League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Apr


Originally posted by Zernii

Morgana skin is either legendary or epic with changed animations.

Indeed is a Legendary. :)


Originally posted by Eludeasaurus

the absolute fear that was in the zyramains subreddit that she'd get a Robot/cyborg skin was so real and i had to mentally prepare myself because riot drops the ball a lot on skin releases for the 1kskin club. but im so happy its coven.

Did someone say Dunkmaster Zyra?


Originally posted by Shooktopus

Props to the Riot skin team for taking into account the player bases of Zyra, LeBlanc, and Morgana and knowing that all three share similar players and interests.

The fiasco that was Program LeBlanc definitely sent the message that LeBlanc mains didn’t want techno-futuristic themed skins, and I am sure the same goes for Morgana and Zyra mains seeing the three champions share similar player bases.

These skins are above and beyond what I personally expected. This is incredible.

We don’t always get everything right, but we do try to learn from the past and do better tomorrow than we did today.


Originally posted by 1998tweety

3 of my fav champs getting skins from a great skin line at the same time....I won

Really glad people are digging these. We’re trying to do better and better every year. Thanks for continuing to support us. :)


Originally posted by AmestrisV

I know, I saw that splash and it literally took my breath away. Art team did an amazing job.

The splash team is absolutely doing a killer job.


Originally posted by Belckan

Until new champ comes out and has half a map range on his ult to swap positions with someone and if they're CCd they stun everyone in the screen for 4 seconds.

I want nothing more than a League version of Vengeful Spirit


Originally posted by JinnDante

Mages are not worth it ? I am sure you don't play the game . Mages are probably the best class right now.

Not even close


Originally posted by Sepherik

Dear God. Who hurt you.



Originally posted by ChangeisGod

so ... can you actually tell me why katarina is problematic? like can you actually name something from the game that makes her broken that isnt "uh but 53% wr with relevant pickrate means she is too strong its that simple"

like where is the problem? she has a terrible laning phase, her daggers really arent hard to play around if you play vs/as her a few times and in teamfights she is also quite easy to play around. yes soloq is quite chaotic which makes that more difficult but thats about it

and low playrate doesnt really mean anything. even the champs with 1-2% playrate have enough games for it to be a relevant samplesize

If she's so sh*t then why does she win so much?

31 Mar


Originally posted by Who-or-Whom

Probably because she has the lowest win rate in bot lane and isn't even picked in pro play. She doesn't have a 50% win rate against a single bot laner in the game. She's been pretty bad for like 7 months now (give or take).

She's being picked a decent amount in LPL atm


Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

Witch is weird right? Isn't JG super OP according to this sub?

Jungle is a role that you really have to dedicate yourself to. It's easily the worst role to play as a secondary so there's fewer people queuing up for it compared to the others.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Holy hell you're entitled


Does LB look way too young to anyone else?


Originally posted by Blasterdon

Or the "hesitantly". Basically spitting at Riven mains just to appease NA silvers cus they hate the champion

Boo hoo their champion gets to be not great for a while, big f*cking deal


Originally posted by Drakkros

Your worst decisions will haunt you >:(

Used to be a square. Then I embraced the darkness WOOHOO


Originally posted by Fencing_fenrir

I don't know how people can stand maining standard crit ADC's. Playing Jhin/Lucian/Ezreal is far more satisfying than Jinx/Xayah/Sivir imo.

I queue bot secondary and pretty much only play Senna and Syndra. Easy and fun.


Originally posted by NovelAries

Shes in a weird spot with a decent pick rate, but her banrate is always high lol

i don't care if morgana is meta or not, if i am playing support i will ban her because she just makes Rakan so useless :(


Originally posted by xef234

excpect buff for these champions... guess ill start permabanning leblanc again

You can sleep easy, there's no way LB is getting buffs


Originally posted by Ziraelus

So fourth skin for LB with similar look and color pattern (Elderwood,Ravenborn,IG and now this)

That's a stretch lol