League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Hi! This is an example of disingenuous, alarmist, bad math. Shame on you for giving it a 96% upvote ratio, League subreddit.

  1. "Look at the gold efficiency I calculated without using all of the stats!"
  2. "Look at me comparing it to a different item with no regard for those differences!"

For reference, the item is just over 110% gold efficient at max stacks. Obviously the OP doesn't want to say that. Turns out not accounting for 5 ad (175 gold) on a cheap item is really meaningful. Who would have thought?

Armguard is also not "nearly 160% gold efficient" unless you're in the habit of rounding to the nearest 40%, which no reasonable analyst would. It's ~151%. If you had any goals other than delivering the most biased drivel possible, you'd probably say something like 150% gold efficient, but YOLO, I guess.

Jaurim's also stacks faster. 20 minions vs. 30. It's not a massive difference but it's there. It also builds into more items: Mall...

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10 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


We made a minimum "floor" of $40,000 for regions. Meaning, the most voted org, will get $20K and the other two will still get $10K each


Originally posted by sarahbotts

Would be nice to see how these specific ones got picked and the reasoning behind it.

Charity Navigator:

There's a couple of factors at play when we try and select nonprofits for these types of campaigns. We first try to use what players tell us is most meaningful and important to them based on their region through surveys and research - we want to make sure that we're picking issues that are important to you all, not just us.

Then there's a whole ton of fun regarding legal, financial, impact and governance evaluation to finalize the selections.

While we look at overhead ratios of nonprofits, we find it doesn't tell the whole story of where an org is, what they're doing, and the impact they're making. Our usual standard is to review 2 - 3 years of financial statements, as well as other factors to determine both the capacity and potential impact of a nonprofit.


Originally posted by Riven2main

If he is anything like Sett then I am gonna quite league for a while, halve a year probably. because I want nothing to do with a juggernaut like that.

You leave my sweet baby boy Settrigh alone, you MONSTER.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ZERXOK

I think they do a bad job, but so does pretty much every other game designer. Game designer and people in general suck at balancing games.

If everyone who does a thing professionally seems to be bad at it, I think that implies that either the job is very hard, the standards set forth are unachievable, or both.

That said, we'll always try to get better and meet players' expectations.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I think it's inevitable that some champions will feel out of whack for some players when we have a game that's as complex as League. Glad to hear you're feeling good about it.


Originally posted by The_Level_15

While you’re granting wishes, please tell me you’re giving Evelynn the hybrid scaling that was removed with her rework, since it was such a huge part of her champions identity

I am but a lowly meme regurgitating writer who has played like 4 games of post-rework Eve and never pre-rework. So I cannot help. D:


Originally posted by MaticPecovnik

Its very interesting that these audio issues just wont go away. They have 45 min during each game to make sure everything is ok, but the production keeps failing.

Production didn't fail this one, I messed it up. I didn't understand the system. For context discord is used as the platform for us to communicate with each other. While production pulls our audio for show through a different program that's run at the same time. Deficio's audio was fed to me through the secondary program but I failed to realise that and assumed I needed to buy time for a technical issue that wasn't actually happening.

Our production is always looking to step it up but this time it was my mistake not theirs.

Hope it wasn't too distracting from the discussion we had.


Hey, today I decided to go for a bit of a different style than the one I've been experimenting with this spring (more humor/banter) and went full serious mode for the gravity of playoffs. Trevor and I wanted to focus in on the top and jungle matchups especially (got some really great support from the games there too so that was nice) and tried to dive deep into them. Top for game 1 and jungle game 2 mostly. I wanted to make sure that we kept things focused and if we went for any jokes it would stick to stuff on screen so we wouldnt get any animal crossing tirades which I hope you appreciated. Anyways just wanted to check in here and ask how you felt about it. And hey, at least we got some action towards the end there.

