League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Hey All!

https://imgur.com/P0HYxUt Pool Party Syndra is spiking on PBE. She'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Pool Party Syndra will be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

Edit/Update: I know ya'll have been waiting for this comment so here it is:

Starting with the bad news: unfortunately I must say we will not be removing her horn due to silhouette read and some players like the tieback-into her lore... however hope you all are happy with the following.

We've heard all your opinions and here is what we will be changing or adding to Syndra:

  • Adding sand to various VFX star...
Read more External link →

Hey All!

https://imgur.com/oPKNdCB Pool Party Heimerdinger is building turrets on PBE. He'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Pool Party Heimerdinger will be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

External link →

Hey All!


Pool Party Taliyah is rocksurfin' on PBE. She'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Pool Party Taliyah will be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

External link →

Hey All!


Pool Party Orianna is now on PBE! She'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Pool Party Orianna will be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

Edit/Update: Hey everyone, just wanted to update what's to be done about Pool Party Orianna: We decided not to change her hair color as we have plenty of hair color changes with her chromas already. Looked at the VFX & SFX suggestions but a lot of ya'll wanted to keep it how it is so no changes there. Might tweak either the model skin tone or splash skin tone pending approval.

Thanks for all the feedback, you all!

External link →

Hey All!

https://imgur.com/KineXCq Pool Party Jarvan IV is striking onto the Rift! He'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Pool Party Jarvan IV will be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

Edit/Update: Hey guys, told the team some of ya'll really wanted leg hair and while the votes were very close, democracy decided that Pool Party Jarvan was to not have leg hair. Sorrryyy to disappoint, cheers ya'll and thanks for the feedback.

External link →

Originally posted by sendcutefeet

That Olaf buff tho..

Dont you guys think he is a bit too dominating in the jungle? Most junglers CANT touch him

Olaf is one of those champs who feels insane when he's doing well and snowballing but is balanced in terms of winrate because the games where he isn't or doesnt manage to capitalize on his lead he falls flat.

Not to say that means hes perfect and shouldn't be touched, but rather than he's not inherently overpowered and in need of nerfs


Originally posted by winterspike

Sure, but then this is a nerf primarily aimed at top with an ancillary effect on jungle, rather than a jungle nerf that "tak[es] care not to scare him off top lane", which is what the patch notes imply.

Both Fiddlesticks jungle and top are worthy of being nerfed. If you feel (as I do, and the patch notes imply) that Fiddlesticks jungle is the more important role to target, then it doesn't make sense to pull the "damage to minions" lever, which disproportionately impacts the wrong role.

My prediction is that this nerf will have a bigger impact on top Fiddle WR than jungle Fiddle WR, which seems to be the reverse of what was intended.

Yeah I suspect that's just awkward phrasing in the notes, my bad


Originally posted by winterspike

The Fiddlesticks nerf may be top 5 most baffling balance decisions ever from Riot Games. Why is "damage to minions" one of their levers for balancing a jungler? It would be like buffing support Leona by increasing her damage to jungle monsters.

It's even more baffling because the patch notes explicitly state they're trying to keep Fiddlesticks viable top. So why, then, would you nerf his damage to minions, which greatly impacts top Fiddlesticks but not jungle Fiddlesticks?

Fiddle top was like 53%+, and Fids jungle does benefit from clearing waves fast for taxing and shoving

Originally posted by IcyColdStare

One of my favorite, unnoticed things about fleshing out a world/universe is all the great jokes you can make.

Walker and shade to you? You know Rumble's been sitting on that one.

The number of groans I got from Rioters when I told them about this one. I was giggling for what felt like hours.


Originally posted by Acegickmo

so how does this "broaden [the rune] so more champions can use them" if the change is only when the person not picking the rune cc's?

If you want to engage on the enemy but dont have a great way of getting in (think Sett) you can play off your ashe now and take the rune.


Originally posted by TopPriority5

PASSIVE Gain 15% bonus movement speed toward movement-impaired allies or enemies you've impaired ⇒ Gain 7.5% bonus movement speed when moving toward a movement-impaired enemy champion. Increased to 15% if you were the one who impaired their movement (There is no longer a maximum range of 1000 for champions that you have CCd)

Isn't this a nerf to Approach Velocity?

So it used to only give you MS toward enemies ONLY IF you ccd them which a lot of people didnt realize. Now you get the same MS if you've CCd them, but also get some MS if someone else CCd an enemy

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I'm not sure what this is, but it definitely isn't a champ teaser


Originally posted by MrTin18

Wait so can you use twitch chat there or?

Yes. If you select Twitch as your stream provider, you can also display twitch chat on lolesports.com. Look for a little chat icon on the right below the video.


Originally posted by LloydDRK

Dear Riot,

can I please chromecast watchlolesports? Especially now I want to view through this more than ever on my TV, but I am bound to chromecast either through twitch or youtube!

Thanks in advance!

If you are using Youtube as your video player on lolesports.com you should have a chromecast button inside the youtube video player. Additionally, if you use google chrome you can cast an entire tab of your browser to your chromecast which would allow you to have our extra stats up on your TV.


Originally posted by Roby98Top

U must watch or u just need to be logged?

You must be watching live and logged in on lolesports.com