League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jun


Originally posted by MyTeaSpatula

Hey /u/RiotDrakos, how come Frosk gets the Alienware m5 and you're having to rep what I think it a Latitude? With those LECtronic paychecks I'd expect you to have an m5 too!

That's my work laptop lol. We only had one Alienware on hand today. Hopefully I get one next week. :)


Originally posted by huntersniper007

with the tendency of fnatic and g2 to int in the first matches of the split, i feel like all the matchups on the first day of play this week can go both ways. would you agree?

No way I can say with any confidence that SK have a shot at beating OG in game 3. Outside of that I think its pretty fair to say that day 1 games especially are a bit of a toss up.

Biggest questions for me are SK and VIT. Do they level up this split? Or are they just punching bags like spring.


Originally posted by envisat_

What do you think about the latest changes to the elemental rift with the seemingly unlimited amount of blast cones with infernal drake? Seems pretty over the top from what I've seen so far.

I don't think the plant spawns will impact strategy in any meaningful way. If it was earlier in the game it would be a big deal but coming in on a rift change means I don't think it will do much.

I'm just hoping it leads to some wild blastcone outplays.


We went pretty quickly through each of the teams this week so if you have any questions at all feel free to shoot em my way. I'm prepping today so happy to answer whatever.


Originally posted by kjedlor

The studio looks sexy but it seems kinda small, it seems like the are in a cublicle.

Edit: Frosk you dont need to dance around the TSM drama, we all know they messed up badly, hell, Leena didnt even apologize to Dardoch personaly.

Much better for sound overall, this episode had some technical difficulties but hopefully you notice the difference in future episodes!

Also its way more comfortable lol.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks! I'll look into it


Originally posted by sephrinx

Why is it intentional that not having sight of someone completely negates your rune choice? Sight or not, you should get the movespeed toward them.

Minor runes should generally be fairly low mindshare and if gameplay on AV is Ashe fishing over walls with W and checking her MS to see if someone's there its pretty weird gameplay. Theres also some consistency rules with stuff working when you see them and not when you don't.

Also a lot of cc reveals, tho certainly not all.

All that being said, it's a tossup because if you hit your morg bind while they dip into a bush you should feel good about it and benefit from your choices.


Originally posted by Blue_Lucian_Chroma

Do you know if it’s intentional that AV doesn’t work if you’d CC’ed them while they’re out of vision? Tbh I don’t remember if it did before but there’s a pretty recent thread highlighting that and how it increases time spent hasted while you’re dead, leading to a misleading level of usefulness

Out of vision is intentional, the time spent dead one is a bit wack for tracking but I could look into just making it check to make sure you're alive


I think I found and fixed this bug while updating Approach Velocity to its newer version


Originally posted by MarioToast

The concept artist had a ball with this.

sure did

mundo is the best >:D

10 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PoolPartyTaliyah

But both Pantheon (pre-rework) and Mord were top laners, maybe a bot or mid is better.

If we had one that was as high priority sure, we currently don't have any bot or mids that are as high priority as Mundo. All the champs I put on the last voting poll where high priority and 4 were junglers with only Mundo being Top


Originally posted by DreamingDjinn

Absolutely! A few things that really struck a bad chord with me:

2) increase Mundo’s gameplay variance beyond landing cleavers

The only time cleavers are my focus are when my laning opponent will almost certainly kill me for getting in range--especially early game. A lot of my plays come from Masochism and outlasting my opponent. Canceling my auto-attack on the E is absolutely crucial in many cases.


It's why a lot of Mundo mains will take Approach Velocity in their second tree, and I see the recent buffs to the rune being particularly huge for him.


That's a bit beside the point, but the cleavers are merely something I use to get in range. Right now, he's working very nicely as an anti-AP bruiser. Not so much when he has to duel "real" bruisers, especially before level 11/Rank 2 ult.


Then, the approach to lore really bothered me. I've always liked this idea of a doctor who over-experime...

Read more

I play a lot of Mundo too, but mostly Jungle because players are so poor at judging the matchups and gank timing. I'm pretty sure Glenn has a good read on his gameplay (I think he's in the Mundo discord atm), we only get a few lines in the article to wax lyrical but I can see why that phrasing is upsetting as a hardcore Mundo player.

I'm seeing a lot of mixed opinions on what his story should be. I too remember him being snuck into the Zac promo material along with WW in their pre-LoL forms. Heck the 'M' concept was a bit of a throwback to the old beta Mundo, although maybe I should have given him dinosaur feet. But personally I think when it comes to experimenting on themselves Viktor and Singed have that beat covered. Rest assured we are talking about it.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hey Reav3, can we expect a rework thinking Dr. Mundo in two lanes?

With Fiddle's rework, we lost him as support. Going from tier S+ (3% pick rate) to less than 1% pick rate due to changes. Can we dream with Dr. Mundo viable as support (like Maokai for example)?

Or are there 0% chances and he only be defined as top lane? Thanks!

I think we will likely be able to make him work in both top and jng (It was much harder to make Fiddle work in Jng and support) Though we would be looking at top primary, and jng secondary if we can make it work

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you aiming Mundo to be a broad/popular champ or would you be alright if he remained relatively niche

We are targeting him to stay niche, we mostly want to increase his depth by rather then his breadth


Hey Jack, this is awesome to see! I love seeing fellow data nerds on here. The analysis that you did was thorough and you were thoughtful of potential biases.

A question I have for my own curiosity: for Gold and Diamond players respectively, what was the size distribution like for each of those "Time before Requeueing" Bars? In other words, what is the % breakdown of how many games are in the "Immediate," "Short break," and "Long break" bars for Gold players and Diamond players?

Again, thanks for providing such an interesting read!


Originally posted by fnaticfanboy121

Will volibear be avaiiable in the first week of the LEC?

He's enabled yeah!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Do you think Mundo will remain as a juggernaut?

We don't plan on changing his identity as a tank/juggernaut hybrid.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Was there any reason why Mundo was chosen over other potential candidates as the non poll VGU, since most of the champs you noted are showing their age as much as Mundo

Largely because we just finished 2 junglers with Fiddlesticks and Volibear and wanted to do a VGU on a different class (Top lane) to add better role diversity to our VGU line up. I mentioned it in the VGU Poll as well that we wouldn't necessarily VGU the champs in the order of most votes.


Originally posted by DreamingDjinn

I've been playing Mundo for about 7 seasons now, and have well over 1000 games on him. I may not play a ton of ranked, but my normal MMR places me against diamond players regularly.


I'm very concerned with this blog post, and the future of Mundo. I'm afraid of what they are going to do to him, and it sounds as if they have a core misunderstanding about Mundo and his playstyle. I wish there were someone for me to get in contact with, unfortunately I'm not a hyper popular streamer so my opinion likely doesn't matter.


RIP big guy. We'll always have the memories at least. ;(

We are reading the feedback here so you could elaborate on the 'core misunderstanding' if you want.