Nothing talks about the weird decision on the voice being scottish. u/Cashmiir any insight?

/u/interlocutioner should be able to help!


Originally posted by Borigrad

does it grant vision around the projectile and if so, how much?

not really. If you hit a champ you reveal them tho.


Originally posted by Churnsbutter

Rylai’s ever come in or are more defensive options better?

It can for sure, but usually you're so much faster than them baseline that the extra slow is unnecessary.


Originally posted by frann87

Sry so let's say she's similar to AP Shyv maybe.
Like farming till ultimate and edging the fight constantly while getting in melee only for the killing blow?

that description is pretty good.


Originally posted by Anni01

hmm since her playstyle is hit and run kite for days, is her q spammable like heca q?

not quite that low, but low. 4s CD


Originally posted by TheBobandy

Does is collide with minions?

yes it does. Although it has a cone explosion on the back half.


Originally posted by nyvec

She builds Runic > Liandries basically every game. Then its AP/defensive items usually. Most commonly Hourglass > Deadman's >Visage

I'm loving everything about this champion the only thing I dislike so far is the items you are suggesting after Hourglass. Building Tank with no Deathcap or Void Staff doesn't sound fun at all. Is it because her AP ratios are low?

Its mostly because her defenses don't scale well with the rest of the damage in the game. She hits a really strong mid game spike and needs to carry that through to close out the game, so mostly in late game fights liandries + passive + dark harvest do enough damage that you really just want to stay alive longer.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Something the video is really underselling is the movement speed.** It stacks up to 5 times and is granted on every ability hit.** Her game is about keeping the movement speed stacked up and using it to play a hit and run style or roam around the map.

Pretty fast. Not rammus fast, but she can keep it up for longer by hitting jungle camps.

Current numbers (obviously subject to change): Each stack grants 7-11% (based on Q rank) movement speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks fall off 1 at a time, at a rate of 1/second.