Absolutely! A few things that really struck a bad chord with me:
2) increase Mundo’s gameplay variance beyond landing cleavers
The only time cleavers are my focus are when my laning opponent will almost certainly kill me for getting in range--especially early game. A lot of my plays come from Masochism and outlasting my opponent. Canceling my auto-attack on the E is absolutely crucial in many cases.
It's why a lot of Mundo mains will take Approach Velocity in their second tree, and I see the recent buffs to the rune being particularly huge for him.
That's a bit beside the point, but the cleavers are merely something I use to get in range. Right now, he's working very nicely as an anti-AP bruiser. Not so much when he has to duel "real" bruisers, especially before level 11/Rank 2 ult.
Then, the approach to lore really bothered me. I've always liked this idea of a doctor who over-experime...