League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Because they funnel a lot into LWX. Teams like G2, IG, T1 can carry through any lane. Then you have GenG and DRX who can do the same on a smaller scale (cause toplaners not really that strong yet).

Lwx has higher gold share in games with Khan than with GimGoon


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

well yea, thats what im saying, but idk why people are pushing so hard for Khan for some reason.

Like even Rookie, best mid in world, cannot play weakside, he plays aggresive so u either play around him or don;t. he won't change.

"Weak side mid" literally isn't a thing lmao


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

I've never seen so many people defend single individual player than litteraly enitre Korean scene and now LPL scene (analysts and casters) that he can be weakside.

I don't think it takes away anything from him anyway even if he can't, not like he is bad individual player.

But using V5 as an example over 3 or so years of him unable to play weakside and shouting :" See, see , it's not khan fault!!!" Feels weird..

I've never seen so many people defend a player who literally gets destroyed in every lane while only being able to play 2 champions. But I guess 2020 GimGoon can press R on the jungler as Morde so he's great!


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Khan definitely needs more resources than Gimgoon.

And besides, this series means nothing when it is vs V5 lmao.

You just need to look at the drafts to see how much more limiting GimGoon is. And the opposition doesn't change that aspect.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Morde and GP are the best champions to Gim's style. But after the last series no wonder Gim needed a breather.

GimGoon's style this year is playing terribly


Game 1: Khan gets counterpick and 1 gank, completely destroys the game

Game 2: Khan gets blind pick Aatrox, gets a 40 cs lead (the opposite of GimGoon, who goes 40 cs down) by himself

Wow so many resources he needs


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Really hope that FPX doesn't only use Khan vs bottom tier LPL teams so that Gim can rest.

Rest his R button for playing Morde every game xd


Originally posted by Sindoray

And everyone expect you to push the turret, help with scuttle, dragon, ganking top and bot, warding jungle entrances, invading enemy jungle and escorting your own jungler when invading, stealing enemy blue while not getting your blue. And all of that while being ahead in farm, and not behind in kills. Also, follow up when the enemy mid laner roams, even if it’s Zed/Talon, but not fall into trap.

Yep. Mid is the strongest role but it's also the role with the most responsibility. Of course top/adc players always assume they are better than everyone else and only lose games because of counterpicks and teammates xd


Originally posted by Mew_T

Right before role queues I was actually thinking about quitting. It was so annoying to have to beg for my role every game. Glad it was introduced, people that say it was better that way have rose colored glasses, shit sucked for most people.

It was better in the sense that there were fewer crybabies who can only play one role and throw tantrums about it

29 Mar


My flash mentality is D for DO IT!


Originally posted by _heilshitler

about lb i may be exaggerating but talon definitely does that. his damage level 2/3 is just off the charts.

but still, i think lb is unhealthy for the game because she's just impossible to catch and bursts you way too fast.

Talon needs to hit at least 2 Ws level 1 to kill most champs at 2 I'm pretty sure.

LeBlanc doesn't burst any quicker than other assassins and has to be really frickin fed to oneshot people without hitting chain.


Originally posted by _heilshitler

lol just one shots you level 3 and instantly goes back with w healthy amirite

There's no champion in this game that does what you're describing


Originally posted by daryl_fish

Lol my favorite excuse is that he has a 48% winrate at most levels of play. As if the idea of a 48%wr champ getting nerfed in unfathomable. Nope never happened before.

The only reason his winrate is low is people trying to do dumb flashy sh*t that doesn't end up working.


Originally posted by MyUshanka






Originally posted by Episciencis

Man I love Flowers and Kobe, they're a great duo.



Originally posted by daverave1212

The attempted Leblanc and Rengar reworks. They felt more fair (Leblanc at least).

Does anyone really think Leblanc is healthy :(?

Way more healthy than reworked LeBlanc, that's for sure


Originally posted by KaisaorDodge

I'd agree except mages also have CC for some strange reason meaning if you get hit by one ability you get hit by them all which is usually enough to one rotation you.

Also what are you talking about not strong in lane, this has to be some kind of cruel joke. Why do you think some are played as supports?

List of mages strong in lane:


28 Mar


Originally posted by Somepotato

I'm not trying to disprove that point necessarily, but are you sure that the servers are definitely there knowing that that GeoIP can be incorrect? This can be determined with a traceroute/mtr -- I've no such IP to validate against myself as I'm NA

Yes, I'm sure.