League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by Stormspirt

Overall magic champs are much easier to itemize against as they are gated by cool downs and usually have the possibility to miss. Adcs however consistently deal heavy ad damage which can be very hard to itemize against since it's constant damage and has 3 ways to amplify that damage.

This is not necessarily true because both Cassiopeia and Karthus apply heavy DPS.

It's because if you have a homogenous damage profile on your composition (ie, >70% magic damage), it becomes easier to buy one type of resistance to mitigate incoming damage and opens you up to having some picks picked against you that are uniquely good at mitigating certain damage profiles (Kassadin/Galio for magic damage, Malphite for physical damage). In the past it used to be an even bigger concern because you needed an ADC to take objectives or towers but that's not necessarily the case anymore.

Magic resistance items, aside from Deaths Dance, actually usually feel pretty bad to buy so it would in general be better to stack magic damage than physical damage - it's way easier for most champions to stack armor than magic resistance - but it's usually wiser to have a mixed damage profile on your team. Also consider that every champion in the game has lower magic resistance s...

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Originally posted by arborcide

When Riot foleyed it, I think they said they used a pig. But yeah, it sounds great.

It's pigs and Riot Sound Bear yelling into his mic!

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Originally posted by InspiringMilk

I still do not understand anything about the event. Where does it take place, who the people are, why the spirits are so weird, why thresh isn't creepy and why lillia doesn't like clothes despite wearing them.

The MC is a Ionian at the spirit blossom festival that suddenly mysteriously wakes up in the spirit world and is trying to find a way back to the mortal realm


Originally posted by RossBoomsocks

Never even considered abusing raptors to help with red clear - that is actually sick nice find

Hey! I watched all your videos long before I joined Riot. Good to see you here. :)


Originally posted by SolarSystemSuperStar

It didn't work :/

Here's the crash log that my Mac generated, if it helps.

Oh you're on a Mac! That config doesn't affect you then :( We're looking into this though - thanks for the report!

23 Jul


Originally posted by FlashnFuse

Sure thing! I compressed those files and put them here: https://gofile.io/d/OGTJsw

EDIT: I saw a different comment of yous about putting "DX11BetaTest=0" into the game config file, that has fixed the issue for me, it seems.

This should be fixed on PBE tomorrow with the new build! Please try removing the DX11BetaTest flag and see if the crash still occurs :)

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Originally posted by Simple_really

did zeronis draw these? that art style looks a lot like his

He did Ahri & riven


Originally posted by hockeydavid97

Guys I lost my watch and phone and can't look in the bottom right of my computer screen can someone please tell me what time it is

Something something Tanner Time?


when they are punished

You can't. We don't make it public when a particular individual gets punished.

You can submit the video to player support, but you won't be told if or when they get banned.


I sincerely hope you all enjoyed the first episode. Thank you to all my guests for joining.

Please share with your friends and ask for feedback, especially those that don't usually watch more than 1 or 2 regions. We want this show to be appearing to everyone and only comments and feedback can help is learn and refine!!

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you know what's SteveZAKI's artstation, because I haven't heard of them with that name


What corruptions would you recommend, and would that be different for raiding vs running mythic +? Also what was your rotation?

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Originally posted by TotallyBrandNewName

Funfact: The write of this event is the same that did fiddle bio IIRC.

I have seen comments like this a couple places and wanted to clear this up a bit. CarninvalKnight was the LEAD writer on spirit bonds, and he personally wrote Riven and Ahris stories. There was a huge team of writers on spirit bonds though and many different writers wrote different champions stories. Interlocutioner wrote Lillia's, for example and JohnODyin wrote Teemos. Jared (CarnivalKnight) went through and did a pass on all the stories to make sure it all had one cohesive voice at the end, but he didn't write the entire thing, as it's a pretty huge story.

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Originally posted by Severe_Star

Is there any romance in the main story arcs?

You will have to play them to find out :)

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Originally posted by TyTyWifi107

reav3 will oddessy ever happen again now that events are getting better? the oddessy gamemode was hype af and the missions were actually hard which made it fun to grind

Can't say anything for certain but likely not. The reason we pivoted away from PvE modes is we saw really strong engagement for the first couple days then a huge dropoff after people played it once. People just really want to play SR mostly, and it's really hard to create something that competes with SR. This is why we tried something different with this event, we created a meta-system meant to be enjoyed in between SR games, and that could be completed by just playing SR (or whatever game mode people want to play) Since that is what people just want to do anyway.

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Originally posted by JumpyPermit3

Zeronis drew all the sprites for the in-game event spirit blossom event but the splash arts were done by someone else. Oscar Vega did the concept art for Spirit Blossom Ahri and Thresh.

This is incorrect. Zeronis did the 2d Art for Ahri, Riven and a Mysterious unannounced champion, NewMilky did Thresh, Teemo, Lillia, and Vayne, SteveZAKI did Kindred, Cass & Yasuo. LoneWingy was the art director and created the overall style guide, worked on everything to make sure it had a cohesive art style, and she also did the 2D art for Ahri's Fox form

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Originally posted by L_Rayquaza

Can you get the emotes for all of them or is that what the petals are for?

You can only get up 3 or 5 (5 if you bought the pass) spirit petals which you use to get the emotes

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Originally posted by NotSoSuperHero2

u/Reav3 Could you help me understand something?

There are 4 ways of earning favor.

1: You play Aram or SR games, win is 2 points, loss is 1 point.

2: You participate in nexus blitz events.

3: You get points for playing the champions or even more if you use their SB Skins.

4: You complete champion specific tasks.

I want to understand the 4th one. Do I have to complete the tasks AS THE CHAMPION? Or can I do it with any champion? For example Lilia. Do I have to get 15 takedowns as a Lilia or can I do it with any champion?

Its really unclear because the task just says "get takedowns", and then says BONUS play as lillia or SB lillia. This confuses me. Do I have to play lillia to Get takedowns?

If the answer is no then my game is bugged, because I have been playing a lot of non SB champions but I do not get any bonus favor from the missions, just the wins and losses.

We just discovered a bug where some of the champion specific tasks were requiring you to play as the Champion, this is not intended and we are working on a fix now