League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Jun

31 May


Originally posted by Gadolt

Thanks for you insight on that, I really like how much love and thought is going into the game. I am absolutely looking forward to it after watching the new /Dev Diary.

Happy cake day :)

Ultimately all the credit goes to the art team. They did an amazing job and I think we have truly best in class artists working on Wild Rift.

As a researcher I talked to players and synthesized that feedback, but the artists did some amazing work, both in vision setting and execution, and definitely poured their hearts into this game.


Originally posted by UnleashedMantis

Wait... this is the first time i genuinely like a tik tok video.

have you... have you seen my tik toks?


Hey - I am the researcher on WR and hopefully I can shed a little light on this.

We did a ton of research talking to players, and at the end of the day, we think these models are going to be a big improvement, while still staying true to our Champions.

One of the things that we spent a lot of time really talking through is figuring out what exactly it means to be attractive, sexy, beautiful, etc and how things like exposure fit into those definitions. A lot of times these words are used interchangeably, so we really wanted to clarify what all these things mean, both to us as designers, artists, researchers, etc as well as to our players.

Attractive and sexy are things that players like - there will always be room for niche characters and non-traditional ideas of beauty, but for the most part attractive and sexy is something that players like in their characters. When you look at the new model of Janna for instance, she is beautiful and attractive. When pl...

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  • Yasuo Cosplay
  • Tiktok



Originally posted by [deleted]

We doing International or USA Covid reliefs? Maybe a 30-70 split in respective of International to USA just to insure we have a wide portfolio with our funds also picking Large cap over Small cap might prove as a safer option. While we are at it, maybe some Inflation protection in there as well. Not a financial advisor but I do have a phd in Google.

Jokes aside, I am glad you guys hit the 100k mark. To the future of the 1m mark and beyond. You at Riot are doing a marvelous job and the contributions of the community will help many in this time of need. Good Job all!

Diversification is key to solid portfolio performance.

Business business business... numbers?


Originally posted by Megalodontus

The real loser is Quickshot, who has to sleep on the couch tonight

I deserve it. I should have just told the truth and not tried to claim my wifes profile picture.


Hey guys!

Almost a year ago now, I was playing around with a mini Kog'Maw rework idea as a pet project, but I ended up scrapping it. Somehow, someway, a remnant has resurfaced and made it to Live; thankfully, it was just the tooltip.

It'll be fixed for 10.12!


Hey everyone! Kushnood here from the Riot Social Impact team (which we affectionately call "Karma"). We just crested over 100K in donations in the mid-season streamathon (holy guacamole!) and wanted to give some extra information into where the community support will be headed. It can be a bit confusing since we're taking a different type of approach and want to be as transparent as possible!

All money raised is technically going to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund at ImpactAssets. It's a US-based nonprofit that can allow us to distribute grant money internationally. We've got a few questions as to which specific nonprofit we'll be supporting and the answer is ... hundreds all over the world.

Instead of choosing just one, we selected two professionally managed "funds" at ...

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Hey, just wanted to hop in this thread and let you know that these are pieces of conversation I had with was having with Swain mains in their discord last year taken out of context. They are not a statement by me responding to the questions that you are claiming I responded to.

I've already posted a number of comments in the thread that you've linked, but I'd like to provide a bit of clarity in regards to the words that have been taken out of context/conversation.

Swain's rework intended to keep him powerful as a solo laner. As we (the playtest team back in the day) continued to optimize and understand Swain's strengths, we began to narrow in on where we felt was a good spot balance wise for his release, but then, we identified that he was actually quite a potent support. We then adjusted his power budget such that we had confidence that his mid lane was his optimal role. We acknowledged that Swain support was likely a viable offrole though. On release, Swain settle...

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30 May


Originally posted by StrikeZone1000

Nice, judging from the comment below, this community is still toxic, but you worked on KOTK so you shouldn’t have a problem.

Is there only one upgrade for the mastery emote currently?

Two maximum. More to come with each Series!


Okay listen, I instinctively pressed W knowing i could spell shield it and then didnt realize that i had no mana. I also would've lived if J4 hadn't flashed. Flash for flash is worth imo.


Originally posted by luranax

Personally no, a few people still can’t play but most can play again

OK, thank you. We're investigating this and I have no more information at this time, sorry :( Some players have reported that using a VPN resolves the issue for them.


Originally posted by luranax

My team couldn’t start clash because no one could launch their client, we are all in france.

Yes, I know the issues were impacting France. Are you still seeing the problem now?



sorry for replying in English, but I can't speak Spanish and I don't trust Google Translate to keep the meaning correct.

We were seeing an outage about 30 minutes ago up until 20:04 UTC+1. Are you still having issues if you restart your client?


If you're on NA, I'll play sometime tomorrow (Sunday) if you're interested!


Sjokz POG no doubt


Hey there! Sorry about the delay on this set. There's been a lot of data issues that we've been untangling. We turned them on for a few minutes earlier today, but alas...that just uncovered more issues. We're aiming to get a fix in on Monday!

Apologies again! You'll have to social distantly appreciate Lightcharger, Nixie, and Bellswayer in the meantime.


Originally posted by aldir_tony19

orn mains crying in a corner

Hang in there friends.