PS: I'm like sorry I say like to much. I'm from California and its like all we do. I'm working on it :)


Originally posted by FuchsGewand

Why do I have the UK votes when im from germany? My client is english but still, shouldnt it be based on IP ?

Unfortunately, we had a lot of technical limitations with geo-targeting for the voting hub. The voting selections will come up as the native language. I'm sorry, it's not ideal


Originally posted by Gordo778

It’s just lame to have these convos with you every week my man, remember last week when MAD Lions made an excellent flank play and your entire cast for the play was repeating “This is bad for MAD Lions, this is bad for MAD Lions” over and over again?

Honestly just feels like you’re not paying attention quite a bit of the time, which is shitty for the viewers. If you want to make fun of me for being “triggered” for calling that out, go ahead I guess.

Edit: And in game 2 you pause the whole cast and do a whole “drumroll” to repeat what your cocaster says verbatim, kind of exactly what I’m talking about in regards to not paying attention.

Maybe you just don't like my style? Not all casting has to make every single viewer happy. I had several folks messaging me saying they enjoyed the joke, I'm sorry it's not to your taste, but I truly do appreciate the feedback. Just remember this is an entertainment product as well. I actively make choices about what I want to say and do, and I'm feeling pretty happy with the 3 games I've cast so far :D


Originally posted by Ashtarr

What's up with Ender today? He's been great.

I'm trying to go for a clean, full serious mode cast, for playoffs. Glad you are enjoying it :)


Originally posted by c9isbetterthanskt

You'll always find something to complain about. Its based on skin sales, the larger regions will undoubtedly donate much more than $10k.

You're correct - the actual charity pools are based on a proportional basis. We wanted to just make sure that all non-profits are getting a baseline of support


Originally posted by DudeToManz

please tell me you are releasing teddy bears of voli very soon as well



Originally posted by DudeToManz

define very soon please :)

Is now soon enough?


Originally posted by Gordo778

Quickshot is such an awful caster. How hard is it to look at the screen when nothing is going on? Giving a whole speech about how Inspired has only 1 mark when he, in fact, has more than 1 mark. Talking about how important ocean soul is going to be when we’re on cloud map. It’s right in front of you! You have the information, just look at the screen!

<3 Thanks for the feedback, I actually can't log into the client super easily while broadcasting from home and rely on production team to feed me information while casting hence the small mistake about 'one mark'. He had 2 when I said 1, and the point was really that 1 or 2 at 24+mins isn't great ;) That was the main point I was trying to address.

I also am extremely confident I said cloud soul but may have said have an ocean and infernal drake :P If I did have a MINOR misstep in wording, so sorry it triggered you so badly.


Originally posted by HoodedRS

I think the casters got Kassadin so wrong. Kassadin isn't Kayle that becomes this powerhouse at level 16. Kassadin power comes from 3 core items (nukeduck should've bought Zhonyas instead of Lich Bane). If you finish those items lets say at level 14, you can carry fights as easily as level 16 kassadin.

E: Good Kassadin players don't use ulti for damage, they use it mostly for flanking like Nukeduck tried to do. That's why Zhonyas is important, once you go in, you need those extra 3 seconds to get out. Kassadin's job is to set up fights or finish off backline. Props to Rogue for countering Renekton and Kassadin with Tahm pick, good choice.

I agree with you that three items is massive for Kassadin, but 16 is also crucial. Not just for the damage, but the cooldown. It goes from 3.5s to 2s (further reduced by cdr) which makes him insanely slippery in fights and allows him to play much more aggressive. This means his damage can skyrocket because before 16 while his burst is insane (thanks 3 items) its harder to jump into multiple enemies.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rambling2

I hope they got all this info from Riot giving them the blog post early so they can make an article about it and they just released it a bit early, cus some of the wording here implies there should be a blog post on the website itself

I hope they don’t resort to news sights to replace Blog posts

There will be a blog post very soon


I'm logging in ok on my home wifi https://twitter.com/RiotSupport