League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 May

Originally posted by transgirl995

a person at riot is a kat player

im a yuumi player :)

Originally posted by PrivateVasili

A champion like Ashe, Varus or Aphelios can easily be the facilitator of big moments just like Malphite with their respective ults. Its also just a clear division in the definition of what a carry is. The name AD carry came about because if you facilitated (helped them scale, and peel for them in fights) them, they would win the game for you by doing huge amounts of damage. That means that someone like Malphite, or the support role as a whole, must be a facilitator and not a carry. Malphite's 5 man ult (assuming tank Malphite), still leaves a lot to be done by his team, whether it be an ADC or someone else, he needs followup. It seems to me that the Rioter was more interested in categorizing players rather than champion roles, but even then I think there is a lot of room for argument.

calling them cannon minions was an exaggeration on my half to emphasize the point. Probably not the best public speaking (writing?) technique

league is a complex game and all players have many chances to so something impactful to the outcome of a game, even when playing a lower agency role/champ. but when speaking in relatives here, its clear to me that any champion that invests more of it's power budget in low agency outputs (like ranged AAs) is probably trading power out of higher agency outputs. when almost every champ is balanced within 2.5%~ of 50% winrate, theres only so much power any one champ can have over others. This is as much a discussion about player and developer understanding of the roles, as it is the actual role functions in the game - since misunderstandings about roles creates confusion.

afaik the term carry came about as more of a carry over (hehe. carry over) from dota carries, who will actually just 1v9 if left to scale (dota being significant...

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Originally posted by Caenen_

Sure wouldn't mind! Just a minute!

To quickly update on this, we found the cause and pushed a fix to live.

Thanks for your help!


Move speed, along with range, is a binary stat. If you are faster you can always catch and never be caught. In a vacuum nothing can be done about it. It also is constant in that everything uses move speed. Dodging, going to lane, jungling and roaming. AD doesn't do anything when you aren't using it.

20 May


Originally posted by Caenen_

I know this bug but I'll not disclose the reproduction or any details to prevent it from being further abused on the live servers.

I did point out the root for this issue that causes this bug to a Rioter before, guess it didn't go into the log or just sits there on low prio. Which is something it shouldn't do, for how simple/standard of a fix it is.

Also, you should probably add a video to this thread, so people can see what exactly Brand is doing to its victims! It's a dumb bug, but looks pretty interesting in action at least!

Hello! Would you mind dming me the reproduction steps?


Originally posted by Communist_Turt

/u/phreakriot is an apologist for ANYTHING riot does. He is honestly stupid with some of his takes.

Or you know, I actually did the math on the runes and said if damage was increased, it was through items, and left that part open-ended since I didn't research that part.

But whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. Don't let facts get in the way of your feelings.


Let's take a hold of our future together - karthus diem

I'll be your support and never get you blue, unless you're playing mid

Originally posted by takato99

Summon a Galio only if you miss the ult, like she does in the cinematic ! That will please the lore nerds too !

she didn't miss. she aimed with style

19 May

Originally posted by moobeat

was surprised to see it in game like that. i'd guess it's an oops but maybe this is just the future.

and i oop

Originally posted by ToxicNAPoro


lux ult is now global. width increased by 25%

ur not thinking big enough. Hits ppl in the next game at least.

summons a galio is also an acceptable response


Originally posted by SiorBubello






Time. Zone. Wasn't. The. Scheduling. Factor.

If I was scheduling this change to accomodate me being in NA you'd better believe it wouldn't have been at 2AM my time. :)

In all seriousness having a maintenance during peak sucks and we know that. This particular set of changes involved some critical data center infra that includes portions of both NA and OC, and taking those two offline together is a losing combo as far as time zones go which is why we did one NA day deploy and two OC deploys to try and spread it out.

Please know that NA being where Hq is doesn’t factor much into operations work. If 3am is the time selected to do something then that’s when I’ll be online.

18 May


These are my favorite threads! If you answer a few questions I can give you some recs:

(1) what are some of your all-time favorite games?

(2) what other PvP games do you play? Any specific characters or classes that you play in those?

(3) who are some of your favorite movie/comic/anime heroes/protagonists?


i play yasuo


why y'all think i started making tiktoks?


Part two is up! AEGIS: Ezreal meets Pantheon. :-)


Originally posted by Passofficeban

It would be crazy if there was some way to quickly communicate all of that with your voice to your teammates. O well, maybe in another 100 years.

Doesn't solve the problem. Even if I get on voice chat with my solo queue team they won't understand me. I'm a boosted ape.