this is what y’all get for banning yasuo so much
Mantra E on whole team with ardent is very strong.
That’s pretty cool. I wonder why it was scrapped
Hey that's me. If it worked like Yone's E, it wouldn't really make sense with the rest of her kit because she doesn't have many incentives to move her body forward like this while being vulnerable, the incentive on this version of the kit was that enemies would be rooted by the tether, but Karma wouldn't engage in this gameplay if she would actually take damage, imagine walking face first into a Zed or ADC. I think this version made you resistant to damage or snap back if your spirit died or something, it was just leading to "Karma walks on top of you for a guaranteed root and Mantra Q's".
When your 0/20 yasuo-yone botlane carries the game... Best feeling ever
Playing around this powerspike
When he auto and does his abilties it just marks the enemies. Only when he goes back to his real body does the sudden burst damage appear as reduced true dmg
It's more like Zed's R, he does all the same damage he'd do without his E, but then when he snaps back it pops for bonus damage.
His body is immune to damage and cc lmao Only the shadow is vulnerable. A rioter mentioned this somewhere below
To be clear, it's functionally similar to LeBlanc W'ing forward, that spirit is Yone who you can damage and can damage you, and the body just represents the point he has to snap back to when he reactivates the ability or it expires. There's no separate health bars or anything.
Wonderfully written. Love getting to hear the care that gets put into these amazing works of art. When working on a champion for the most popular game on the web, it's probably hard to strike the perfect balance between making everything "lore appropriate" as well as "balanced". I always think about that when champions die in-game, like, what a bummer- the Aspect of War just died to a mushroom-loving yordle! So of course, while there may be many adjustments to Yone's kit in the future through patches and tweaks, it's fascinating to know the actual thought process that went behind designing our next favorite champ-to-ban (well, not before I get to try out a game or 10 with him ;).
Excellent work, Yone team! Give my congratulations to them when they wake up!
They've got the link to this thread and I'm sure are reading over their morning coffee!
I love game design talk, and one thing that Riot does uncommonly well is transparent and detailed thoughts on how they go about designing their game. It's honestly one of the bigger things that draws me to League.
As someone whose whole job is aligned around that, it feels REALLY good to hear it said. <3
But that makes it more interesting to balance, you can make people who itemize against it way less effected while having the ability be stronger against people who don’t. Or maybe that’s a bad idea lol.
(not on balance/design team!)
It's the same reason Zoe's E does true damage. If the ability double-dipped from armor, even someone with no bonus armor would take way less damage due to innate armor scaling. If you did 100 damage to someone, post-mitigation that's 60 damage on most carries with no armor; just scaling
If his E transferred 100% of the post-mitigation damage (I really don't know, I haven't played him), then his E would deal 42 damage instead of 60 due to having to go through armor mitigation again.
The alternative would either be to have the second hit apply pre-mitigation damage from the first (this is how Zed works) or to deal true damage on the post-mitigation of the strikes during the E.
I prefer the latter model because it means if you have a lot of armor or you simply use a temporary steroid to reduce the first hits, you actually feel like you did something skillful.
Come and get me u/Papaya_Dreaming
He will
Cashmiir is a hardstuck ksing support main?
What the frick is she trying to find in Bilgewater tho
Gonna leave this here. :)
Can you use your other abilities while in spirit form? Except the ult of course lol
U can use all your abilities including your Ult. E into Ult then return is really fun to cover a lot of distance
I'm so hyped for Yone, yall did a great job. He feels like yasuo but has his own uniqueness
I've done nothing. It was all his team. They're so talented!
What can he do during his E?
Summoners, Ult, 2nd part of Q, W?
We've only seen him use Q and AA during E