League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Originally posted by RawStanky

HD longsword 👀?

I would be surprised if there wasn't some sort of HD longsword lol.


Originally posted by bz6

Be honest bro, how much of these shop changes are influenced by Wild Rift?

From art to functionality?

Actually, we've been working with those lovely folks for quite some time. We have different requirements based on our platforms and systems but have definitely learned from each other along the way.


Originally posted by TreePerson1335

Season 10s my first season playing. Do the updates and new icons come out when this season ends?

They will likely come between the current season ending and the new one beginning. It's a period we call the preseason where we test new things without impacting the game stability during the ranked season.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by La_vert

Would you guys ever be open to discussing specific champions that do not end up on the VGU poll? There are champion the community seems to want reworked, but they never come up in discussion with rioters. For example RiotAugust recently said that you wanted to rework Malphite, but found out he is very popular. Are you open to more transparency like that?

Of course, i talk about those kinds of things all the time with players, though its usually in reddit comments like this rather then big blogs


Originally posted by snowburgers

The "All items" tab got me a little moist, not gonna lie

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by Armagadon643

i hope that EVERY old icon is updated, because looking at the item roster there is a different artistic look between them i'd like to see these have cool designs for them old items (pickaxe, long sword, Nashor's tooth) and specially Void Staff i want it to have that "Void" look.

Can confirm that people are doin stuff with photoshop as we type.


Originally posted by FJvonHabsburg

I wonder what's up with 25 AP Rabadon

Lmao I literally typo so much its a meme with my friends. It's finally made its way into the public eye.


Originally posted by FJvonHabsburg

I wonder what's up with 25 AP Rabadon

This is just a UI mockup. The stats on that Deathcap are placeholder.

11 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

Negative post ahead and I apologize, but this is not a decision I'm on board with. Narrative has spent the last few years trying to make a sustainable IP. The last time Riot tried this, they were surprised Lissandra actually won the vote.

More, if this is actually a vote about a major event like Noxus vs Ionia (an outcome that the writers should have known for a long time now), then it just means current storybuilding feels much less valuable because everything writers are planning is ultimately subject to the whims of champion production and upcoming events and a community that, for the most part, is not particularly involved in the setting as is.

The odds of Yone coming out are just increasing the feeling that more and more Narrative isn't really in charge. I hope Riot Forge can still take some risks.

Edit: see Reav3's reply below.

To be clear, we currently have no plans to do a event where players vote on the direction of the base lore. This article was talking about AUs where we can do that kind of stuff and it can be fun.


Edit/Update: I know ya'll have been waiting for this comment so here it is:

Starting with the bad news: unfortunately I must say we will not be removing her horn due to silhouette read and some players like the tieback-into her lore... however hope you all are happy with the following.

We've heard all your opinions and here is what we will be changing or adding to Syndra:

  • Adding sand to various VFX starting with Q
  • Adding some transparency to the end of the towel-cloth
  • Adding a slight rotation to the beachball when it is idle on the ground from Q/W.
  • SFX addition of a subtle ball sound/slap on the Q.

We hope these updates will differentiate Pool Party Syndra from Atlantean Syndra (very valid comparison) and make her awesome for ya'll. Thanks a lot for the feedback!


Hey everyone, just wanted to update what's to be done about Pool Party Orianna: We decided not to change her hair color as we have plenty of hair color changes with her chromas already. Looked at the VFX & SFX suggestions but a lot of ya'll wanted to keep it how it is so no changes there. Might tweak either the model skin tone or splash skin tone pending approval.

Thanks for all the feedback, you all!


Hey guys, told the team some of ya'll really wanted leg hair and while the votes were very close, democracy decided that Pool Party Jarvan was to not have leg hair. Sorrryyy to disappoint, cheers ya'll and thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by Tekparif

hey data nerd, would you pls share some ball park data about the amount of players over d4+ and d3+ ? i seperated d4 because it is elo hell, prob you know so i believe there should be lots of stuck people there. we kinda see data around like %2ish of the players are diamond+ but what it stands for?


Hey Tekparif - I'm not sure if I fully understood your question (sorry if I misunderstood!), but I think what you're asking is, "how many people are in d4+, d3+, d3+, etc.?" or in other words, what is the distribution of players by rank?

I'm going to cheat a little and use op.gg as they already provide this data in a readily consumable format. Seems like for NA, D4 is about the top 2% of players, and D3 is about the top 1%.

Hope that helps!


Originally posted by HamScripple

Am I hearing things wrong or did Nukeduck just say G2 has a worse understanding of the game than Origen? Because if so, then I honestly don't have a response to that lmao.

Hey! Would like to jump in and say that this was Nukeduck replying to European analysts saying that they play too slow (we had them whispering it just before the quote) I apologize if this was not clear.


Originally posted by YamatoCannon

Frosk and Drakos synergy is too insane, was an honor to be a part of the show for a season and with the dream team back and a new studio it can only get greater. Will be watching from Korea with much love.

Love you brother. Just remember if you beat an LEC team at worlds im gonna have to pretend we aren't friends anymore. XD


Originally posted by S0fourworlds-readyt

Do you think Schalke will ever get to Worlds?

Let's just start with summer 2020, I think "ever," is a bit too hard for me to predict.

This is hands down the best split for any EU team to make it to worlds. The extra seed is a big deal. But as mentioned in the podcast FNC and G2 are basically locked in for worlds short of a total disaster, OG seem likely for one of the remaining seeds. So now you've got one spot and MAD/MSF/RGE/S04 fighting for it. (Obviously XL VIT and SK could surprise but let's take it one step at a time)

With that competition, we will need to see huge growth from S04 if they want to make it to worlds. You can call them a dark horse but it would take a lot of big upsets for them to make it.


Originally posted by Elymmen

what is your opinion on schalke's 10 man roster and do you think it is fair that lck and lcs have the same amount of seeds?

In the west I think 10 man rosters are purely lip service until proven otherwise.